Sitemap - 2017 - What Is Even Happening?

The decline of recruiting: Hiring managers, bad tech

The big lie about setting goals for a new year

Five 2018 "networking hacks"

"Best practices" are bullshit [in one paragraph!]

Work, nutshell: "Principle Of Least Effort"

The biggest lies about deadlines

My 10 most-viewed posts of 2017

Work surveys are such a fucking joke

The simple, single-image solution to your marketing problems

Is digital now becoming "more shit to manage?"

The problem: Employers/employees want different "autonomy"

Career planning is now both boring and impossible

You want me to briefly explain why your strategy sucks?

If you believe in disruption, you can't embrace conformity

"Everybody's got a plan until they get punched in the mouth"

Why are recruiters so obsessed with finding flaws?

Caring about others might make you more depressed, oddly

Why is a boss usually quicker to yell than praise?

Be thankful for the journey (even when it sucks)

Community is what sets you free

If you think you're not the office asshole, you probably are

Why is learning seemingly so hard within organizations?

Close to 85% of your job might be meaningless

"Hey left hand, you know what right hand is doing? Oh, no?"

Corporate training is way too focused on content

Strategy is paradoxically a problem for organizations now

Uncertainty is the new black. Embrace it.

The concept of "hustle" is trite bullshit

Work is about control. Let's stop ignoring that.

Isn't it time we were more open about sex?

Here's a great example of a question a boss should ask

abigial nasser - 2017-10-29 08:20:11

The dumb shit is what people remember, so lean into the dumb shit

Peter - 2017-10-27 04:16:53

Women likely develop employees better than men do

Talking about "purpose" and work is getting f'n tedious

Tom Keller - 2017-10-23 07:30:09

We really gotta change how we conceptualize the work week

Automation is going to cripple us unless we care about re-training

Analytics is a leadership problem, not a technical one

Why is compensation policy even a HR issue?

The five year plan should be a relic by now

Stop inverting the risk continuum on decisions

The Great Prosperity ain't walking through that door

Is "the big idea" dead?

Conversational narcissism is slaughtering society

The problem with deification of technology at work

One paragraph explaining how clueless talent management is

Monday meeting: Don't dread it; let it save you

We really need to discuss feeling isolated at work

RIP, Nicky Joe "Squid" Quinonez (1981-2017)

Sharing ideas: The only way work actually works

Working from home: More evidence it, um, works

What if your co-workers AREN'T lazy and work is just designed all wrong?

The "customer strategy" era is going to skyrocket turnover

The confusing world of "passion over profit"

Let me tell you why your salary sucks in one paragraph

Radical transparency will move you to a nicer zip code

When HR rules trump logic, your culture collapses

Is meaningful interaction dying out via tech?

Work sucks, globally -- but it doesn't have to be that way

Why do people have dating types at all?

Paradox: Our quest for credibility reduces the quality of work

Will hierarchical structure ever die out?

The basic resume should probably die a slow, painful death

Dan - 2017-09-05 18:28:00

Don't run from your shortcomings. Embrace 'em.

Stacey Jensen - 2017-09-04 08:57:00

Effective collaboration is the white whale of the digital age

20-40-60 Rule, or how to embrace that no one really gives a shit

The Eisenhower Matrix is really all you need for decisions

We are not our failures, no, but our jobs need more transparency there

Is there a top performer curse now?

News flash: A bunch of your sexual history will be transactional

Rewards and recognition programs need some real help

Get better at recruiting passive candidates

More marketing ROI: Kill off "branding"

In praise of #SocialRoadTrip

Bureaucratic management ain't going anywhere

The Temple of Busy is making us into fat pigs

Strategic decision making, simplified to a chart

The average middle manager ain't pulling his/her weight

Yep, you need a work vacation STAT

Have conversations about career skills, not job role

Why do we assume group chat is productive at work?

"We'll keep your resume on file!" And then what?

Business, simplified: It's about your problem solving approach

A nice stat about executives lip servicing digital marketing

Can we ever kill silo thinking? (Likely not.)

Performance feedback really isn't as hard as we think

Internal networking > external networking

Effective decision making is about basically one thing

Maybe we should stop assuming change is hard

Naysayers can't be drowned out if you want success

The endless career change loop

Humor at work might be a revenue driver

Beating a performance improvement plan (and the dirty little secret)

A simple chart showing one major problem with work

Does employee feedback have to be such a train wreck? (No.)

The 6 biggest cover your ass moves at work

Carolina Ascencion - 2017-07-12 04:58:32

Looking for a job? Understand the disconnects.

Why don't bad management styles evolve out?

The new manager problem: We're all baboons

Are we hiring from "sense of purpose?" (Probably not.)

More productive work = not about 'hacks,' about self-awareness

Tie employee development to potential challenges

Civility in the workplace seems to be in decline

Emotional burnout from work is becoming normative

Research on how to make good choices

How or why will your career progression stagnate?

Email Notification

HR training needs a major shift in focus

Jeffrey Summers - 2017-06-23 00:27:26

Jeffrey Summers - 2017-06-23 00:23:17

More evidence that thought leadership might be garbage

Onboarding best practices: You need a revenue tie

The on-demand economy's biggest org challenge

The 2017 HR analytics problem, in one paragraph

Your direct manager is probably the worst part of your job

Are male friendships harder?

