Watch An Entitled Bitch Mom Become A "Karen"
Katie Sorensen had it all (seemingly) in northern California. So what did she do? She casually accused a Hispanic couple of trying to abduct "her beautiful children."
If you need backstory on this case, start here.
To briefly summarize:
In December 2020, this lady (Katie Sorensen) went into a Michael’s in northern California.
She later claimed a Hispanic couple tried to abduct her kids.
The cops did some research and realized no one tried to abduct her kids.
She went from 3K to 80K Instagram followers in the process of posting about her “ordeal.”
Once the Hispanic couple was cleared, the cops hit up Katie.
In June 2023, she got 30 days and 60 days work release.
Now the good people at Explore With Us have all the body-cams associated with this case:
Let me give you a couple of highlights from this:
When Katie goes to the police station to report the situation (“the ordeal”), a cop asks her why her kids might have been targeted. She responds: “Well, they’re very attractive.”
Watch how she describes the incident to cops, then watch how she posts about the incident on Instagram. (Both in the above video.) A lot of differences.
The cops come to her house about a week later. They have looked at security footage and talked to people inside the Michael’s. They confront her with some of this. She starts back-tracking and saying, “Well, I just want other parents to be safe…” She then also produces an Instagram DM from another mom who thinks that parking lot is sketchy.
It appears Sorensen has three kids, one of whom she classifies as special needs. Two of the three kids are wandering around and/or screaming as the cops are there. Her husband, who I would assume screams at her at least five times per quarter about how much he provides for her, comes home and instantly tells her: “People are trying to reach you! Use your phone!” He then realizes the cops are there. Instead of taking the kids inside the house so she can talk to the cops, he basically disappears, then reappears to say “Tell them about when you were looking at the spray paint inside the Michael’s.” Meanwhile, the kids are still running around and screaming and kinda feral. Why can’t the husband help with that?
This case was sold many times as “entitled white woman gets bored,” and ironically, in the body-cam above, she tells the cops that she “listens to a lot of true crime podcasts.” I bet she does. I’d see this more as Instagram Mom feels trapped, husband offers nothing but income and three kids, COVID created lots of anxiety and mental health drops, and she decided to have some fun and rake some Hispanics over the coals. The charges aren’t there to give her five years, which is sad, because five years is about what she needs to get her shit right.
Instagram Motherhood basically has pulled true motherhood — wanting kids for the sake of raising them, developing them, sharing in experiences with them but not being their best friend in the process — into the sewer. Kids become a prop, and/or like Pokemon (“When will I get my boy?”). And then these moms feel bored and trapped, so they do shit like this. It's honestly kinda disgusting. But, none of it should overtly surprise you.