Sitemap - 2022 - What Is Even Happening?

Tech does not "save" society, no.

We broke Gen X emotionally

With Thanksgiving, "the chaos is the point."

We don't need more depression drugs

"My family's past" vs. "Your family's future"

Proximity bias and presenteeism are the twin engines of work

Maybe don't pay peanuts to those who look after your kids while you try to earn?

The inflation Thanksgiving -- or the price-gouging Thanksgiving?

Trump vs. Biden Round II would be so incredibly tedious

Elon is chasing the drain

Maybe the 2022 Midterms narrative is all wrong

The Trump personality cult

A three-sentence summary of recent American politics

"Boring wins."

So, are the next six years of American politics just a fight about abortion?

Why do we still care about polling?

The "tech titan" emperors have no clothes

The Trump-DeSantis brawl will be tedious to watch, and go on probably forever. Sans ego, Trump should just step aside.

What prevented the "Red Wave?"

Why is parenting not part of GDP?

The gradual transformation of America into Hungary

How do people legitimately find consensus?

It's not that "democracy is on the ballot," but more like "The sensibility of American voters is on the ballot."

The lesser-discussed animal of corporate concentration

Has the pretense that leaders care about appearances now completely faded?

Housing Market MADNESS!!!!

The veneration of marriage

How would "the market," which is short-term in nature, ever solve climate change?

Portland seems to be collapsing?

"Politics has not moved on from Trump."

Who's fictionally scary?

Talking to dogs and cats

Does the nuclear family even make historical sense?

Policy vs. Purpose

Are we going through a "seismic shift?"

Politics has become lowest common denominator theater

Akron (and, honestly, most of the heartland) got piped

Power seems to matter more than ever before

We're all "trapped in a bubble," seemingly

The U.S. political system makes no goddamn sense

"We've crossed this line. Now, how do we walk it back?"

This isn't why Biden won, per se, but yes -- we do need the "scramble the identity narrative"

Eventually, some performative aspects of work may fade out. Not quite tomorrow, tho.

No one works that hard, really

"Flood the zone with shit."

What the hell is the point of school?

Is the goal to actually change things, or just whip people into a frenzy on social media?

Afraid of books, or afraid of thinking?

Ironically, no one cares that much about caregivers

What's measured is what supposedly matters. But like, what are we even measuring?

Larry Summers and Bari Weiss on the future of work

Literally no one seems to understand the point of modern feminism

Aggrieved needle-dicks chest-beating about masculinity

The layoffs are coming!

Come here often?

Made ya look

Society is evolving quickly. But have we hit the "peak?"

The middle class? What's that?

They hid the documents in Ivana's coffin

Aggrieved victimization, while constantly claiming the other side plays the victim...

"Hiring for cultural fit" has never meant anything

Be kind.

More evidence that the entire wellness industry is a giant fucking scam

Mitch McConnell gets hit by the Karma Boomerang

Beto calls out da motherfuckers

Socialism vs. capitalism


Did we turn Trump into a victim?

Not a civil war, no, but more lone wolves? Yes.

This is where work needs to head, per Stowe Boyd

Our era is defined by impunity and bombasity

The indignity of the Trump raid!

Like the FBI -- until ya don't

Don't seek the validation

The tragedy of many orgs

"How do I conserve cash?"

Mary Poppins meets Trump...

There's no reason to drive X-amount of time for something you can do at home or a coffee shop

The sad future of the dinosaurs

I thought Blue Lives mattered?

Honest car ads

The housing crisis is cockblocking young people

Indiana vs. Kansas, or gerrymandering vs. referendum

Caring about random future citizens requires self-awareness and empathy that very few possess

Should women just embrace the sexual status quo, then?

Most people seem to avoid those in turmoil or peril, when in fact the better idea would be to turn to them

Trump was really a fucking piece of work

Men and their "tragic level of alienation"

"Hide the like counters!"

Should be let TV discuss important things?

Jordan Petersen has largely flown off the handle

Is murder data better than we think?

The line from Orban to Trump


There's no "teacher shortage."

Meth is nuts, son.

Unique and precarious time

Male allyship to females isn't really happening, Dogg

How much you earn has nothing to do with how much you work. We should know this by now.

"What we owe him?"

The power of friendship

This definitely does feel like a time where mandatory service would be a win-win

Who would want to be a teacher right now? (Or a cop, even?)

