Having children used to be an economic necessity. It was a means to an ends. They helped the family make ends meet and grow the family businesses. Now, having children is the ends,like saving up to get that special thing. Once you get it, you move on to the next thing. Our children are suffering because of this.
I hear that! I homeschooled my daughter for the last 4 years of high school here in Scotland( age 12 to 16) and if I had a penny for the amount of parents who said 'oh no,I need a break from my kids' or 'oh no how can you put up with her all day every day'.
I found this weird as hell-i have loved having her home,I've seen her form her love for the Japanese language and for coding,for digital art as well as the gift that came from her Papa and I got a touch of,she got the whole barrel.
'What about social time'-has anyone else had a peek at so called society lately?
I wish I'd had more children now my time is past,they are wealth, family is everything.
I don’t really see a conflict between wanting more kids and wanting a periodic break from said kids. Truthfully, what I never understood is the women who have just one or two. The first kid totally and irrevocably *fucks* your life - you have this needy crying thing constantly trying to kill itself that you have to reorient around - but nos. 2, 3, and 7 all add progressively less strife and at there’s economies of scale to be had via hand-me-downs, teenagers watching their younger siblings, and so on.
Having children used to be an economic necessity. It was a means to an ends. They helped the family make ends meet and grow the family businesses. Now, having children is the ends,like saving up to get that special thing. Once you get it, you move on to the next thing. Our children are suffering because of this.
At least you said the quiet part out loud.
I hear that! I homeschooled my daughter for the last 4 years of high school here in Scotland( age 12 to 16) and if I had a penny for the amount of parents who said 'oh no,I need a break from my kids' or 'oh no how can you put up with her all day every day'.
I found this weird as hell-i have loved having her home,I've seen her form her love for the Japanese language and for coding,for digital art as well as the gift that came from her Papa and I got a touch of,she got the whole barrel.
'What about social time'-has anyone else had a peek at so called society lately?
I wish I'd had more children now my time is past,they are wealth, family is everything.
I don’t really see a conflict between wanting more kids and wanting a periodic break from said kids. Truthfully, what I never understood is the women who have just one or two. The first kid totally and irrevocably *fucks* your life - you have this needy crying thing constantly trying to kill itself that you have to reorient around - but nos. 2, 3, and 7 all add progressively less strife and at there’s economies of scale to be had via hand-me-downs, teenagers watching their younger siblings, and so on.