Sitemap - 2015 - What Is Even Happening?

What if social media makes us less connected?

How do you align strategy and execution?

2015 was one of the worst years of my life. Let's dance, 2016.

The most incredible disconnect of the hiring process

How to measure employee engagement

The key number for getting new customers is 4.7

Ethics, social media, and platitudes

E-Mail is just a representation of the power structure of your organization

2016 goal: Text 3-5 of your friends every morning, just because

An achievable 2016 networking goal

A day-by-day guide to managing your time at work

The 9 types of employee you can be

The first step of employee advocacy is the hardest one

3 years since Sandy Hook, and things are worse. Wow.

How bosses can communicate with employees

Future of Work: Shallow work vs. deep work

'How do consumers find our product?' has become 'How do algorithms find it?'

Why gamification sits at the crossroads of management

In business, are you solving the right problem?

Chart: Most CMOs have no clue about digital marketing

Marketing: Worry less about 'content,' more about 'stories'

What if companies having empathy was tied to revenue?

The 10:1 managerial ratio

You'll never have a good work culture unless you stop promoting assholes

Have less meetings: The triage method

Is social media making the rat race even worse?

No workplace can be 'creative' under current management models

@natschooler - 2015-11-28 05:28:18

Five factors you need to create change

Job role and definition is crucially important to the bottom line

Prioritizing: The 5 balls you juggle in life

Attracting top talent is actually fairly simple

How to 'manage up:' The 'what-if' approach

Naw, you're really not that busy

Now begins the time of year where family > work

The psychology of talking about Muslims and terrorism

If you travel for work all the time, is there any ROI?

4 Ways You Need To Think About Changing Your Company

Five factors for effective work teams

Tie marketing back to emotions

What if traditional marketing dies?

How to fix your onboarding program

On 'management by due date'

At work, certain skills can't belong to just a few people

Future Of Work: Provide opportunities for growth

Why do we focus so much on the quantity of work we do?

Financial decisions = akin to how animals find food

The myth of team diversity

When will the 2015 Clemsoning happen?

Business acronym to understand: B.R.A.V.E.

Why do most people use their time so poorly?

How about being a problem-anticipator instead of a problem-solver?

'Management 101:' Set a fire. Wait until it escalates. Resolve it. Tell everyone you put out a fire.

Let's start embracing the idea of asking questions at work

How critical of others is your organizational culture?

Filip Matous - 2015-10-20 05:52:07

Nobody truly knows what makes people happy at work

A 'heads-down' work culture actually is not a good thing

On laziness as a motivator

What actually drives consumer behavior?

What's your Capital-S Story?

The No. 1 interview question of the future will be...

How To Be More Productive At Work: 4 Steps

Leading business communication with "What's in it for me"

Heisman Trophy 2015: Leonard Fournette vs. Trevone Boykin, right?

Leadership is about building something great together

Here's why LinkedIn publishing is probably NOT a good strategy

On no-ROI deliverables

Scientifically, what's going to determine your earning potential?

Marketing 101: How about a simple YouTube video explaining your business?

Why is change so hard?

Weak relational ties can be more valuable for your career than strong ones

On 'moving fast' vs. 'moving smart'

How meetings can drive managerial decision-making

On leadership and negative thoughts

Leadership Strategy: Fire yourself

Here's a fun party game: Which celebrity couple would you have a threesome with?

The leadership void, explained

tyelmene - 2015-09-28 12:38:42

How to have a team that actually executes on goals

Future of Marketing: Science, Storytelling, Speed, Simplicity, and Substance (5S)

Managers manage team energy, not team performance

The only thing that matters about a meeting is the action items, honestly

Lack of strategy = rise of politics

Rather than focusing on your best employees, improve your worst ones

Scientifically, how many times a week "should" couples be having sex?

Here's why the traditional college model will probably never die

Half the time, we pick leaders for the wrong reasons

Maybe 'authentic leadership' is total bullshit

Leadership 101: Don't be so obvious about the stuff that actually matters to you

At the end of your career, what will you value?

Here's a simple, transparent leadership idea

Start treating your consumers as insiders

Why do we always end up dancing in a circle at weddings?

Link traditional marketing and digital marketing. Pause. Make money.

