Sitemap - 2023 - What Is Even Happening?

What If Millennials Just Aren't Good Parents?

As 2024 Dawns, Ask Yourself: Why's It Hard To Change?

"We Were Smoking The B*tch" | "Was Riding Him Like A Donkey"

Hi. It's Me. I'm The Problem. It's Me.

What Does It Feel Like To Not Be Able To Impregnate Your Wife?

Work Is Designed To Maximize Relevance, Not Productivity

Men: Do They Need "Purpose" Or "Respect" More?

The Troubling "Christmas Death Rate"

The Troubling American Suicide Rate -- And What To Make Of It

The Flawed Core Assumption Behind Marriage

But Wait -- How Would You Know If 2024 Was Successful?

What's The Most Popular Stuff I Cranked Out This Year On Substack, Eh?

4,031 Days Later -- How Do We Think About The Sandy Hook Shooting?

Good Luck Finding Any Managers For The Next 10-15 Days

Are Modern Men Essentially Just Sperm Donors?

What's The Point Of Modern Feminism?

The Upper Middle Class Is Its Own Prison

How To Make Christmas Not Suck (And The Origin Of Elves)

The End Of Organized Religion

A Guide To A Minimally-Offensive Christmas Card

Is Today An Instagram Mom Super Bowl?

The Psychology Of The Annual Holiday Card

What If You View Sex As Failure?

How To Get Emotionally Punched In The Face

You Cannot Skip The Second Act Of Life

Friends With Kids Versus Friends Without Kids

"Critical Race Theory" Is A Bogeyman

Why Would Someone Drink 10 Beers On A Random Thursday?

Life gets a lot easier when you realize how many people are full of shit

A multi-year tale of drunkenness, failure, resilience, woe, and life

Bad Bosses Ruin Companies (Oh, And People)

Does Infertility Make You Lose Faith In God?

Per Day, What Does Bad Leadership Cost?

Would A "Compassionate" Workplace Be More Profitable?

The $842,000 Problem Of Work And Masculinity

Are Most CEOs Sociopaths?

Get Laid More.

"Men Deserve To Be Lonely."

Tying "Data" To "Company Culture"

What Does Watching Porn Actually Do To Guys?

The COVID Friendship Demise

Good Friends Vs. Trash Friends

Does Every Woman WANT To Be A Mom?

HR Departments Are An Utterly Useless Joke

Does Motherhood "Save" You?

"Pro-Life" Has Become A Fake Concept

Is Management An Actual Job?

Why Do We Neglect What's Really Important In Life?

Exhaustion Is Now Currency

How Can Men Make More Friends?

The Pointless War On Tipping

"Building Wealth Is The Closest Thing They Have To Fun."

Trump Is The Quintessential Boomer


Biases, Fallacies, And Tribalism -- OH MY!

America's Failure To Launch

What The Hell Is The Point Of The Annual Christmas Card Send?

The Erosion Of Social Skills

23 Ways To Think About Leadership

"Holistic Ain't Gonna Get Me A House In Malibu."

The Inherent Bullshit Of Infertility

It's Not Just "Screens." It's More About Bad Parenting.

"Every Divorced Woman I Know Is Happier."

Why Can't Men Talk About Anything Relevant?

DEI Training Is A Joke -- But Can Be Fixed

Men And Therapy: Utterly Broken Bullshit

For Women To "Rise," Must Men "Decline?"

Why Hiring Absolutely F'n Sucks

The Three Tiers Of Work And Life

Managers Are Often Clueless Buffoons And Can't Define "Productivity"

The U.S. Economy Is Designed For The Affluent

How To Fix Onboarding

The Narcissism Of The Slight Difference

The Gen X Workplace Problem

Go Befriend Your Neighbors In This Season

Sam Altman And Society's AI Brink

Make Thanksgiving Conversation Not Suck

Why Isn't Thanksgiving Cancelled?

Men, Trying To Get Laid

Trump Voters Are Dying -- And Kinda Fast

How Adulthood Diverges

"The Razor's Edge Of Someone Else's Joy."

Liquid Modernity.

How Do Friendships End?

The Nine Types Of Employees

White Middle-Aged Guys And The DEI Problem

Of Course Senior "Leaders" Are Out Of Touch With Their People.

We Live In A Grifter Economy

What Does It Mean To "Care" For Someone?

Americans Increasingly Feel Utterly Stuck

Putting New Motherhood On Trial

What are the expectations of friendship?

Uh, Yea, There's A Solution For Burnout


Collectively, Are We All More Unhappy?

The 9-to-5 Lie

Addiction And The Deferring Of Time

Y'All Got A Random $60?