Single-family income? Good fucking luck.

The speed of money from the poor to the rich

Maybe we should stop ranking kids too

The abortion stuff might engage voters

Ricky Torlincasi TCU '08 is tedious

Go for more walks

I'd like to be a father

The 1996 NBA Draft was f'n insane

Why is everyone with authority so old?

Literally not an iota of any of this productivity research should surprise anyone

Real estate porn just distracts us from the housing crisis

Housing crisis is a nightmare, but I mean, developers and investors want their nut NOW

Tudor Dixon seems like a real charmer

The rise of the home birth (well, at least for COVID)

The biz model for the media sucks

Good snapshot of modernity

"Can't fix every goddamn thing."

People still seem really pissed off about COVID

Class vs. trash

This works until you get three kids and the housing market gets hot and your taxable valuation shoots up

Subdivision Sarah doesn't want any of these things to happen

Inflation and the class Cupid shuffle

Couldn't we simplify work even more?

Shouldn't this study imply we need to make education more than just a race to the best subdivision?

"Work is a family" = red flag

Google is sharpening the layoff axe

Sorry Boss Man

Parents fucking up kids

Liberal hypocrisy.

What is change?

Ivana as a tax credit.


Political footballs that don't even matter

What CEOs care about


Maybe we should be more like Scandinavia on transgender teen issues

Transgender transition is a culture war issue, not something about helping teens

Does politics benefit people anymore?

How far $45,000 goes


Billionaire work ethic

Powerful mom moment

Suffering comes from people

Women should not play WITHIN the system

What if the end of Roe means LESS people will mobilize to vote?

Bosses, playing favorites

The world's first suicide hotline

White Woman's Instagram holds up well

It's so simple. I should have thought of it.

Grist, meet science mill

The push and pull of "leadership"

Facebook sux, and is best used to rile up people

The culture warriors get all the attention, but maybe some Republicans can govern

MAGA uses the cops as a chip


How would you describe "American democracy?"

Instagram sux

Zuck is getting serious because his windfall and legacy are on the line now


Are executives compensated or bonus'ed on any of these things?

"I want my kid to be Michael Phelps"

Yes, a lot of progressive stuff has a naming problem

American healthcare is way too obsessed with pills that maybe don't work

Pronouns in the Bible?

The working class party? Nope. The party of grievances.

The great political inversion

Forced work socialization is ridiculous

The current "right" of politics seems so intent on never having to change anything at all

Anxiety balls wired for productivity

No one trusts the media

Increase harm without changing behavior

Play to the base

Prayer in schools is coming

Facts don't change ideologies

Literally nothing matters anymore except Culture Wars

"These are not police problems."

Facebook wants your eyeballs to sell ads against; "connection" now an afterthought

People think "Sodom" was a sin about homosexuality, but in reality it's about not helping the poor

Utterly unsurprising that the head of SHRM is such a fucking snake


Rubber and road on immigration

Kamala Harris doesn't seem "Presidential," moreso "a tool to help win an election."

Good life questions to get yourself semi-right

There will soon be a Silk Road for abortion pills only, you gotta assume

Americans maybe finally understand vacations more now

The GOP needs to take over in "expertise"

The center can no longer hold

Transgender culture wars!

The new NIMBY

Possible response to COVID learning loss

Don't trust tech bros

Men don't really parent, and this frustrates women

What topics shape our cultural norms the most?

If you think you're an Alpha Dog, you probably vote for the red team

Traditional gender roles, Trumpism

Guys from Bain confuse "make work interesting" with "Um, you're getting automated out."

Big Tech ain't got no consistency around remote

What if streaming ... is/was a fad?

"Could use some help on this project" is almost insultingly vague

"Highly responsible" is novel, but shouldn't be your identity either

We're all left behind, but we shouldn't be playing the victim either

Climate change is going to pipe all of us

It's impossible for any politicians to do anything these days; all power thus is in the courts

The Senate is a bunch of old rich white guys who can read from teleprompters well

Jon Haidt discussing teen depression and social media use

"You risk turning your anxiety into resentment."

North Carolina is a political bellwether

Baltimore Museum of Art seems to get it

The existing world vs. the encroaching world

Maybe inequality is ... improving?