Could advertising just die someday as an industry?

Kill performance reviews = develop employees faster

Here's a pretty easy way to understand inequality

Networking: More 'give,' much less 'take'

Bad managerial style: The Merry-Go-Round

Let's rebrand the concept of work-life balance

Behavioral interviewing is dumb

What if your business had a "Values Day?"

Here's the one reason companies fail at collaboration

Who cares if you're an individual superstar if you can't work on a team?

Here's the thing: management isn't intuitive

The base-level case for training your employees

Stop purporting to solve a problem simply because you have a number in the headline

Better time management: Don't wait for permission

Today is my wife's birthday. If you want the story of how we met, click here.

The power of asking good questions

The dirty little secret about communication at work

Future of work: balancing cohesion and diversity

How can you create business urgency with limited resources?

Your Facebook profile seems managed, right? Nope. It's your true self.

Opinion-seeking is a major reason videos/stories go viral

On Will Smith and the treadmill success theory

Execution. Expertise. Is empathy the new management trend?

It's actually fairly easy to explain Donald Trump's rise

Success actually isn't a good teacher

Overwork is bad for you -- and your company

When we force employees to be inauthentic, that hurts employee engagement

The three types of workplace fear

Start by trying to understand what your salary represents

How To Be More Productive At Work: Eat your frogs in the AM (not literally)

Referral is still the king of lead generation marketing

You can't skip the second act in life

How about relationships before revenue?

I volunteered at a kids' carnival and learned a lot about how adults work

Communicating at work maybe isn't ROI, but focus on it

Most companies have no idea how to value customers

Your print-to-digital strategy is terrible. Here's how to fix it.

The role of storytelling in leadership

Chess vs. checkers leadership

What if companies used a Premier League relegation concept on salaries?

On the scarcity of promotions and fear at work

RIP Charlotte Chandler, my Teach for America co-teacher

Here's a good decline of civilization stat

You over-inflate your intelligence when you use Google

Here's a weird dream I just had

Please stop thinking you "don't have time" for training/teaching others

Here's a terrifying population growth stat

You're not going to be a millionaire, sorry

Your business has a Casssandra Complex

Better meetings: Thoughtful question first, No-Rehash Rule

Brief Thought Exercise: Intelligence vs. Authority

Be A Better Leader: Priorities, Who, Relationships (PWR!)

Daniel Meck - 2015-07-27 14:32:51

A 40-hour work week in 1950 = 11 hours of work in 2015

On metrics and honesty

What if being happy at work is all just a huge scam?

Remember: mentoring ain't the same as managing

Future of Work: Respect is everything

How to present better: Get excited

Loved Trainwreck, but ...

One year in Texas. How's that going (y'all)?

Instead of rushing to hire, look at your team

The opposite of addiction isn't sobriety. It's connection.

How to fix your habits: Personalize them

The Shrine of Big Numbers is killing marketing

What if collaboration hurts productivity?

Future of work: For a team to evolve, the leaders need to evolve

Can we teach empathy, especially to adults?

Homophily and business

What about "Big Data" in our calendars?

We should rebrand the idea of "brand"

Two simple ways to stay on top of e-mail

How to present better: Do your slides last

Stop and think about what makes you human

The lack of feedback at most offices is stunning

If someone wants to work remotely, let them

On business innovation vs. tenure

The man is keeping you down

Understanding social capital at work

Treat your best-performing employees like your best-performing customers

The basic life path is changing, and we should address that

When will people get annoyed by everyone discussing Big Data?

You're not nearly as busy as you think

Link short-term decision-making to long-term goals

Why your job has so many "experts"

Worry less about how relevant you are

The USA apparently has poor well-being

Looks like millennials aren't buying homes

Stop withholding information down the business chain

Intersection of hierarchy and professionalism = double standard of life

Some evidence that "cross-functional teams" are BS

Empathy is more valuable than critical thinking on people issues

Honestly, at work ... let people be people. It can be successful.

Stop chasing bullet points

Goldman Sachs is now driving hipster gentrification

Most businesses forget the first word of "social media"

Try to pursue 'bold leadership'

Spend some time investing in your team, dear manager

How about the content marketing supply-demand problem?

Where are the worst places to be 16-24 in the U.S.?

