So young men going right-wing is some response to absentee fathers? Oh I admit us men have fallen short of our duties but I shall share some of my "anecdotal" experience trying to raise children:

Guy gets married, has a child, wife seems happy but says she's bored, guy pays for wife to go to college after daughter starts preschool, wife is again bored and starts banging classmates, upon graduation wife decides to "find herself" and move out, divorce soon rolls around and guy has to literally pay 30k for her "fair share," ex-wife spends the next 15 years doing her best to poison relationship between guy and daughter. We wonder why men are absentee.

No-fault divorce, feminism, individualism instead of family as the basic social unit, gender ideology. Masculinity is not toxic. Boys DO NOT need amphetamine salts to act normal. Frankly the problem is largely our fake and ghey Enlightenment materialist nonsense.

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Is this what happened to you?

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Yes, I'm always told my life experience is anecdotal rather than empirical. I'll admit that I had my part in the marriage failing but I literally had to buy my ex-wife out of my house and retirement while paying off her vehicle and paying $200 a month in child support for a nurse that made far more than me after a few years. She dragged me into court and had me drug tested when my daughter snuck out of the house to meet a boy (13 year old daughter claimed weed smoke made her sick and she left) then tried to press charges when I removed my 15 year old daughter's ear gauges. People literally have no idea until they play with the System. My daughter is still mad that I chose my wife over her in a childish dispute; I haven't seen my grandson in 3 years because I was forced to make a pyrrhic choice.

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I mean, I definitely feel empathy for you. And I do think the legal system sometimes is very pro-woman (which is theoretically logical), but it often doesn't take specific context into account.

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My ex-wife also played the credential game when she took me to court the first time. The judge actually allowed her to speak for my daughter who was absent. I was called a liar in court by the judge. I still relish the negative drug test results and basically an apology letter from the circuit court judge.

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It was a dice roll, spend thousands to fight her or spend thousands to buy her out.

It's more the perverse incentives of our System. The true question is how do we restore a system of family formation where everyone plays the role nature assigned them? Fathers need to be involved. I did the best that I could. I made dinner most nights for both of my marriages (Gen x women can't cook).

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Parents are so painstakingly thorough raising girls. Why? Girls get pregnant, boys don't (left wing trans fervor to the contrary notwithstanding.) Boys need parenting, not being set loose at puberty to run in packs. That takes a father, and if one thing feminism has messed up, that's it.

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You wrote: "Women assume most of the domestic labor and “raising of kids,” mostly because men hide behind “I’m making money / I’m a provider / I’m a family guy”"

You forgot that men are also the disciplinarians, the one who changes the engine oil, mows the lawn, and patches the roof. Women and feminists ignore the male contribution.

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I'd argue that feminism is still the root cause of all of this. Feminism has told men "back off, we are all equal, you need to sit down and shut up, your masculinity is toxic, how dare you try to be the leader of a household, how dare you put your foot down and have principles, that's *patriarchy* and I won't allow it".

Most "nice" men respond to this by saying "OK" and meekly letting their wives run roughshod all over them.

This shit needs to stop. Women *are* better at raising very young kids, they've learned to short-circuit evolutionary fitness by using Equity to get all of those kids to adulthood regardless of fitness.....

However, it is the man's job to curtail the Equity in favor of Excellence. This has to be done in balance, but eventually the mom has to win by losing. She has to protect her children until it is time to not, at which point she has to lose by sacrificing them to the World. She actually wins by ceasing to do her job. It is the dad's job to prepare these children for the travails of living in the World, and this is why he must curtail the Equity with Excellence. This is also why he has almost no role in the beginning of the child's life, and an outsized role once the child reaches maturity.

This is how we know we are actually living in a Matriarchy, not a Patriarchy. It's the elevation of Equity over Excellence. Imposing Equity in society can only come from the Feminine, it's misplaced maternal instinct. If women were having as many kids as they did historically, they wouldn't have the time or energy to impose Equity on the world, because they'd be too busy using it to get their kids to adulthood.

So yes, men need to step up and parent properly, but that very often means checking the worst impulses of the Feminine. It means reimposing a kind of Patriarchy, the best kind. It's time for men to step up and be Wise Leaders in their family units.

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Just so we’re clear, you believe that fundamentally men should be in charge of households, that they have some type of innate qualities/abilities that mean they are superior to women?

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