Religion needed power because it organically faded

The only way we will ever have success on climate change is when it's tied to economic losses

How are Boomers going to get their house equity nut?

The church's "unofficial position" back when on abortion

"Turn our attention to the wombs we can control."

The whitest metro areas in the United States

Who appears in the most U.S. monuments?

Some ways the Democrats could win things again

"But I want a bigger house! I wanna get my nut!"

Is "growth at all costs" even logical?

Access to power usually means more than your values do, right?

Cash and democracy

Here's the part of the Uvalde report more people need to care about or think about

How to be a better person

COVID and wealth tipped the scales on everything

"Kissed their wives, lit cigars, and posed for pictures."

Read the whole Uvalde report

If you're a football hero that kisses the ring, you can do anything that you want, really

Boost the supply, reduce the division

"Show me on the doll the parts that are Republican-owned."

A flat-screen TV vs. college debt-free

Ken Griffin doesn't care until it's about his nut


"Cultural flashpoint issues are the only identification point of each party now."

Women SHOULD have sex for pleasure; makes society more functional

Imagine raping a 10-year old

Hybrid work maybe killed the downtown core

White-collar summer Fridays are a joke, so this stat shouldn't surprise anyone

The ideal 2024 Prez candidate?

Democrats should build more stuff

Do we start out helpless?

Do companies give a flying fuck about diversity?

The "atta-boy" isn't that powerful honestly

Where do you think Gameday will be every week this year?

Why transparency doesn't matter at work

Is Trump a brat, a child, or both?

Look at how the left and right side of the equation talk about America's biggest problems

Looks like tech companies are slowing down the hiring

The default crisis

Why performance reviews ultimately make no sense

On marriage and fighting

The rise of the "conflict entrepreneur"

Just shift the headline to "Illegal immigrant rapes child," and you check the right culture war boxes

"But I'm so busy with the kids!"


The federal government is about to have its own "Great Resignation"

"Atomized households kept in line through market discipline"

When you lose a parent to COVID

Krugman invites people to make up their own bullshit about the economy (which everyone already does)

No one knows anything

It's fine for offices to be inefficient? What the fuck?

A large majority of Twitter feels psychotic

Money continues to mean very little

The police in Uvalde didn't seem to do much

The gerrymander creates the extremes

Herschel Walker on ... gun control, maybe?

Most labor productivity stats are complete lies

Tech companies are hardly employment nirvana

The only longer-term focus people have is their kids, and even that is usually more of a short-term focus

So long as executives are focused on numbers, managers will be made to be focused on numbers/tasks

Change in tone, but not substance


Self-deception, inertia, and myopia: "The Paradox of Preparedness"

Have we "weaponized" social justice?

Most humans spend over 82,000 hours of their life at work. Are these "universal values" met?

Virtually none of these things would be possible in a standard hiring process, but they're good suggestions at least

Seeing your colleagues as whole people

"I want to get a dog someday..."

"My kids have to fly private"

Laura Wasser debunks "the kids are the most important thing"

Are we more accepting of divorce now?

Trump has actually become more popular, contextually, since the Insurrection

Have less meetings.

Why are all our leaders so old?

Right vs. wrong

What even is "The American Dream?"

"People like you will be disarmed."

George Will makes a generic argument on millennials, but it's not wrong either

This is from the El Paso shooter manifesto

Piketty on wealth vs. income

"I shouldn't have to argue with you."

Why did we remove the word "woman" from reproductive rights discussions?

What does feminism stand for?

Stop hiding behind how "busy" you are.

People seem to have a net-negative view of feminism

People want attention, and sometimes that manifests in bad ways

Indifference drives mass shootings

Poverty and gun violence

The Biden "in the moment" problem

Blake Masters sucks.

Three forms of corporate office park

"New management structures."

"Jobs are designed to keep you too tired to do anything else."

"The bomb cyclone of our discontents"

Bad police clearance rates might just be an issue of community trust

The suburban office park rose, and then died, quite fast.

What impacts firearm-homicide rates, per David Epstein of "Range"

The unraveling of "The Big Lie"

Has our sexuality become more liberal?

Is public education truly and consistently doing its job?

Is it time to show the carnage?

Not events, but patterns of behavior

Here's a paragraph about work-life balance that goes against every tenet of human psychology

The beginning of the Beatles

How many people truly understand what the office is really for?