The relationship between "needs" and "process"

As you chase revenue, also chase honesty; it will boost sales

The sales-marketing divide isn't going away anytime soon

For the love of Christ, give feedback regularly at work

What if research proved the value of taking a vacation?

Only 32 percent of children in Mississippi are in two-parent households

What if employee engagement is a consultant-driven scam?

Worst culture: Good ideas are seen as a threat

It took me until 2015 to see Point Break, but damn it's a great movie

Great quote on the new world of business

The hiring process rewards narcissism

This is why 'a networked culture' is important

Marketing 101: Decisions come from your memories

When you devalue people of certain groups, they're going to lie and cheat around you

Why Men Are Awful: On the pussy-profit paradigm

What you feel for a brand is essentially "rational love"

Evenwel vs. Abbott might change a lot about Hispanic voter influence

Here's a good way to explain what "design" is in a business context

Deep thought: The three things you can't talk about

Do we place too high of a value on "reputation?"

Is Step 1 in the Golden State Warriors dynasty tonight?

No one actually knows how to hire for cultural fit

Stay connected to the essence of who you are

Baby Boomers' final act: Save entrepreneurship

Senior management: Values the same, personalities different

Future of Work: Clarity leads to empowerment

How about "simplicity" as a business strategy?

The four things you need to understand to follow through on plans

Marketing doesn't completely understand content

Cops have killed 385 people so far in 2015, but look deeper at the numbers

Productivity and engagement killer: Mobile e-mail.

How To Get Buy-In: It's all about positive energy

Change meeting structure and foster transparency

Technology killed recruiting

Time spent with print vs. ad spend on print = a mess

Pro-Choice! Pro-Life! Um, how about Pro-Voice?

How do you get your idea to catch on?

Melissa - 2015-05-29 13:24:09

Cost of Living: What's the hourly wage you need for a 2BR in every state?

This is how we SHOULD think about marketing, but we DON'T

Three ways to make your employees happier

Jsteele - 2015-05-27 19:05:54

Jsteele - 2015-05-27 19:05:52

Jsteele - 2015-05-27 19:05:28

Erika - 2015-05-27 16:47:32

Managers don't seem so big on self-improvement

Andrew - 2015-05-26 18:58:36

Remember: business is still individual-to-individual

Your leadership pipeline probably sucks

People who live in cities often think they live in the burbs

Time to revisit the ol' "social media doesn't impact the bottom line" discussion

Three ways to make small talk more meaningful

The leadership parable of the roofer, the carpenter, and the inline skater

Try to avoid "zombie personal branding"

Are we becoming less religious?

Office Politics: People aren't creatures of logic; they're creatures of emotion

Melisa - 2015-05-23 12:54:42

Onboarding: Hit the ground running = total farce of a concept

Replace vague praise with specific praise

Richard Branson and leadership through listening

This is what should scare you about your life/career

Standard hierarchy is the lowest form of respect

Americans and vacation remains a massive train wreck

It might actually suck more to NOT lose your job to automation

Future of Work: Pursue a rookie mindset

Make your messaging audience-centric

Look at this "try to live and work in San Francisco" stat

Coming back to blogging tomorrow

No, Mother's Day doesn't mean your mom is perfect

There's a black America and a white America. They are NOT the same.

Did you hold the job you now manage?

What if "the flexibility stigma" cripples the U.S. economically?

Maybe Slack could finally end some corporate seat time discussions

You need to start killing off good ideas

Content marketing might actually be taking people OFF message

West Virginia ain't a great place to be a woman, it seems

Stop being a dick when you write e-mails. Thanks.

How to ID a bad boss: Single point of failure all the time

Being busy is a drug for most people

Profits and share prices are the RESULT of organizational actions, not the GOAL

Jesus Christ, how about this attention span stat?

Leaders say they want people who can thrive with uncertainty. But do they?

What if Sheryl Sandberg's husband (Dave Goldberg) did commit suicide?

Could good design/UX help us retire better?

Start taking responsibility for your own analytics

The power of friends at work

Managers can't even set their own priorities

The Rust Belt sure Googles the word "n*gger" a lot

Big Data: You need to actually be able to explain things to people. We forget that step.

