1. Expansion and acceptance of GOP base of a larger white trash constituency. Trump was able to bridge the gap between the country club and the trailer park.

2. Misogyny. Very clearly there is a % of the population that won’t vote for a woman. It’s higher still for a black woman. And even higher for a woman without children.

3. I think you got this one. These people who supposedly follow the teachings of Jesus are the most hypocritical loathsome people in the country. They only want to get raptured. The nihilism is off the charts.

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I'm not seeing any lies here, per SE.

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I don’t think you missed much, but the perception vs. reality item is bigger in my mind. There is an element of Christianity that sees him essentially as God’s anointed that really should be a concern. And yes, the bankruptcy issue frustrates me when people claim he is such a great business mind. (Guess I’m on the path to business greatness.) Saw it somewhere that he has the mind of a spoiled child and parades around like a bully - maybe that is what emerges from several articles. Not a fan at all, but if my eggs and gas are cheaper, maybe I can forget all the other stuff.

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It does kinda feel like the "anointed" thing should be a bit worrisome, doesn't it?

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