After shooting events, conservatives shift the narrative

"A policy, but no plan."


Yes, it does feel like we're in a recession

What about the freedom NOT to conform?

"Gun control now!" OK. You're trying to change a fundamental aspect of people's identities, though...

Educationally, the pandemic gutted us

Inflation is actually worse than we think

"We didn't realize anywhere could include here."

Contribute to help a toddler orphaned by the Highland Park shooter


"We never see these shootings coming."

The current American GOP's model is Hungary (DeSantis/Vance ticket?)

Larry Ellison has also been divorced four-five times.

Crazy to see gender and gun narratives collide

Fear is the breeding ground for a lot of bad things

The rise of Christian nationalism

When you're more efficient, your job becomes worse for you.

Tucker Carlson with the self-own topic bar

SCOTUS was its most conservative since 1931

"Contextualist textualist."

The narrative that sex should only be in the name of conceiving a bouncing boy for Instagram to adore is ... very flawed

Someone said the quiet part out loud in "the war on sex"

"Investor pressure to maintain capital discipline" sounds like something you'd laugh at in a PowerPoint

"Natural, moral, and ... holy."

Show us the Maxwell client list

Here is where democracy begins to collapse

A nuanced point on polarization

"Be bold enough to ask powerful questions?" Who has the agency to do that when they're chasing a role?

The war for flexibility falls at the feet of "Well, I need a paycheck..."

Is "church and state" now over?

Seems like Republicans want women in the kitchen and not many other places

Modern blue vs. red

There is no greater analogy for Trump than "mob boss"

Can't win just on Roe

Companies are shit at tracking time and productivity

Why is every current mom seemingly named "Lindsay" or "Sasha?"

Climate stuff seems fucked

Roe's piped, so Trump's piped?

"Get everyone involved" feels like a good data strategy, but would threaten lots of top dogs

As the affluent chase control and order, they usually lose empathy along the way

Stock market's fucked

Should we be talking more about deepfakes?

The demise of Trumpian loyalty

What do radical left ideas have in common?

RBG needed to walk.

Same, bro.

The Boomer Blockade is a huge problem in politics

The death penalty reaches ambivalence

Steven Pinker on wokeness and approach to change

Will the woke make us all go broke?

Because they just want to say "Make money."

It's staggeringly rare to see managers ask "How can I support you?"

Two paragraphs that summarize most of the core issues with DEI "initiatives"

A mommy blogger says the quiet part out loud

The hell that is a know-it-all corporate leader

Sex is a class privilege now, mmmkay?

Good to hear these stories when you're going through fertility issues

Do the Democrats have "a play" now?

I had never heard of "the baby shower" as an office perk until now

"Ketchup dripping down the wall" is a perfect summary of 2016 to 2021.

1870 was "the pivot," perhaps

Beware "socially prescribed perfectionism"

"Be vulnerable about our own journeys?" Some managers would rather leap onto a turnpike.

How many "leaders" actually DO understand this?

The rich and powerful do NOT like to be outed as perverts

For two decades, the alarmists have usually been right

"Joe Biden, crime, and gas prices."

Wall Street > Main Street

"Pro-life," or, well, until the baby is actually born

There is almost nothing in this paragraph that most leaders could do successfully

There's often no difference in behavior on the far left and far right, honestly

Affluent women attempting to be "progressive" are one of the worst subsets of society

"The only exception is..." Why is there ONLY one exception in these cases about women?

As you'd expect, politicians have no clue how to deal with the homeless (background/empathy/et al)

You know a lot of wealthy, privileged people willing to "lean into discomfort?" I do not.

And we wonder about the origins of our modern problems

"More faith" doesn't necessarily mean "less shootings."

Does anyone truly know when life begins?

A decent and half-logical way to discuss abortion issues, morally and logistically

Kellogg's knows what's up

Victimhood as currency

"Thriving" is a notable goal for employees, but it's easier to focus on that when you're a trillion-dollar company

We fall behind on semiconductor technology because of bureaucracy

We have a SCOTUS for our times, i.e. highly-polarized and big on Culture Wars bullshit

The end of judicial restraint

Minority-majority rule

Unfortunately, many people think that "mobilizing" means "posting on Instagram a few times."

