Sitemap - 2018 - What Is Even Happening?

The one-off problem of work

My 2019 accountabilities

Guest Post: Are robots legit going to take over the workforce?

Megan - 2018-12-18 15:03:56

It's perfectly OK to feel like shit at the holidays

If a call or meeting is meaningless, kill the damn thing

Shouldn't people have insight into the decisions that affect them?

Take your work productivity more seriously than you do

The real reasons why the hiring manager-recruiter relationship often sucks

Work and life: Get the building blocks right first

Work problem: Academic research typically sneered at

Laugh a little at work, ya tight ass

What if we thought of getting fired as a good thing?

That time I yelled at some women in a bar about how many kids they had

When outcome matters, competence > likability

Is The American Dream even really a thing anymore?

38 things on being 38

Deny toxic masculinity and you're part of the problem

How much "marketing collateral" do you think sales really uses?

The greatest potential of cloud gets utterly ignored

Amanda Peterson - 2018-10-29 07:59:17

Six things a leader should actually be doing

Cathern Geesman - 2018-10-24 16:34:36

Most people you meet won't be that self-aware

Regina - 2018-10-21 06:50:12

Decades later, most managers still don't know what "delegation" is at all

"That's just another thing for me to manage"

Kara Black - 2018-10-17 16:41:38

Cara - 2018-10-17 03:51:10

The humble/ambitious conundrum

Rick DeLisi - 2018-10-13 21:06:24

What we don't discuss is that you also divorce the friends

The way we present ideas at work is pretty flawed

We need a more modern definition of masculinity

Steven McFarland - 2018-10-03 13:11:01

Your competitors aren't really the problem

The familial vs. broader society disconnect

Don't get trapped in reactive mode

The flummoxing world of corporate vocabulary

"Candidate experience" is a buzzword. Being real with people is not.

Executives need to be onboarded better

You can't just rush headlong into building a team

Stop promoting project managers to lead people

Motive determines performance (managers need to "get" this)

Your whole life will probably shift in two years, and that's OK

I'm running a half-marathon this weekend and I'm utterly unprepared for it

Wrong but prevalent attitude: "It's gotta make money immediately"

"You're going to get fired in three months."

So, are modern manager-employee relationships akin to slavery?

What's driving burnout?

Breaking news: Companies do not respect HR as a function

The bottom line on most stuff: people prioritize what they want to prioritize

Managers think they're "coaching" when they're actually micro-managing

We need to focus on the other type of "inclusion" too

What would actually make someplace a good place to work?

Why process, while good, can frequently destroy teams

ron cavallaro - 2018-08-06 10:44:27

One rule to get you better at conversations

182 months later, it's the same water

20 minutes a day, or start thinking of your career as a pipeline

Mathew Webcontentzone - 2018-07-26 22:55:04

"We don't reward people for admitting they are wrong"

The "always on" work model is compensated slavery

Know how to explain what you do in 1-2 sentences

People should end emails with "Let me know how I could make any of this easier"

Work isn't where to turn looking for appreciation

Cara Denise Canlom - 2018-07-17 19:44:10

Work issue: Moral vs. material goods

Four years, two lives, one realization

If you're not raising wages, can you really complain about a "skills gap?"

Senior leadership teams spend way too much time with each other

Short-term outcomes vs. long-term commitment

The evolution of core values

The three styles of management (they're not all good)

Your inbox is usually OTHER people's agendas, not yours

Business transformation usually fails because it ignores psychology

Being busy is more important than being strategic at many jobs

The low-credibility feedback problem

The 90-day employee retention problem

Meet with new employees during their first week (please)

"The most powerful business asset on Earth"

Be honest about what you need from a new hire

The Baby Boomer exodus and its leadership development problem

Why does work always need to be about tasks?

Urinoff Jacob - 2018-06-06 01:19:40

The problem of the overworked boss: He/she is not fair

The power of endings at work

We ignore this aspect of "women in tech" because it allows bros to be bros

2 out of 3 people don't know what they're even supposed to be doing at work

Dianna Howell - 2018-05-29 08:21:18

What matters is the moment AFTER the moment

Move recruiting from HR to business development

A partial list of why people throw themselves on the cross at work

"Complaining about work" is more at scale than "being productive at work"

I graduated college 15 years ago. A lot of shit's changed.

Beware "creating shareholder value" as an expression

Lisa Fleming - 2018-05-15 11:03:20

Networking sucks and is largely pointless too

What if decisiveness is actually a bad trait in managers?

Is the next 'white flight' going to be about cost of living? (Is it already?)

Improve the world by ending emails this way

Wait, isn't ageism paradoxical to making the most money possible?

Understand global unemployment: The 214M and/or 7% problem

Corporations don't use the word "empathy" the way it's meant to be used

Friendship at work is much more of a nuanced issue than we admit

The curiosity - turnover - innovation problem

Men shouldn't be agreeable at work. Now think on the repercussions of that.

Stop attending services at The Temple of Deadlines

If you're going to write blogs, please have something to actually say

Keep your best people: 15-70-15

What if your company's processes and tools aren't making you any more productive at all?

You'll never solve the silo issue, but this research might help

Your logo matters significantly less than you think it does

Meetings suck when it's just everyone listing their to-do lists. Here's a better way!

All managers do is email and go to meetings, sadly

Why would tech companies even need marketing departments?

Your career sucks because you lack self-awareness

Do senior company executives even know what "strategy" is?

Here's a halfway decent definition of "corporate culture"

Easter and all the rest: You gotta live it

Absentee managers are "the silent killer" of companies

The 'Metric Era' is demoralizing

Be more honest about why you job-hopped

Age-wise, 30 to 35 is where lives will get divergent

Guest Post: Is "blind" the future of hiring/recruiting?

Is the workplace now "shockingly inhumane?"

Is burnout at work all because of perceived incompetence of others?

How are managers allowed to avoid conversations by saying "it might be awkward?"

Stop hiding behind lies about how busy you are

"Hire three top performers, pay 'em like 8, get the result of 10."

Don't try to get happier. Change your environment.

Onboarding and off-sites need to be more spaced out

What if corporate execs actually used terms that meant something?

The experience needs to matter

Reality check: Consistently revising something might make it worse, actually

You want to change anything? Put aside the BS and over-communicate.

How you communicate love/value is about how the OTHER person needs it

What if we start considering vulnerability as a strength?

Life gets a lot easier when you realize how many people are full of shit

What's holding back "the era of data" is who gets to "own" it

RIP "brand messaging"

The misconception that crushes productivity

Work: Pay less attention to "cultural fit," more attention to "enculturability"

Stop thinking of business relationships as purely transactional

Are gender dynamics so skewed because men are terrified of women?

Did modernity kill contemplation?

Stop asking boring questions when you meet new people

The complex picture around pride at work

Ironically, a quest for perfection will likely destroy us

Future of work: "Mindsets and behaviors must be changed"

We are really confused about what "leadership" is

Cole - 2018-01-24 10:07:30

The overconfidence curse

January and February are productivity graveyards

The best employees are good running backs

The "Attention Economy" is a bubble

Life is random, or how The Butterfly Effect finds us all

Entry interviews, not exit interviews

A dog walk, a baby, frosh year of college: These things can fix onboarding

How do we foster trust in new ideas?

We really need to stop deifying Silicon Valley

Taylor Wright - 2018-01-04 16:50:12

How about team-based hiring?