You either have societal red lines and guard rails to protect kids or you don't. It's not an either or, situational question.

It wouldn't matter if the kids have been having sex since they were 5. It doesn't excuse the adults' lack of common sense, reasoning, restraint, discernment, morals and respect for that kid's well being.

This and other societal rot we see around us, is the result of the intentional dismantling of those guard rails, where kids are concerned. I've said this many times - kids always pay for the perversions, debauchery and cowardice of adults - in one way or another.

These two need to rot in jail.

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Agree with all of this.

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This is statutory rape. They need to both be put away for the maximum sentence and register as sex offenders for life. Seems simple enough. Oh, and have it known in prison that they are (legally, at least) child molesters. That should settle things.

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I believe it’s looking like 30 years per.

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Seems like a heavy sentence. Are you referencing time they will serve?

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Good! I don't care about their kinks, but leave minors out of it.

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When this is done there were will a large expenditure in developing mitigation - the interview with the prosecutor was spot on about the process and over the next year or so the defense will split into two people (depending on additional evidence). there is likely to be a plea deal, which will involve incarceration or lack thereof; a guarantee of being on the permanent registry of Florida (which bars people from most countries for travel and 3 day state notification) at minimum a lengthy probation and extended ‘sex offender specific treatment”. As regards the boy, I do hope he gets the treatment which will make him get the real perspective on what happened and eventually move past it - there is allot here no one is asking questions about - welcome to the world of the internet with values that don’t fit with it.

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What is good here is that people are starting to realize this isn't just some porn fantasy -- it has potential repercussions.

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All the data I have seen is that Gen Z has been far less promiscuous than prior generations and have not been having as much teen sex as earlier cohorts.

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Yes, and projected for less lifetime partners. Seen that stuff too. However, this particular story would seem to be accurate, seeing as how it's now in the court system.

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However, this story isn't about Gen Z habits at all. It's about older predators preying on a teen.

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People project a lot of things. I think the Baby Boomers had a very peculiar desire to outcompete their own children. So they wish for failure.

Relationships started at an older age tend to be more stable. I think that there will be more pairing off for this generation as they get older.

Hopefully fewer divorces.

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Obviously these two should be in prison for a long time. Most likely, one of them is a sociopath and will continue to predate. My take-away here is that parental surveillance is at an all-time low outside the upper-middle-class and highly educated. We have two generations of serial broken homes making parents a semi-influence.

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Just awful. The young man will always have this experience burned into his memory. I don’t want imagine how this may play out for him.‘Hope he gets the help he deserves and needs.

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