You want to be a successful company? Recognize your people.

What's the best city in the world if you're under 29?

The essential issues with giving feedback at work

Why crowdsource an idea/concept if you don't care about the responses?

Let's retire the idea of "paying your dues." Oh wait, we can't.

5 ways to drive strategy without having formal power

Social change moves a lot faster than you think

We should probably stop considering mobile as "a fad"

Business World Shift: The introverts are coming

Try 'management by walking around'

Why work sucks: Your boss is trying to predict threats

Marketing and the passionate minority

Do we have new potential suspects in the Cassie Compton disappearance case?

Michelle - 2015-04-27 15:54:25

We have a workforce crisis coming, yes, but no one really gives a shit

Seriously, when will people "get it" about digital marketing and advertising?

Why people hate their boss

Sarah - 2015-04-27 00:08:22

Most days, I feel pretty worthless. This can't be normal, right?

The new Facebook algorithm is bad for brands too

How about promoting off potential and not performance?

Where in the U.S. can you live eight years longer on average?

Marketing automation needs to become more adaptable

Better communication: Pause for 45 seconds, respond with respect

Maybe we legitimatize income inequality

I gotta figure out what I want to do with my blog

Creativity vs. the deadline

Don't buy all the hype on Paul Tudor Jones

The inherent dichotomy of e-mail length

Wow, Manhattan's income inequality is staggering

As a leader, it's OK to sound like a broken record on mission

The "escalator of success" is straight-up broken

On fixing the bad first impression

A bad culture will cost you money (and everything)

55 hours of work per week is a hard ceiling. Remember that.

Fast Company on how to introduce new ideas: Completely roll over

There's a good chance almost no one understands you at all

"Got a minute?" costs the U.S. economy about $588 billion a year

How to explain the world at a cocktail party

360 degree feedback = concentration camp

People always question failure. What about questioning success?

Think about Friday at work differently: as the one-on-one meeting day

So, what do employers want in 2015?

How about a better way to set work rules?

How about we discuss uninterrupted work time?

The value of "brand" is declining. The value of "customer relationships" is increasing.

Only 11 percent of people accomplish their daily to-do list. WTF?

Maybe stop telling me to "join the conversation" on social media

Keep e-mails brief when e-mailing those Baby Boomers

Fort Worth is the new Austin

Core skill for salespeople: Verbal acuity

Clinton vs. Rubio (Bush?): Will 2016 be first true 'Big Data' election?

Your social dynamics are hideously imbalanced

Incubators probably don't actually work that well

It's no longer "time is money." Now time is literally the new money.

How long will this "gut feel" vs. "use analytics" debate go on?

How about work-life balance as a strategic advantage?

Craft a vision. Talk about your vision. Listen to others about your vision?

Key to business success: Consider the OODA Loop

No shit, Facebook can cause depression

How to be more creative: Explain things back to yourself

If you follow a "content marketing expert," you're probably doing it wrong

Take some time and learn what different people at your job do

The era of "customer-first" is going to be terrible for employees

Maybe we should stop focusing on "selling product"

Business buzzword we should ban: "Nimble"

How about a culture that celebrates the work, not just the wins?

Email Notification

Email Notification

Algorithms to pick the C-Suite, eh? No one will use this.

Opening Day + NCAA Championship used to be my playground

Why is it so complicated for people to understand Google's people success?

You should probably be making about $30,000 more

Most bullshit job search term ever: "Overqualified"

Work isn't set up to create innovation, no

You can't build employee engagement with software

Wisconsin > Kentucky is Duke > UNLV 1991

Stop confusing "formal power" with "knowing what's best."

Bullshit Studies 101: "Parenting Time Doesn't Matter."

Please stop talking about how you "own a process" at work

Daily deliverables murdered strategy

What happened to Anjellica "AJ" Hadsell?

The (not so) hidden cost of having a bad manager

Maybe dehumanization of leadership is a real thing, eh?

95% of Twitter mentions for Elizabeth Arden are spam, eh?

How about a culture of trust via transparency?

Here's a quick test that could determine if you're going to be wealthy

55% of people think performance management is effective. Wait, it's that high?

Experience shouldn't matter in job search, but boy ... does it ever.

