Football as religion is actually quite compatible with Christianity (maybe other religions as well) because anyone who’s witnessed a player thanking God for a touchdown knows that God is a big fan. But God has both a sense of humor and of suspense regarding His involvement with the game. You see, almost all those touchdowns God grants willy-nilly are feints, head fakes if you will. You don’t get to know which team’s touchdowns are REALLY blessed until as late as 1 second left in the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl, depending on how whimsical God’s feeling that day. It’s good that God has a pleasant hobby to relieve the stress of all the wars, disasters, birth defects, cancers and pandemics, etc., that plague his fans, but which are not so easy to tackle as a simple touchdown. Thank God for football. At least SOMEBODY wins!
Beer and the NFL are the modern American version of "bread and circuses."
Don't forget the Uber Eats ads.
Football as religion is actually quite compatible with Christianity (maybe other religions as well) because anyone who’s witnessed a player thanking God for a touchdown knows that God is a big fan. But God has both a sense of humor and of suspense regarding His involvement with the game. You see, almost all those touchdowns God grants willy-nilly are feints, head fakes if you will. You don’t get to know which team’s touchdowns are REALLY blessed until as late as 1 second left in the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl, depending on how whimsical God’s feeling that day. It’s good that God has a pleasant hobby to relieve the stress of all the wars, disasters, birth defects, cancers and pandemics, etc., that plague his fans, but which are not so easy to tackle as a simple touchdown. Thank God for football. At least SOMEBODY wins!
If so, we Cowboys fans are in purgatory at best.