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I don't think you are bitter, nor complaining. It is an honest lament. Masculine loneliness is real. I know too many guys struggling with it. There was a news story about a farmer who died by suicide, because he couldn't keep his family farm going. The failure of not being able to provide drove him to take his own life. His wife started a support group to try and prevent what happened to her husband. Also, the church can be a drag at times. Sorry you struggling with the child thing. Childlessness can be hard on the men too. Glad you are vulnerable about this. All I can say is God never thought you were less than a man, because you can't produce, whether it's children or finances. All God cares about is your heart. Cry out to God like David did (read Psalms). I'm not saying it will all be better. But God won't ever leave nor forsake you. I have had to humble myself and ask God for help. It goes against what we are taught masculinity is. But, If David can do it. Why can't we.

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