This is one of the best summaries of the Anita Hill to Joe Biden to Donald Trump time arc

Susan Collins got drilled like Brittany after the SAE Formal

The problem is, a lot more people care more about rising gas prices...

And, anoooooother double standard perhaps?

Double standards do seem to be the new norm...

Stop chasing heroic individualism

F3 Nation GrowRuck looks like some crazy, intense fitness stuff

Most industrialized nations are having less children

So much of addiction treatment is about blaming the user, which makes them feel more alone

Maybe we need to start with the "why" of addiction

Mental health is the NORM, not the EXCEPTION

"A failure of morals or willpower."

"Outrageousness confused with intrepidness"

Since we currently deem everything racist as is, how about interest rates, too?

Consultants love to write articles helping to justify return-to-work so executives will pay them more

How many managers view themselves as making work into a "place of solace?"

Gun culture became a palpable form of identity, and we all suffer for it

In a recession, this guy Nathanson wouldn't have a job. Executives would scoff at this bullshit.

Clarence Thomas will likely go down as a bad-ish dude historically

Mass shootings attack community itself

Guns aren't an instrument for people; they're a goddamn fucking major belief

The hidden (to many) struggle of infertility

More proof that literally no one conclusively knows what "strategy" is or means

"A good guy with a gun"

Some advice for the future of masculinity

Illinois is collapsing at the seams

"A relatively safe shore."

We all need to advance and advertise our identity, right?

"Attention, emotion, and energy."

How would a billionaire be a "disruptor for the working man?"

Liberals and conservatives talk past each other on crime

Roberts' court loves religion

Inflation is even harming charitable stuffs

Culture Wars stuff is just starting to sound really stupid

What is the "social movement" role of companies?

Managerial thinking is the literal definition of myopia

Management stays the same because no one tries to make it better so long as we're making revenue

Seems like the cops in Uvalde had some issues

"I don't want to be your friend anymore unless you do this." (LOL)

When identity matters more than anything, we inherently live in a self-absorbed time

Feminism sold its soul to Instagram

Not all childhoods are happy, no, but this is still a mostly good quote

Trump's unrealized self-own

Don't think "a good career" is "good work."

It's not even a remote vs. non-remote issue. Just schedule less meetings, guys.

Adam Grant would get stoned to death at a MAGA rally

America's "God-sized hole"

Does the arc of the universe truly bend towards justice?

Bubble goes pop.

The myth of doing it all

The boys ain't all right.

Women beat the shit out of each other for no logical or good reason

Mainstream feminism is about Instagram personal branding, and people see through it now

Movie violence really isn't that realistic; it's shoot and drop.

Is it more fun to destroy, or unify?

Have ... fewer friends?

More evidence that "The Great Resignation" is the wrong narrative; it's "The Great Reconsideration"

Wellness programs have long been a laughingstock; companies care about your productivity, not your "wellness"

I myself was unaware that Publix is helmed by alt-right insurrectionists

No "pesky social movements"

Management by bullying and seeking your own personal brand

All history is contextual, fam

"Leaders" often don't see any real urgency because, well, they're old and already taken care of

The Big Lie still has a lot of steam

Minority wealth distribution will never work, because it opposes the "bootstraps" theory

The case against greedflation

"Who cares if Miami is underwater in a century? I want to get my fucking nut NOW."

The jackals of Mammon

No District Attorney can do what they need to when the focus is completely on ideology now

This is the reckoning we are now seeing.

Let's destroy the environment over vague notions of "in-person collaboration"

Indeed, the late-2015 GOP was THIRSTY for some white nationalism

The push towards automation is largely because engineers are nerdy recluses who don't understand what makes life truly valuable

What is politics anyway?

The bittersweet

Where I live is basically torched


Maybe politics is just ... an at-scale blame game?

Everybody THINKS they have "the full picture." So few people really do.

Semi-good suggestions for crime discourse, all of which would be defeated by screaming about ideology

What is the point of higher education?

Is hate truly increasing?

The left screams pretty loud, but ideological process? I dunno.

What's a living wage anyway?

"I can now tell others what to do."

Shame. Shame, everywhere.

Roe poisoned the discourse

Men are pigs

Musk = Trump

"We need Hitler. He was a doer."

The arithmetic of compassion

Good gentrification meme

The good ol' Founding Fathers didn't see the assault rifle coming

{to the tune of "Won't you be my neighbor?"} -- > "I don't know my neighbors."

