Sitemap - 2019 - What Is Even Happening?

My top 10 posts of 2019

Work burnout sucks, yes. It's not a "crisis," though.

Being broke at the holidays is fucking tedious

The "job market" really runs about ages 17-34

Why do we keep saying "content is king?" That's a lie.

The Blunder Years, Episode 17: Listening vs. fixing in relationships and getting tapped out

Gabija Grusaite - 2019-12-16 03:48:16

Gabija Grusaite - 2019-12-16 03:06:00

C'mon now. Can a company really put people over money?

Recruiters need to stop f*cking ghosting people. It's unprofessional.

2020 and beyond: The haves vs. the have-nots

The Blunder Years, Episode 16: "I'm not doing as well as so-and-so" (+ gender reveals, exes, more)

Debbie Finkelstein - 2019-12-04 11:53:52

Wouldn't "tech ethics" hurt your retirement planning?

America is about getting your nut

The Blunder Years, Episode 15: How to mess up your 30s (and how to get it back)

Stop telling me to bring my passion to work, because dude, I don't want to get fired

The Blunder Years, Episode 14: Your 20s are a hot mess, but it's better by your 40s!

The Blunder Years, Episode 13: Are you the average of the five people you spend the most time with?

Income inequality and virtue-signaling

Senior leaders are out of touch. But why wouldn't they be, honestly?

The Blunder Years, Episode 12: Career vs. self and the trade-off of adulthood

"Let's start this meeting with some stories about peeing on yourself."

Hey Boss Man, it really is OK to appreciate employees

The Blunder Years, Episode 11: Is work even psychologically safe?

Stop deifying Steve Jobs and other assholes. It clouds the picture of leadership.

The Blunder Years, Episode 10: Why does work distract us from what really matters?

The Blunder Years, Episode 9: Spilling that real tea on work and HR

What we really need is employee DISengagement

The Blunder Years, Episode 8: Nine beers in a day to a focus on health

So, when do we think hiring ageism now begins?

The Blunder Years, Episode 7: Aging parents + "Everybody is nuts"

Crawling towards 39, mostly pathetic, and trying to get to a place I'm proud of

The Blunder Years, Episode 6: Five-year plans, North Stars, and Instagram likes

The Blunder Years, Episode 5: The Encouragement Engineer and the "reality of life kicking in"

Yea, uh, sorry Bill, but no one in this office actually cares about that thing

Kami - 2019-10-06 10:45:53

The Blunder Years, Episode 4: From gun in mouth to human growth

Shirin - 2019-10-05 04:40:44

For this whole "data revolution" to work, we need to remove the fear from it

Onyeka Ndukwe - 2019-10-02 10:43:12

Onyeka Ndukwe - 2019-10-02 10:43:10

Ah, look, another HR Tech conference where nothing actually changes...

The Blunder Years, Episode 3: "It's easy to wake up in your 30s and think you have no friends"

Blunder Years, Episode 2: Miscarriages, motherhood, long-term sexuality

You can drive a Mack Truck through senior leadership double talk

Blunder Years, Episode 1: "Existential Adriftness"

We have a hard time solving the flexible work issue because people are idiots

Safety-inclined vs. growth-inclined

Guest Post: The broken ideas we should abandon

The Blunder Years Podcast: The Intro

Companies do not value you as much as you may think

Podcast coming in a few weeks: "The Blunder Years"

Why would execs care about organizational trust if the legacy widget is still selling?

Business journalism is increasingly such trash

AI won't save HR stuff, and might actually regress it

Compensation is the sex of the working world

Guest Post: Managing student loan debt

"Delight the customer" is meaningless drivel, not a "strategic objective"

Leona Jones - 2019-08-29 03:59:22

Guest Post: Blogging for beginners

Stop hiring, and promoting, assholes and incompetent people into management

Man, this CEO pledge is some trite bullshit, eh?

leendert - 2019-08-21 13:45:41

Are we "Post-Expertise" now? And did LinkedIn help destroy the term?

The hysterical irony of AI (and the tyranny of small decisions)

We way, way, way over-complicate why people leave jobs

Isn't a better work-anywhere policy just basic common sense?

Feels like most of us forgot how to actually debate each other

We need to really, really stop ignoring loneliness as a topic

And again, we waste so much time discussing generational differences at work...

When your boss sucks, everyone knows it, everyone talks with each other about it, but ...

Brett - 2019-07-30 10:44:29

Yo, um, uh, er, ahem, well ... we about to have a Gen X work problem, guys

The leadership assessment vacuum

Nothing external fixes you until you fix yourself

The issue of incomplete information at work

"They're just doing their job"

The ecosystem of mistakes being made at work

On virtue-signaling at work

Diversity training: Too often, it feels like a PR stunt

Logically, aren't most businesses/industries going to be referral-driven?

Consultants, surveys, and workshops, OH MY!

Let's talk more openly about dudes getting depressed

David J Rothstein - 2019-06-18 18:25:43

"Bring your whole self to work?" LOL, that's horrific advice.

Andrea Dale - 2019-06-11 13:07:48

Why don't we discuss "manager engagement" or "manager experience?"

Sheldon White - 2019-06-06 05:22:09

"Emotion is integral to getting our work done." LOL, do managers know that?

So what exactly would you say "employee engagement" really is?

Is the whole "A-Player" discussion morally bankrupt?

What holds hiring back is a quest for human relevance

The authenticity paradox

Learning is often such a crock of shit in companies

The summer of personal accountability

How could everyone's feedback possibly matter?

The real question is how you bring someone onto a team

Leaders only think about disruption in terms of tech. That's a problem.

The empty promise of hiring

People don't care as much about stuff as we think they do

Why your boss ignores your ideas

What exactly is the point of a performance review, honestly?

About 95% of deadlines can be adjusted

The April of my discontent

The calendar slave problem

Diversity and inclusion and ... belonging?

Solo brainstorming and idea-stripping (oh my)

"Wishful thinking rather than accurate self-assessment"

Most valued skill of modern age: Resilience vs. listening to those opposite you

How the Houston Astros seem to randomly explain my life (good and bad)

The paradox of the modern age is within busyness

What about conversational email marketing?

Why do we think software can solve people issues?

Fuck foosball and tacos and just respect me and let me grow (oh and health insurance)

So what happens when it feels like it's loss after loss after loss?

What if everything we know about time management is wrong?

Corporate vocabulary: When words mean everything, they then mean nothing

A quick note on all this "workplace ghosting" stuff

"65 hours a week? I remember my first part-time job!"

We want "The Glassdoor Effect" to be real, but it's not

Kelly Festa - 2019-01-25 09:39:49

Sunav Choudhary - 2019-01-25 01:57:35

The Interruption Economy

Stop flexing strengths as a leader. Be human.

Of course initiatives rarely have impact at work, because...

The bystander effect in organizations

The Spring Training problem of HR thinking

Let's talk about having a healthy relationship with alcohol for a second

Higher education seems to be a problem now

How did Dostoevsky say you destroy a prisoner psychologically?