Sitemap - 2020 - What Is Even Happening?

"The leadership addicts"

Are you doing the work, or cultivating your own personal brand? Hopefully both, fam.

The bellowing, fake-confidence male is not who you want as a leader in crisis (bring on the ladies)

The clarification of expectations

For "inclusion" to work, we have to understand psychology and strip the bullshit buzzwords

My top 10 posts of 2020

How about kindness as a business strategy? ROFL, or ... maybe?

"Tried to reach beyond the emptiness, but neither one knew how."

Photos from my wedding (10-17-2020) and all that

Data vs. emotion: Student loan forgiveness is a bad, bad idea

What type of failure might eventually predict success?

The promise and the peril of drinking by yourself

The biggest dichotomy of 2020 (out of many!)

The ultimate schism of meetings

Deify the innovation of the vaccine, sure -- but its effectiveness is all about messaging

Stop wasting the time of people who work for you

Male friendships: Shift the paradigms and temper the expectations

Bosses need to learn to manage personal upheavals and reversals

No one should respect the "Best Places To Work" lists, even remotely

Why do we think data from Glassdoor is valuable?

Guest Post: The future of talent management

Unless co-created, the daily meeting doesn't mean much

When everything is a priority, nothing is: Relevance vs. chaos

Guest Post: What dogs can teach you about leadership

The power of narrative on belief structure, politically and otherwise

40th Birthday Post: The 10 things I want to figure out (accomplish?) by 50

Guest Post: Eight talent acquisition tips

Trump vs. Biden is consequential, but guys, it's not the end of your life either way

"If you feel that everything is terrible and everyone lies, then people don’t want to engage in civic discourse..."

The problem is, your "moral objection" is making your community a worse place

The Blunder Years, Episode 78: A new marriage

The Blunder Years, Episode 77: Just because you make money doesn't make you a genius

Guest Post: Sports lessons and leadership

You should document your team's unwritten rules

Here would be a video from my wedding

Try to keep your work friends after you leave (it ain't easy)

So, what's it like to get married a second time, eh?

WFH is basically class warfare, even if we avoid the topic

The modern moment: "You have no dignity." "Um, you've never met or spoken to me."

The managerial fear button and punished vulnerability

Welcome to Wedding Week: A second one (for me), in the middle of a goddamn pandemic

The abandonment of adult friendships

That whole Katrina Kibben situation

The Blunder Years, Episode 75: Is it OK for guys to be depressed?

The Blunder Years, Episode 74: Poor Fred and the art of respecting people at work

The Blunder Years, Episode 73: Are we all bigger douchebags now?

The Blunder Years, Episode 72: Divorce sucks for sure, but it's worse divorcing the friends

The Blunder Years, Episode 71: Why can't bosses respect their people?

So, so many KPIs are completely meaningless

Loneliness and the rise of the partisan fringe

This one is a "she-cession," not a recession

Is Silicon Valley's run going to end shortly? Will they get #piped?

The Blunder Years, Episode 69: Because of the episode number, let's talk about sex!

The Blunder Years, Episode 68: RBG and the ridiculous views on women at work

The "window problem" of power and activism

The Blunder Years, Episode 67: How life changes from 28 to 35

"The narcissism of the slight difference"

Life: What's old is often new again, or a reflection on poker and Quakers

The "Yea, it's good enough" Economy

BabyLand is a gated community in more ways than one

Why can't everyone hear from the end users, eh?

The Blunder Years, Episode 66: Is college still valuable?

Do we think the world is getting better or worse?

"Knowledge work" during COVID: Are we virtue-signaling and lying?

The Blunder Years, Episode 65: The peril and promise of turning 40

CEO Charlie won't fire Racist Rick, and that's the entire issue.

The "do your job, keep your job" idea has been mostly dead for decades

The supposed power of AI will be undercut by human need for relevance

The Blunder Years, Episode 64: COVID schools and old dudes on Facebook

The May 16, 2017 story: We need to make more effort in knowing what people are going through

"Substack Journalism" drips with privilege

The Blunder Years, Episode 63: Friends after you move, Midwest vs. everyone, Platinum Rule

The problem with "side of desk" work

The absentee problem, in leadership and life

The Blunder Years, Episode 62: Homeschooling before it was cool, weightlifting, and death planets

Woke-As-A-Service (WaaS): "What color is your heart today?" This is what business has become?

"Complexity-conscious HR leaders?" Gimme a friggin' break, guys.

Woke-washing and Whac-A-Mole: Why diversity seems to go nowhere

The Blunder Years, Episode 61: Becoming a new dad during the pandemic

Only 6% of financial advisors are African-American. Chase those repercussions, yes?

Could partition dependence bias help save us from Brad and Chad?

The Blunder Years, Episode 60: Dance moms, low ponies, and the future of recruiting

The work-from-home hybrid model ye seek

In many modern moments, life feels very "square peg, round hole"

The Blunder Years, Episode 59: What is diversity, even?

A six-year tale of drunkenness, failure, resilience, woe, and life

Did COVID maybe create a Roman Colosseum / Fight Club context in white-collar work?

The COVID-19 golden parachute index

The Blunder Years, Episode 58: "A lot of people inside companies know the execs are full of shit"

It's a "belief-driven" world, not a "data-driven" one, fam

Doesn't it feel like we need to have tiers for Cancel Culture?

What should you do when people cry at work?

The Year of #Karen

The Blunder Years, Episode 57: The Etsy of career coaching

What are the expectations of friendship?

Do corporations care about this racial moment?

The Blunder Years, Episode 56: So, do generations hate each other?

Can we finally start getting rid of racist hiring managers?

Sheesh, can't people just have conversations anymore? WTF?