When Tomi gets slapped

"We're years into this, and still having an uninformed conversation about social media."

Are we blaming too much stuff on social media?

Some core problems with "senior leaders"

"Do the math, and there's the future."

Piketty is a smart dude, but if you love Trump, you'd despise the dude

Human issues are pretty universal, yes, and we protect our in-groups

More evidence we care about the concept of "motherhood," but not really "supporting mothers"

Violence against tax collectors?

Honestly, one of our problems might be how much personal fulfillment we do seek out

The age of "social foment"

The thing we never discuss is the TYPES of jobs being added to the economy. Who cares about more DoorDash drivers, really?

Climate change will likely make us dumber, which is nice to hear and know

Progress is important to remember

This wouldn't be such a bad campaign ad, honestly

Companies helped bankrupt the middle class, but we still somehow deify "job-creators" and execs

Stupid useless rhetoric

For all they built, elder Boomers do seem to prioritize despair as a narrative

"Debate team energy."

Blaming shootings on single moms is an attempt to grasp at some narrative

"The bad guy sits at the center of the narrative."

People are not smart enough to figure out the current division model of society

"It's never about protection; it's about control." The masculinity myth.

This is why turnover is lip service and cost-cutting gets you a bigger beachfront house

"Ideal world?" "Carefully and holistically?" ROFL.

Not sure there is a bigger moron in the world than Ron Johnson

Would it make sense to post gruesome death photos of young shooting victims?

Guns, division, and a general lack of purpose

I honestly doubt the fights about masks and mandates and all that will end anytime soon

Our response to mental health crises is similar to our response to poverty: "Work harder. Figure it out."

Return to office + inflation = you're screwed

Get DeSantis on Line 1; Trump is just a spiteful old mob boss these days

Isn't everything kind of on the states now, since the federal government is just theater?

We want the gun debates to be "data-driven," but they're almost entirely ideological and emotional

MAGA accuses weeping libs of being the problem, but MAGA loves to play the victim card

Most of the gun discourse is lies and limited transparency

We don't care remotely about teachers, but when confronted, we hastily claim how important they are

Columbine was 8,441 days ago. We still trying to figure this shit out.

How long would it take to build the Empire State Building today?

Americans have the attention span of a goldfish and get easily overwhelmed by being busy

Eventually, school shootings don't resonate because everyone ... just goes back to normal

People don't want the "position of authority" to help others. They want it to help themselves.

A lot of motherhood is performative

"Whoever invented guns needs to stop."

"Bad guy with a gun" = stop him with empathy and love earlier in life

Einstein wasn't trying to "stack bills," no

RIP American mobility

In moments like this with the courts, remember Trump didn't even win the popular vote. LOL.

Kinda hard for execs to sign climate pledges when they're forcing people back into offices, no?

Harden these targets ... or home-school?

Uvalde was "ready," and it still didn't matter

This "how elites think" paragraph encapsulates some modern American problems pretty well

Rifles vs. dolls

At least the neighbor tried to help a bit

What do gun owners and non-gun owners agree on?

Is this the public health approach to guns that we need?

Does changing words make you "a change agent" or "progressive?"

The duty of care is the highest calling of a human

"I mean, fuck it, Amsterdam has been underwater forever!"

Stacey Abrams is no doubt a political climber, but a middle-aged white guy shouldn't be saying this

Would agree this is a better definition of "success"

Wokeness is bad, but so is storming a Capitol. Can't we agree both far-leaning sides are bad?

Culture wars are damaging the Fed too

It feels fun to yell at people on Facebook, but ... it's killing us

Why do people marry off, if marriage can cause so much pain?

The Trump fade is much closer than we think

The problem is, most other executives have no idea what the Chief Diversity Officer does...

The "big lie" about the 2020 election IS essentially the ENTIRE GOP platform now

The greatest vehicle of social mobility became a debt machine

No one in hospice is chasing more spreadsheets

Ginni Thomas needs a shorter tag line on her phone

More proof that culture wars are the main (only?) thing mattering these days

It's not all Tucker C's fault, no, but the dude could take his foot off the replacement theory gas a bit

Seems like we're already IN a recession...

Did Johnny Depp somehow manage to help kill #MeToo?

"Difficult to impossible to hold the center"

"The lack of regard for community"

"Special role in human history?" Huh?

