The comment about “it takes a village” was apt.

I bullied relentlessly from 3rd grade until around 9th grade for being effeminate and smart (talk about lethal) then suddenly at puberty I developed a linebacker build. I also had a group of gay friends by then.

Before then I had Mom and Dad, mom was bipolar depressive and Dad was an alcoholic. But I had aunts and uncles and cousins, and teachers who watched out, and the librarians and the people at Radio Shack; and the mothers and fathers of friends… I was fortunate I never felt alone even when dad was passed out and mom was locked in the bedroom again. My aunt picked me up and I had a hot meal and a hug and a kiss.

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Man…this one is tough for me. I think about this often. My son is 7 and has had some wild things happen at school over the last two years. Sometimes I wonder why I need to have certain conversations about violence and guns and stuff like that with a second grader. I never shy away from it though. In our house we are very involved and believe that giving our kids as much self esteem, problem solving skills and communication skills along with some grit will help push them through these tough years through the public day care lol.

I honestly would love to jump in a chat with parents that are adults about these topics and care to discuss deeply, I think it may help us lessen these things. At the very least it should help with giving us a chance for understanding.

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