Sitemap - 2013 - What Is Even Happening?

More people are moving to the South and the West in the U.S., and that 3.1 percent North Dakota uptick is... OH GOD A TRAIN JUST BLEW UP

The January 1 Netflix purge is upon us: Kids In The Hall, Can't Hardly Wait, Back to School are all off streaming

Hangovers are bad, and are even worse when we're older. Thanks to South Korean lab rats, we have an idea why.

Tony Hsieh, Zappos, Darwin and (maybe) the future of work

The five best-performing stocks of 2013 were ... Tesla (check), Netflix (check), Twitter (check), Herbalife (check), and ... Best Buy?

What are going to be the big movies of 2014 or, phrased another way, is it the year of Shailene Woodley?

If you think your NYE is lame, you could always attend the Possum Drop in North Carolina

This Trayvon Martin Nativity scene may have gone a little overboard, yes

This whole Black Monday coach-firing stuff has insane repercussions; remember January 2010?

Would it be objectively possible to pick the best episode of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" ever?

So, what was the best TED Talk of 2013?

Final Sandy Hook report, sadly, probably only intensifies the conspiracy angle via custodian Rick Thorne

Montgomery Ward shut down 13 years ago today, and that may have been a turning point for America

"We are disgusted:" The Austin Smith Clem story takes another turn

What are the perceived big issues, challenges, and stories of 2014?

It might be time for smart street lights like Tvilight. We'll save money and things will remain beautiful.

The yin and the yang of the holidays: Rion Holcombe and Steve Whitcomb

Dr. Bernard Meyerson and the world in five years

On the glory of Fred Hoiberg

What does it mean that Kansas walked away from the Common Core?

Surfing Santas event has officially maxed out Cocoa Beach, FL; welcome to our confusing global future

Two groups that benefit immensely from Christmas morning: app developers and the Catholic Church

Ananda Pradnya Paramita and the culture of the workaholic

Porn analytics can be illuminating

Well, this is depressing: more people die on Christmas then at any other time of the year

Mikhail Kalashnikov, creator of AK-47, dies; ironically, the greatest asset of the weapon might be longevity

Human Resources: Sometimes excellent, sometimes a train wreck, often in the middle

Luke Kuechly draws Clark Kent comparisons, whereas potentially Ray Lewis comparisons are more legitimate

Let's all talk about gifted and talented programs for a few minutes

These Amazon Studios original shows -- "Betas" and "Alpha House" -- are actually pretty good, as is Amazon's model

Tom Steyer could be the cage-rattler that liberals (and the Earth) need

Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake might save SNL tonight

The Tyler Hadley story is one of the craziest, most awful things you'll ever encounter

We all think it could be a Seahawks-Broncos Super Bowl, but history hasn't favored No. 1 seeds

Why isn't Rian Johnson doing more TV?

The Milken Best Performing Cities list tells us to move west of the Mississippi and/or embrace Columbia, Missouri

WhatsApp might be poised to take over the world (provided it hasn't already)

What's the best holiday season ad of all-time?

On loving lists, or how I learned to stop worrying and embrace the future of the Internet

Has Paul Feig become 'the man' in the comedy world?

Are NFL kickers getting better, and if so, why?

Think it's not possible to get executed in broad daylight in America's biggest city? Meet Brandon Lincoln Woodard.

The origins of NORAD's Santa Tracker

Google Zeitgeist: Paul Walker, Cory Monteith, Aaron Hernandez, Travyon Martin and more confirm we're really into death and bad things

Humans are basically powerless when it comes to undercutting corporations

Jason Segel as David Foster Wallace should be pretty good (damn, I hope)

Patrick Roy could be a rageaholic, but the Colorado Avalanche are probably the best story in the NHL right now

So grade inflation is probably up. What does that mean?

So, is there any chance that The Secret Life of Walter Mitty will be the new Forrest Gump? (Probably not.)

The center of the American drone revolution might be Stillwater, Oklahoma

Executive coaching could be a pretty lucrative way to go, career-wise (and that kinda makes no sense)

America's Super Bowl isn't February 2 in New York; it's December 23 in Louisville

Two bands that jump out from end-of-year lists: Courtney Barnett and Foxygen

Whatever happens with this Mack Brown and Texas situation, the whole paradigm of coaching salaries is going to shift

Newtown was a year ago and, on the gun front, nothing's really happened. Is it mostly just politics?

Is someone like Jenna Marbles the future of the content medium?

There are two pretty basic things we can do to improve the American office job. Could they ever be done?

They apparently love tagging pictures on Instagram in Bangkok

Where did Christmas elves come from?

Why does the Heisman Trophy seem to shaft WRs (and even RBs) of late?