The potential PA Governor in 2024 is something to watch out for

Not "replacement" so much as "renewal"

We have way too many contexts and definitions for "racism," which clouds true discussions

All the tea leaves are there on mass shooters

Loneliness is a quality issue

Traveling has become expensive, but people will still spend on it, in part because COVID cooped them up

Think about nuance, complexity, and the role of the Internet. Uh, what? The Internet kinda makes that harder to happen.

As with every one of these situations, the Buffalo shooter had a "switch flipped"

Familial notions have shifted

We care about the old more than the young (think about COVID too)

People need to realize that the goal of companies is to make money, not help new parents

The bloated nature of "Big Strategy"

12 guys at three firms control most of the U.S. economy and heck, maybe the global one too

Welcome to "elite capture"

Can't we just admit women often like to fuck, and that's OK?

Pessimism as a flavor of the month!

Now the problem is ... economically, we're doing too well?

Economy's piped to shit

Change the terms of service for social media companies

Life is not a battle between "good people" and "evil people," but often seen that way

The kids sure as shit ain't all right

When conventional masculinity attacks

Pregnancy is not easy in America, no (unless you rich!)

What do you think about at 3am?

The market is fucked

Will Roe spike the culture wars?

The fear of the far left

"Without regard for their individuality."

Do execs care about "change exhaustion?" Normally they just say "Do more with less, kid."

Politicians don't care about students; they care about getting re-elected.

Remember when Vance was right about Trump, then he got in bed with Trump?

For how much it dominates discourse, the far-progressive left doesn't win that often

What if Roe isn't consequential to midterms because our attention spans are so bad?

Is Trump '24 inevitable?

People seem to forget who wrote the Constitution, contextually

"Rights of the pre-born?" Ain't it about the women?

Democrats have a brie and chablis problem

Like everything else in America, abortion policy has become more extreme

Roe vs. Wade overturn would be huge, but for most people, it'd be secondary to paycheck issues

We're all ultimately pretty similar, which is weird how we fight about so much petty stuff

Give the sheep what they want, each and every minute

Just because you're rich, are you thus a hero?

"Junior HS for billionaires"

An interesting work parallel: Abusive relationship

We all know politicians don't do anything. So we want them to at least recognize us.

Why is everything "winner-take-all" these days?

This is the most perfect paragraph ever written

Open vs. closed attitudes

Is there a fundamentally correct parenting model?

The far left and the far right are the same people

So, what makes you a bigot?

The third demographic transition

Employee loyalty isn't a complex topic, no


Twitter in many ways is Elon Musk, i.e. the problem masquerading as a solution

This chart slaps you in the face pretty hard

"See through the narratives that falsely anoint billionaires as heroes."

Nationalism is great for the marginalized (well, until it isn't)

Politics has nothing to do with solutions for real people; it's about firing up a base

School Boards as the front-line of culture wars? And away we go.

It's time for the Dems to get in the mud

"Sell me this laptop."

Mallory McMorrow deserved to go viral, no?

The Trump Era made a lot of people LESS afraid to brazenly speak out. Not the best development, no...

What if some people in prison ... aren't complete monsters and want/deserve another chance?

HR is paid by the execs. They work for them. Why is that the place you report toxicity to?

Until the outcome of this paragraph is different, nothing at work ever changes

Is it truly possible to see COVID as anything BUT class warfare?

Center life around people, not work

Super-Zips vs. heroin users: The core American fissure

Corporations love getting their nut

Not a culture war so much as a brawl against phantasms

It's just easier for a whole generation of dudes to blame things on "lack of black fathers"

Why do we think anyone has a coherent ideology that never shifts?

Are we largely lonely and sad because we feel some vague need to "optimize" our lives?

We need to stop inventing new terms for trauma

Inflation as a precursor to homicides

SCOTUS is busted. And why are they lifetime appointments, anyway?

All that really matters anymore is tribalism

Managers are horrible at knowing where to focus their time; it's all about tasks, not anything real

We can, and will, endlessly debate the role of traffic stops in policing

Companies pat you on the head instead of giving you real perks and benefits

The Patrick Lyoya shooting in Grand Rapids was an execution

Data is never the only part of a puzzle

Hybrid work's impact on downtown cores will be ... intriguing

Kushner seems dirtier than Hunter Biden, no?

