Sitemap - 2021 - What Is Even Happening?

The richest monkey in the world

Writing a bit more on Medium these days

Get your nut while you can

Knowledge work isn't really that hard

Employee spotlight pages are a diversity box-check, typically

Mental health issues are a FEATURE of society, not a BUG

One day at a time.

The Performative Era

The "insert adjective here" culture

"COVID will change everything about work." No. But fertility rates will, tho!

Once more, for those in the back: Why do we care what HR leaders think?

Hot takes on innovation and the poor?

"Strategy" as a synonym for "placate the most powerful person"

FAANG companies are bullish on office space (at least NYC). Bye bye, remote work.

The gaslighting of the employee base

Let's redefine "success."

It's never about the intended narrative. It's about the narrative people will create from their beliefs.

What is productivity, honestly?

"The Great Resignation" = "The Great Strategy Pause"

Most people will not care about stuff related to YOU unless in some way it benefits THEM; remember this.

The burnout issue: Complicated prioritization decisions get pushed onto people

The entire purpose of middle managers, scientifically, is to be absolutely full of shit

Contact form 1

Personal Reflection: Why do the sperm collection rooms always have a recliner in 'em?

"We live in a machine that is designed to get us to neglect what's important about life."

Why do we keep surveying execs, managers, and HR people about "the remote revolution?"

Anxiety, risks, and value trade-offs

"Diversity as the signature of our democracy" and, er, white male backlash

Why would a middle manager be anything less than a glorified cop?

Go borrow some sugar from your neighbor

Relevance, control, and status

The drinking vs. no-drinking checklist

The Great Resignation narrative feels like a sham

What if we thought of "service" in the context of loneliness?

We need to get rid of all the Silicon Valley archetypes and narratives

"Apathy's a tragedy, and boredom is a crime" = An organizational mantra


Texas, Year 7: Reinvention and cancellation

Wouldn't "parenting" be able to overcome "Critical Race Theory?"

"Ban politics at work!" But what would that even look like?

Recurring meetings all the time = sign of a bad manager

What's the big goal of diversity initiatives, honestly?

The Instagram vs. IRL problem

Got my ass slapped into LinkedIn Jail

Is this finally the moment that we pipe out meaningless middle managers?

The peril of the check box lifestyle

How to excel with your boss

Do people actually want to critically consume information?

Can we end all the dog whistles about employment soon?

People do want to feel as if they matter

The endowment effect at work

HR leaders know very little about the future of work; stop surveying them

Without logical childcare models, it's just an economy for the affluent

A lot of people, self included, drink to feel seen

Just text some of your friends periodically. Check in. Be a human being.

The chase of full employee potential

Intolerance for debate vs. intolerance for truth

A huge chunk of work is paradoxes and contradictions, yes

Guest Post: Find, then avoid, the causes of burnout

A Mother's Day PSA

Empathy is all the rage right now in work discussions, but it needs action items

Misinformation ain't just a politics/social media issue. It's a big work issue.

Most managers ain't gonna do jack shit without incentives, honestly

COVID is the biggest endorser of Dunbar's Number in human history

The "chase woke, go broke" era

Will the role of a manger change post-COVID?

As you'd expect, the corporate open letter on voting restriction is toothless

"Work is a family!" = often a lie (or ... is it?)

Jelly on the scrotum on a Wednesday afternoon, or the misadventures of male fertility

Stop spending on wellness initiatives and make my job more secure?

How would one artfully navigate the fertility announcement post?

How will this be the "Era of Diversity" when women are fleeing the workforce?

The 2.3 year friendship drop (oh, yea, and marriage)

Senior Management 101: The distraction strategy

At what point is it OK to give up on certain jobs and people?

Stop chasing the panacea; most problems are complex

Jargon and buzzwords are inherently a status problem

Is there a solution for the perils of long-term unemployment?

"A compassionate email culture?" ROFL, not unless you live in Narnia, Bob.

The peril of convenience

Ever stop and think how weird and winding life is? Or: the 2007 Big East Tournament story.

The emotional dichotomy around diversity and inclusion

"Small dick justification, and 55 cents at the margin..."

Why do we keep fertility journeys secretive, y'all?

What happens if the full-time job becomes a relic of the past?

At some point, I needed to stop day drinking. Think maybe I've hit that moment...

Executives shouldn't hold the whole organization to their standards, honestly

COVID will probably scale up NIMBY

An over-focus on fiscal targets is emotional terrorism for employees

Dealing with the HIPPO in the room

Management issue: "Helpfulness" is determined by receiver, not giver

Tony Corneto and the irony of the Steve Jobs-laden slide deck

Confidence is not competence

"If data suggests a hiring problem..." How would HR know? Are they analytical?

"Imposter Syndrome" as a crutch that men use against women

Seems like work-from-home is continually eroding workplace trust

Breaking up with the best man

Diversity initiatives are a carnival ride of nothingness

COVID and friendships, or The Tale of Me and Greg R.

The owning of culture

Fun work game: Who exactly is the subject matter expert here?

A lot of the stuff we call "unprecedented" has, well, happened before

"They want to jump to strategy without understanding anything else."

Managers often confuse "burnout" with "the cost of growing a biz"

Just a reminder that management does matter, even though managers often forget that

The three "tiers" of work and life

Bridges vs. trenches

Do "calls for unity" work, at home or at work?

Walk alongside your employees

The refrain: "Create good jobs!" But like, do executives and founders WANT to do that?

Do we think Gartner understands social desirability bias?

What if middle managers didn't have to be direct reports themselves?

Do we think stuff like the U.S. Capitol riots should be discussed at work?

The power and the peril of unled lives

Automation and greed