Someone needs to create a legitimate umbrella

The Harlem Shake: Ties to New York and Queensland, yet staggeringly popular in Poland

Working from an office is kind of a preposterous notion, when you think about it

Patty Murray's journey through American politics has been fairly remarkable

Nick Saban dramatic walk-offs, starring Drew Tate, Chris Davis and T.J. Duckett

The media game has changed, and people still seem confused by why

I'm a white male and I have some friends, but I still understand the Salon article

Steve Stockman and Ted Cruz as U.S. Senators won't happen, but damn, it would be interesting

This is the time of the year that you probably hate Walter Afanasieff

One of the first bowl games, R+L Carriers, won't get a lot of pub but it should: Joe Montana's son, a redemption story, and more

Uber might someday be the true darling of the social media world; sorry, Facebook and Twitter

Dave Trotter is a great American in many ways

Could you learn something entirely from YouTube? Let's try it out with Christmas

The orca shames us all, food-chain wise; humans and pigs are on the same level

With the World Cup draw, an age-old question: does someone like Lionel Messi have to win a championship for his legacy?

Valessa Robinson helps orchestrate murder of her mother, gets released at 30; in other news, U.S. justice system might be totally f*cked

Shell makes a thing that's bigger than the Empire State Building, and Australia may benefit ultimately

In appreciation of Jamie Foxx

On Kevin Carter's famous photo and suicide

Mark Dantonio may be the man to save us all from Urban Meyer

If you want your sitcom to get cancelled, put Liza Lapira on it (she's good on the drama side, though)

Martin Bashir, Sarah Palin, and cable news

Is there any innovation in the snow removal world?

Ever heard of Plains GP Holdings? You should have; it was the largest IPO in 2013

Are tablets going to save the world? (Yes. No. Maybe So.)

What happened to Lauren Spierer, and are we ever going to solve this?

It'd be a major long-shot, but Anthony Boone might be the next major college football hero

Breathless business strategy analysis time: Why did Apple buy Topsy?

Why is successful public transportation seemingly so hard to develop, and should we all be learning from Salt Lake City?

There are protests right now in Honduras, Ukraine, Thailand and Egypt. What's going on?

Cyber Monday is sort of a joke

Can Robert Reich, formerly of the Clinton administration, change the national dialogue?

David O. Russell is the new Hollywood turnaround story

Was the Chris Davis return in the Auburn vs. Alabama Iron Bowl the greatest ending in college football history?

What exactly is the deal with televangelists, and should we be terrified of them?

The 'smart home' is a future idea, and GE/Quirky have combined on The Spotter

Is Gary Pinkel the most underrated college football coach in America?

It's Small Business Saturday. Has that concept been successful in the U.S.?

Poland, a country with basically 200 years of tragic history, is now Europe's most vibrant economy

The Apple Cup sometimes seems like an irrelevant rivalry, but ... it's the American struggle at heart, y'all

What exactly happened with PA Governor Tom Corbett's popularity?

Aaron Levie, the CEO of Box, could help reshape how we function at work

Black Friday: Like all great things in America, we have Philadelphia and the service academies to thank

Thanksgiving is essentially a celebration of what makes us human

Nick Marshall, Georgia native and former UGA CB, can lead us out of our long national nightmare

A semi-definitive guide to Thanksgiving conversational opportunities and small talk

What's up with Susan Sarandon these days, eh?

The next great startup / entrepreneur hub may be ... (pause) ... Indianapolis

Let's discuss Adam Lanza and Newtown for a few moments

The Bay Psalm Book is likely the most valuable book in the world, and now we're about to prove it

A semi-critical look at why exactly the Portland Trailblazers are good right now

Is this whole Katie Couric thing a major step for the Internet? (Probably not.)

In which I breathlessly and irrelevantly discuss Malcolm Gladwell

This Bhutan-electric car partnership is both odd and interesting

What could possibly have been Philip Chism's motive?

UCF Football has some cool backstories: George O'Leary's redemption, Blake Bortels' rise, and hot girls too

Maybe we should all be drinking more retsina

The Robosapien is the best-selling Christmas toy everyone forgot about

Lena Dunham be damned, because the 'guys' of 'Girls' are pretty interesting too

Magnus Carlsen has climbed another chess mountain

Two sides of urban education reform efforts, in Cleveland and Cincinnati

What exactly is happening with Oklahoma City Thunder fans and half-court shots?

Mostly from a U.S. standpoint, what's the biggest 'where were you when...' moment in history?

So, Walter White may have been in North Korea as opposed to Albuquerque

Andre Williams is a paradigm shift for college football

Arroyo del VizcaĆ­no, in southern Uruguay, might be the most important place on Earth

What's going on at Butterball right now?