Rupert Murdoch's son appears ready to grab the reins

How many people do you think really understand how to have effective conversations?

Shouldn't abortion be a personal issue more than a government one?

How do more people NOT view Instagram as a total joke by now?

War and work as a recursive loop

It's not a Great Resignation so much as a "Great Reshuffling"

Why do we need four years of school after high school, honestly?

Unsurprisingly, due to work being about control, the pandemic scaled up the amount of work meetings

Sarah Palin returns to a world she helped create

Yes, what happens when other countries get more educated than the USA?

The problem is, many men still bristle at the idea that wealth is inherently "collective"

Stop chasing self-care, Mr. Corporation Man

The necessary ritualization of friendship

Political society does seem to be getting pretty extreme

I don't really mind paying people to stay off drugs if it saves money long-term. Do ya?

We write off Apple constantly, but it's a juggernaut

The great re-districting of America

What if people just don't really like collaborating with others that much?

What's funny is that Tucker Carlson will eventually tear FOX News apart

Various reactions to the Will Smith slap of Chris Rock

The vocabulary around diversity creates in-groups and out-groups

Hands-off management benefits utterly no one, but is increasingly common

Unfortunately, the "heckler's veto" is societally normative these days

"Our present obsession with identity markers."

Politics is increasingly about one-upmanship and petty grievances

The mental health of children is not a pandemic problem; it existed before, and will in the future.

"Modern heterosexual dating culture is an emotional meat grinder."

The "American Dream" is increasingly about renting now

America is about getting your nut. Parenting is, of course, "women's work."

But what IS the point of public education to many?

When people discuss Kyle Rittenhouse these days, the narratives are almost too confusing

Both of Dick Vitale's title game teams were eliminated on ... Day 1

The government needs to learn to spend money responsibly, right?

Trying to rake the first African-American female nominee to SCOTUS over the coals won't end well

What percentage of leaders can "own their own bias?"

Differences are a source of value. But in the modern moment, how many embrace this?

Work-wise, maybe we're all chickens

Flexibility is the white whale of modern work

"Recession chances are not particularly elevated."

No normal people understand inflation and interest rates, but virtually all claim to

The DeSantis vs. Trump feud proves we're living in a simulation of some kind

Do executives really care about any of the reasons that people are quitting jobs?

GPAs rise as more "lawnmower parents" complain to teachers, but test scores ... are stagnant

"The winners are exempt from the questions."

I still wouldn't think most Americans can even find Ukraine on a map

"We're data-driven" is just something people say. The reality of executing it terrifies so many.

Saying there's "no going back" on remote work is elitist and ignores 47% of people working today

When war impacts corn

Various ways in which Trump sucked as a President

Will society truly shift in the next 20 years, or is it just more of the placated same?

What of love and loss?

How long do we think we'll debate COVID restrictions and best practices?

The far-right keeps getting crazier -- and breaking fundraising records

We keep treating teachers like crap and giving them no recourse professionally

Happiness is love

The entirety of life is really about belonging

Are we discussing the threat of social isolation in broader society enough?

America loves to cancel people, but we still have free speech in tangible ways

Is there a bigger joke than the "corporate wellness industry?"

I bet half the dudes that blurt out "WHAT ARE YOU?" at co-workers are SVPs

Do we think a study of ONLY Harvard MBAs is representative of ... well, anything?

It doesn't seem as if the USA is good at teaching "digital literacy," right?

The longest-term repercussion of COVID won't be all the ideology crap; it will be mental health

It's interesting how ideological discussions of our safety have become

Maybe William Bryan's daughter was dating a black dude BECAUSE of how racist her dad is

Assholes who talk too much and suck the air out of meeting rooms become SVPs

Trump is a joke of a con man and always has been

Data cannot make "better managers," because managers typically ignore it and "trust their gut"

We seem very quick to cancel people of late

People seem to hate Biden, but people also put too much emphasis on the President

"Absurdly attenuated sense of sin" = the woke

Did COVID force most of us to admit that public school is essentially just child care?

Executives masquerading as "leaders" tend to use people and then discard them

No one still seems to really understand what "Critical Race Theory" is

Exhaustion is a status symbol

A better way to think about the office

Our intuitions about happiness are flawed

Are men capable of effective parenting?

The "TikTok War"

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