The Blunder Years, Episode 55: Friendships, housing prices, co-workers, and #BillsMafia

The Blunder Years, Episode 54: The Gram and fatherhood

Racism, 2020: Instead of "calls for unity" and "forums," just write the damn check

#TranscendingTheCrisis on June 19, 2020 at 10am EDT

The Blunder Years, Episode 53: Being an outsider and dealing with difference

The silence of execs in this moment is, well, deafening

The Blunder Years, Episode 52: Partying in Poland and questioning Silicon Valley

The Blunder Years, Episode 51: How do/did you define yourself in your 30s?

Could COVID scale the four-day work week?

The Blunder Years, Episode 50: Not everything needs to 10x, blitz-scale, or make billions

Digital Transformation: Absolutely can be done, but we made it such a buzzword

The Blunder Years, Episode 49: Dealing with recruiters during a pandemic

Do you really think the government could keep a conspiracy quiet for years? Honestly?

The Blunder Years, Episode 48: Boozing, hooping, and faith'ing

The Blunder Years, Episode 47: Relationships and weddings post-divorce, rose-colored glasses, societal pressures

Availability bias, proof by example fallacy, and tribalism, OH MY!

The Blunder Years, Episode 46: TiVo | Teenagers | Identity | Swim Lanes

The Blunder Years, Episode 45: "Did God fill out that form for you?"

The Desperation Economy vs. The Woke Economy vs. "The Return To Normal"

Our COVID mental health reckoning ... or not?

The Blunder Years, Episode 44: God and data

The Blunder Years, Episode 43: Fixing education, male loneliness, and middle school hoops

Buzzword Vomit during an actual crisis? Uhh, there's a better way.

The "when" to "if" problem

The Blunder Years, Episode 42: Being with yourself in a quiet room

The Blunder Years, Episode 41: Retirement + downsizing + the role of your adult kids

If you already sucked at being a friend or your job, COVID-19 has provided an easy excuse for the moment

The Blunder Years, Episode 40: Dealing with ego and loyalty, raising kids

What might actually change in society because of coronavirus?

The Blunder Years, Episode 39: Why are adults so bad at learning, and how do we improve?

Welcome to The Tin Foil Hat Era

Where is the tone-deaf line right now? Where is the positive-negative line?

The Blunder Years, Episode 38: My girlfriend and I discuss life, Lent, loss, love

The Blunder Years, Episode 37: In conversation with my pastor on, well, a bunch of stuff

The pandemic's Isaac Newton effect

The Blunder Years, Episode 36: "Nobody's f*cking equal!"

Baby Boomer "leaders" demand loyalty and allegiance above all

The Blunder Years, Episode 35: Larry Nassar, Boomers, negative predictions, and tone-deaf emails

Did we sell expertise down the river?

The Blunder Years, Episode 34: Japan vs. USA, gender equality, karate, motherhood, and cuddles

Jon - 2020-04-05 16:11:29

The Blunder Years, Episode 33: What's right? What's moral? Plus: men in therapy and Texas girls.

Allana Akhtar - 2020-04-02 14:55:25

Kapil Sharma - 2020-04-02 03:42:28

The Overblown Implications Effect

The Blunder Years, Episode 32: Sobriety, strongwoman competitions, and pushing through

Are we only allowed to discuss this virus now?

The Blunder Years, Episode 31: Forgiveness, selfishness, apathy, blended families, and more

You would think this might be a moment that we throw less shit at each other, right?

The Blunder Years, Episode 30: "How's the crazy?"

Stop profiteering. You are missing the point of this moment.

The Blunder Years, Episode 29: Early-20s misguided friends to late-30s analyzing each other

Why does "the number" always have to be big? Can't we just celebrate effort and creation?

Boy, the leadership development market seems like a giant turd right now

The Blunder Years, Episode 28: Live from the cancel culture

Every crisis seems terrible. Stuff gets better, I promise.

The Blunder Years, Episode 27: Cancer, assuming risk, faith in God, raising daughters, and getting bread

Uh, no, coronavirus is not a "content opportunity" for your brand, dude

The Blunder Years, Episode 26: How f*cked is the U.S. education system? (Plus: socialism!)

So much of work is just about pretending to be an adult

Consistent, massive layoffs do not make you a good business dude (sorry)

The Blunder Years, Episode 25: Self-reflection on a relationship to drinking

That last normal day

The Blunder Years, Episode 24: On male anxiety and depression

The flattening of the to-do list and the over-quest for optimization

The Blunder Years, Episode 23: Sex robots, guys after 35, and people at Target (plus China)

Andy K. Chandarana - 2020-02-18 11:35:54

Lent 2020: Quit drinking, go to AA meetings more

The Blunder Years, Episode 22: Work self? Personal self? Uh, it's the same self.

"The hidden engine of the economy"

The Blunder Years, Episode 21: Apple and ... possible nuclear war?

CEOs are "unaware" their employees are often struggling. WTF? How?

The Blunder Years, Episode 20: The pivotal moments in one's life

Christine Tan - 2020-02-05 01:13:59

Does it ever feel like we're just all swimming in a giant sea of bullshit?

On notions of "hard" vs. "soft" at work

Shut the f*ck up about unemployment rate, as the stat is meaningless

The Blunder Years, Episode 19: Your social life post-kids

The Blunder Years, Episode 18: The Pill vs. Google, work as a game, IG's future, and more

Davos seems like a trifling joke and the essence of posturing

Will we ever get "woke" about workplace mental health issues?

We don't care at all about onboarding, broadly. What could go wrong?

The thing is ... re-training programs don't really work that well...

The last thing HR needs is more buzzwords. Hello, "belonging."

Let's tape a podcast in 2020 about your journey into adulthood