Kshama Sawant, an avowed socialist, is now on the Seattle City Council

Jennifer Lawrence is the past, the present, and the future of entertainment

This hasn't been the best run-up to a holiday season for Toys R' Us

The world of infomercials is insanely interesting

So, "selfie" is the Oxford Word of the Year for 2013. Thanks, Australia.

World Toilet Day is a good time to look at the state of running water and plumbing in the world

Is there a clear winner for best college marching band? And if so, is it Ohio State?

Bryce Petty's journey at Baylor has been pretty cool

This will be a big week for Alex Jones, probably

Krispy Kreme is making money like whoa (ish)

R. Kelly is probably deserving of a long-form New Yorker profile

Clint Hill is the last surviving member of the JFK Presidential motorcade

Chris Pratt has come a long way from selling coupons, being on Everwood

This one quote might summarize some of what's wrong with the world

WTF happened with the death of Gareth Williams?

Honestly, "Trophy Wife" isn't a bad show, and maybe we have David Mamet to thank

This Thomas Bean-Newtown story is the definition of a tough situation

An iceberg the size of Chicago is floating into international shipping lanes

The Utah Jazz are just terrible. What happened here?

What exactly is the life of an aid worker like?

Is Tennessee one of the next great places to live?

Maybe it's time to walk back the Thailand rice subsidy

Pedro Quezada is another in a long line of awkward lottery winner stories

Sarah Palin's second act

So ... Elizabeth Warren and 2016

China's going to spend about $5 billion on the web today, KTHXBYE

So ... about Tavon Austin, the story of NFL Week 10

A ton of interesting things are happening in Maine right now

The Jameis Winston situation might be the ultimate proof Mack Brown should be fired

Lonnie Johnson, in some ways, could personify the 'American Dream'

A brief history of the Presidential apology

Let's talk about The Michael J. Fox show for a second (and broader problems with NBC)

So, what's going on with the jobs report?

Wendy Davis is pro-life, pro-choice, an international figure, and trailing by double digits for Texas Governor

Super typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan isn't going to be good, but might not be super awful

Jeff Ireland seems like mostly not a great person

The end of trans fats could be a really good thing

Let's all discuss the Twitter IPO and Twitter's real value

Jennifer Johnson, Maine woman, beats her husband in local political race

Mike Duggan might be an interesting politician to follow

RIP, Charlie Trotter

Ryan Riess rocks the Calvin Johnson Lions jersey, wins WSOP and $8.4 million. Oh, he's 23.

Bill De Blasio's reign of amazingness begins now

The six degrees of Nick Foles

Ryan Ferguson, jailed 10 years for something he didn't do, should be free soon

Welcome to Election Day 2013, y'all

Is Scandinavia that great, or are there causes for concern?

Secession is becoming more and more of a rallying cry in the U.S.

Mike Michaud vs. Paul LePage is now a must-see 2014 race

Blackberry seems to be going the way of Kodak, other epic business fails

What exactly is the deal with daylight savings time?

Is cutting food stamp rolls a good thing?

Our three options with the oceans might come down to 'migration, adaptation or extinction'

So, have we already met the next Nick Saban?

It's somewhat of a shame that Rob Ford's end of days are approaching

Ross Ulbricht, or 'Dread Pirate Roberts,' is the real-life Walter White

El Chapo should probably be listed among the most powerful people in the world

Scientists spend a lot of time searching for dark matter, despite not really knowing if it exists

The NSA maybe strikes again, and a Mars colony seems like more and more of an idea

The future of Siracha is in question

Well hot damn, the 2014 Sochi Olympics are in 100 days. Um, should we be worried?

An Arcade Fire primer from someone who knows next to nothing about Arcade Fire

What exactly happened in Tiananmen Square?

So, is the future of the Orlando Magic truly bright?

How much of the world is currently unmapped?

On some of the craziest prison escapes of all-time

The Heinz-McDonald's breakup probably isn't that big of a deal, and has more to do with Brazil

Ben Breedlove is a legitimately inspiring story

Mike Enzi vs. Liz Cheney could be the highlight of the 2014 election cycle

So, why are manhole covers round?

How exactly does the Oregon Ducks' offense really work?

Economy's a little better, so Americans are on the move doesn't really make profits, but that's not necessarily a bad thing

Are we about to see the first stars ever in the universe?

Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst is the "bishop of bling"

Is Mike Matheny the true definition of 'a baseball man?'

What exactly is happening with people setting themselves on fire in China?

A brief oral history of the Anchorman movies

Via Gallup, a majority now favors marijuana legalization for the first time ever

What is it about the big booty?

What can we do about U.S. unemployment?

Global life expectancy trends

On humpback whales and communication

IBM's Watson might legitimately be the future of health care

Where ObamaCare's website seems to have screwed up

What exactly is geoengineering?