It's the BIG lie of progressive feminism that she can have it all... well she can't. Want to have a career...fine don't have children/get married... want to get married/ have children.. fine... don't have a career. Women simply CANNOT handle the high stress levels that men can. Somethings gotta give. Frankly it's not the man's fault that she has been suckered into this modern trap. And there is little we as men can do to alleviate this overload of stress long term. This is why 80% of divorces are initiated by women. They think if they can just eliminate the man/husband stress it will all get better... and it will for a few months. BUT now She has to take care of the household and the children and the job.. and all the stuff HE used to do.... KABOOM!!!!! And top it off.. He has found himself a new honey. Women are fools for buying into the feminist lies. And they are fools for blaming men for their choices.

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I do think the third wave of feminism missed the mark by several miles.

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I want to hear more about how this Justin guy tortures you by his existence. 😆

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He doesn't. It's just depressing to me is all. It's my own failings.

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so many thoughts on this piece, and I don't know how to corral them to make a point! ha ha !

If I boil it all down, the biggest killer of happiness in any mum / wife, is resentment.

Of the man being able to have head space, and switch off when required. But the woman has to be "ON" - 24/7. Decision making fatigue is a real thing, as is guilt for taking time away from the family to look after yourself, instead of putting everyone else's needs above your own.

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No lies detected.

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I am so tired of reading about men not holding up their end of the domestic burden and forcing women to work and take care of the kids and grocery shop and cook and blah, blah, blah. To a man, any of the husbands I know whose wives work, help out in the home, because I see them in the grocery store, have eaten meals they made, seen them on playgrounds and baseball fields with their kids, sat with them at back to school nights, etc. Stop painting with a broad brush and realize that not every woman is telling the truth about their miserable home life.

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I know men like this too. I just don’t think it’s the majority.

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Why not examine women who don’t work and are supported by their husbands and yet decide that they are “unfulfilled” by being a mother and wife and choose to divorce their husband, take the kids and live on alimony and child support while turfing the kids to a nanny or childcare? I know a lot of those women.

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I have done that!

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I’ll have to look back then!

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I see a lot of disrespect on both sides of the marriage wars toward the other. Somewhere we have lost the ability (much less the desire) to see things from the other’s point of view.

For instance, I read one article from a feminist that said that men need to “stop being conditioned to need sex to feel loved”. I think this is just completely off the mark. Certainly men can, and should, be conditioned to stop _demanding_ sex from their partners. But the tie between sex and love for a man is baked into the hardware. Many women just refuse to understand that with any degree of empathy.

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