Freebie: Consultants = Morons

Travis The Chimp, The Maine Shooting, And Understanding Humans

The Maine Mass Shooting As "A Canary In The Coal Mine"

How (And Why) Do Certain People Become Evil?

"We Need To Place A Higher Value On Human Existence."

The Particular Pathology Of "Wanting It All"

"Travel Soccer Is Just Killing Us This Year."

Can We Teach Empathy To Adults, Or No?

Work = An Island Of Meaningless Tasks

Can We "Solve" Mass Shootings?

The Tyranny Of Bored, Entitled White Women

"A Scar Across Our Collective Soul"

WTF Is "Liberalism?"

Trump And How Elite Liberals Always Miss The Boat

What Factors Actually Make A Job "Good?"

Normative Male Alexithymia And The "Decline Of Men"

Emotional, And Professional, Absenteeism

Why Do We Stereotype Women As Hating Sex?

"It's My Husband's Birthday. Guess I Gotta F*ck."

The Problem Is Bad Parenting

Why Am I So Sad And Angry So Often?

The U-Curve Of Happiness: Your Prime Working Years Are Breaking Ya

At Work, Managers And Execs Want To Be Deified

"The Great De-Churching:" So, What Thing Is The New "Religion" For People?

What Is The Point Of Modern Men?

"Why Would I Help Out Those Less Fortunate Than Me?"

The Culture Wars Are Destroying Relevant Employment Options

"No One Gives A Sh*t:" The 20-40-60 Rule

The False Freedom Of Motherhood

What Stumbling Drunk Through An Open Field Taught Me About Navigating Adulthood

Richie Jerimovich Of "The Bear" IS America Now

F*ck All The Stigmas Against Child-Less Women

"Body Count:" WTF Is This A Culture Topic Now?

The $233,000 Problem: The Exhaustion Of Everyone Feeling Broke AF

Does Infertility Make You Lose Faith In God?

The Decline Of Marriage And "Sex For Stability"

Don't Let People Get Too Far Gone

The Friendship Recession

White-Collar Work Has Maybe 25 Good Years Left

"Men Deserve To Be Lonely."

Friends With Kids Versus Friends Without Kids

Most Of America Now Seems To ... Not Like America?

A Bit Preposterous To Assume "The Rich" Are Always "The Intelligent" As Well, Right?

I'm Coming Over Here For A New Challenge

Coming soon

The failed promise of the metaverse

"Comfort" and mental health

Mental health and mass shootings

How we fight addiction vs. how we fight teenage sex

"Insisting on a culprit in every tragedy"

"... Less in agreement about how to fix it..."

The harsh reality of why outsourcing happens, which for some reason many just don't like to discuss

America's twin "religions" are money and work, and ignoring that is folly

Most management speak comes from 1930s communism? Very nice.

Ideologically-"pure" marriages

"If we see life as a brutal contest..."

Find your heart's desire and find ... despair?

"A Lost Decade"

Are economists now openly discussing Chad's coke problem?

Trump scaled the Culture Wars (and he's still doing it)

"Not a deal-breaker"

Painful, but true, words about life

Wait, the government goes to Dimon's office, and not the other way around? LOL

We're addicted to poverty as a concept

"I'm so busy" as a status symbol

AA is too religious for a lot of people. Hopefully in 20 years, we'll be able to use psilocybin for addiction

Corporations are almost entirely useless when it comes to advocating for social justice stuff

"Oh beautiful, for spacious skies..."

The corporate maze comes even for the once-innovative companies

Status Threat | Merit Threat | Moral Threat

"We use children to justify everything politically, and then do nothing to help them."

Why do we ever react with surprise about social media, tech, and teen depression?

Female mentorship now seems increasingly impossible

We're pretty shitty at evaluating women in the workforce

A shift to downward mobility?

People need to get laid more

Do men need purpose, or respect?

"Compassion? In a company? That's fluffy shit."

Are we afraid to be bored?

Identity Wars, In A Nutshell

The dirty little secret of policing

Does the rise of partisanship signal that we don't value other humans as much?

Supposedly-inclusive language actually ends up dividing

"College-educated whites are not clear coalition partners with ... well, anyone."

When you're an asshole manager, you're not just impacting your direct reports -- you're impacting their kids

"A hollowing out of ourselves"

The consistent need to reflect a personal brand is tedious at best, perilous for society at worst.

Say it loud and proud: College is not for everyone, and barely necessary for most "knowledge work" jobs

Our relationship to police reform has always been transactional and embedded in our need for convenience

The parenting class schism

The supposed demise of men

Arthur Brooks on the tie between happiness and conventional success

"We need pleasure -- just not too much."

"Can barely conceive of those people"

The Rural Resentment