Soft skills, and how to hire for 'em

Your corporate training program likely sucks

Company loyalty is dead and buried, yes

Networking ideas: Don't overthink it, fam; you got this

Analytical tools begin with psychology

Simplicity in business should be the goal

Trying times: The "let me off the hook" problem

Caroline Wood - 2017-06-06 19:34:43

Caroline Wood - 2017-06-06 19:34:40

Save your learning and development with one question

No, no, no: Don't put the high performer into management

The many issues of HR metrics

Your business model isn't as unique as you think, good sir

Time management activities gonna make you rich

What differentiates high performance leadership?

Remote work is the tide of history, son

Leadership training needs to be blown up and redone

Maybe adult responsibilities are what we all fear

What the fuck is even going on at most companies?

Need for closure personalities hurt workplaces

What if we called it the 'Team Collaboration Economy?'

What should a manager's work priorities be?

"Collaborative culture of innovation:" Pump the brakes on this term

Performance goals = really what a manager needs to do

The science of negativity in the workplace

Job role is everything, and companies keep eff'ing it up

Why political polarization in America is unique

Chief Human Resources Officer: A job you ... want?

Two faced people shouldn't become leaders

The lazy coworkers solution [problem already evident]

Your diversity hiring policy is likely missing a few boats

The recruitment process needs less of a focus on speed

The "I am so lonely" era in America

Is inclusive prosperity even psychologically possible?

Is employee net promoter score a good metric to use?

Conflict management strategies start with psychological safety

Is emotionally intelligent leadership gonna die with mobile?

"Time is money" stresses the hell out of human beings

Less screen time is the new work-life balance

"People don't know what they want" explains work pretty well

Face-to-face communication might be 34x more effective

Salary range 101: You want good people, gotta pay for 'em

Could compassionate love work in companies?

Jesse - 2017-04-13 09:04:11

Ideation process might have a basic secret sauce

Facebook depression seems pretty real

The Douchebags shall continue to rise, at work/home

Agency theory is why you don't like your job

New product features? How about new people features?

Employee happiness really ain't about the employee

Do we now lip-service the importance of education?

Emotional exhaustion at work: Let's be more open here

Does the "big deals" model of marketing work?

Mevish Aslam - 2017-03-30 10:56:53

The self-delusion problem of leadership

Dealing with taxes as a freelance writer

"Strategic account managers" are pulling us all into Hades

Samantha Sauer - 2017-03-27 13:45:18

"Thanks in advance" is the way to end emails, eh?

The war for talent became the war ON talent

One set of people management skills actually matters

Get better ideas: Maybe lessen your own ego, yea?

The Socially Isolated Era in America is dawning

Often, the "business guru" knows exactly shit

Change management exercises: Know your sub-cultures

What if "integrity capital" will make you more money?

"Disruptive technology" is an oft-misused term

Your bonus structure is alienating employees

A 'thought partner' is the type of manager you want to be

karlene browning - 2017-03-13 17:27:40

Employee performance evaluation, done the productive way

Is humble leadership the new intelligence?

The confidence gap at work is often a gaping chasm

The dead end job problem of employee turnover

Shiny Object Syndrome is harming your business

Complacency, meet technology. This won't be pretty.

Inspirational leadership: Don't we all somewhat deserve this?

Lack of salary transparency is killing us all

How are cost-cutting measures still a strategy?

Oft-ignored problem: Digital laziness

Stop checking boxes. It's meaningless.

The "I am a failure" problem of work

Does stewardship theory actually happen?

Digital noise: How bad is it, really? [Quantification]

Confirmation bias is now a synonym for "life"

Talent sourcing: Think of it as a supply chain

CEO trust is in the toilet

High potential employees: The fatal flaw

Is this The Iteration Era?

Productivity Planner: The Focus Day

The great strategy consulting irony

Compensatory behavior is, well, everything

Where do business buzzwords come from?

LinkedIn benefits 2017: Meh, not so much

Ability to work independently: Crucial

The white paper marketing bubble will pop soon, right?

Welcome to the Easy Work Era

The greatest talent planning myth

Process of recruitment: Here's a better idea

Guest Post: The driving force vs. the restraining force

A project management dashboard ain't gonna save you

What if positive thinking is mostly bullshit?

Do leadership competencies have to include "being an asshole?"

On the fear of not being good enough

Bryan - 2017-01-29 09:00:40

Bryan - 2017-01-29 09:00:33

Busywork and how to prevent it

Look for the foolish invention ideas

jeff creighton - 2017-01-27 16:26:50

Guest Post: Why I still love Americans

Financial metrics: Guys sound like a-holes when discussing, yes?

Workplace politics and the self-interest loop

The employee morale conundrum

The value of protests in the algorithm age

Cognitive learning often has no place at work

Employer branding: The big thing companies miss

"But what's the project objective, sir?"

The "boys don't cry" problem of work

Adoption of technology: Don't whiff on this

Add "business journey" to the buzzword list

Eitan - 2017-01-16 02:28:06

Engagement marketing gets destroyed by growth KPIs

Your list of communication skills begins here

The Guesswork Era may still beat Big Data

How to convince someone: Currency of the modern age

Motivational posters ain't gonna get you growth

The "zero fucks given" approach to work

Cognitive diversity is a key to target-hitting

Breanna Kusnierczyk - 2017-01-08 21:05:51

Breanna Kusnierczyk - 2017-01-08 21:05:43

This French email law won't solve very much

Employee attrition has a "quick fix"

Job dissatisfaction: A general guide to preventing it

You don't need a mail manager program, no

Kaleem - 2017-01-03 23:45:58

Emotional intelligence in the workplace: A dog and pony show

Generational differences: Let's talk about this less, OK?

Employee satisfaction: One thing matters the most