Marketing really needs to evolve

So wait, Monica Lewinsky is a hero and crusader now? No. Please no.

74% of executives say customer experience is a priority. Is it?

Problem-solving at work: Struggle and insight go together

Business travel confuses the hell out of me

dearcharlene123 - 2015-03-29 18:09:11

How confirmation bias explains your job (and your parents)

Your time at work really isn't your own. Change that.

Maybe we need to focus less on "professionalism"

88 percent of rewarded and appreciated projects begin with this one question

How to get out of a rut: Three whys

The biggest themes of the most-shared Internet content are...

Is it possible that digital natives (millennials) will be better multitaskers?

Focus less on your ambitions, and more on your self-confidence and humility

You really need to be comfortable with ideas opposite from your own

Migration patterns of U.S. young people

Employee Engagement: You might "get it," but the person next to you doesn't

Please think for at least one fucking second about calling that meeting

Facebook might not be popular among teens, but it'll still rule their lives

These stats about on-boarding will make you gouge your eyes out with a rusty spike

A lesson about decision-making from Walmart

This one quote explains why "talent strategy" is a joke

Uber's Big Data revenue push begins

On the hiring vs. efficiency schism

Girls Season 4: So Hannah Horvath (Lena Dunham) is growing up, right?

Your LinkedIn job title is ridiculous.

What is 'collective creativity?' (And could it work for you?)

To overcome doubt, surrender formal power. Honestly.

Digital Marketing 101: Know your brand, add value for your user, take risks

Only 50 percent of people are clear about what's expected of them at work. Awkward.

It's probably time to fire JT3, Georgetown

People always confuse these "Get power at work" discussions

U.S. social media usage is actually below the global median

The most powerful statement in business is ...

The New Business: RIP, Product and Inventory

Why the fuck do we still call people "account managers?"

Iowa State, Baylor: Let's talk about 14-over-3 seed NCAA Tournament upsets

So, factually maybe marriage is a dying institution

The Four Horsemen Of The Work Apocalypse Are...

Gary Vaynerchuk annoys me, but he's dead right about Twitter

Inequality: Let's talk about 95-20 ratios in U.S. cities

If you want to be a successful leader, ask for feedback

Ah, look. Another leadership study. What can we learn?

You know it rains more in Houston than Seattle?

Here's a new way to start work projects

Every piece of "sales advice" I read makes me want to smash my head with a brick

Let's stop breathlessly analyzing Twitter's influence and data, shall we?

Got married two years ago today. Here's some thoughts.

If you're single in San Francisco, it'll take you 17 years of income to buy a home

WTF? Average CMO tenure is only 48 months? 23 percent of top jobs are open annually?

How about this meetings-open-with-a-memo idea, eh?

Here's another CMO study. What can it tell us?

Every male in their 30s has some opinion on Adam Sandler, right?

Please stop writing articles about "hiring with intention"

This list of "Why Women Fake Orgasms" will make you weep

Look at this graph of U.S. execution methods since 1776

Maybe TEDConnect could save the stupidest part of conferences

Asking questions: Less accusatory, more empowering

Do these five things well and you'll make money and keep your best people

Your team has no self-awareness, and that's why they don't get projects done

So wait, what are you so busy with anyway?

Maybe we should stop talking about "lead generation"

Management advice: Tell people what you want done, not how to do it

The scientific reason work is a clusterfuck

Do we think Thomas Rouland is involved in the disappearance of Kimberly Rouland?

Holiday Inn Express just killed all the Baby Boomers

68 percent of managers AREN'T engaged in their employees' career development. WTF?

Patrick Pichette (Google CFO) story: Yep, it's awesome. But uh, he's rich.

4,364 people living in London have over $30 million in assets

The incredibly true story of how my fat, lazy ass learned to cook at age 29

We're about to embark on a generation of narcissists, eh?

RIP Sam Simon, part-shaper of many childhoods

Lessons from dealing with an anxious spouse

Focus on the stuff that works. Let the other stuff go.

Only 34 percent of managers can name the strengths of their employees. WTF?

Four types of productivity styles and why it's hard to get stuff done at work

Let's talk realistically about LinkedIn publishing for a second

You need to make $87,536 to buy a home in NYC; San Francisco? $142,448

Here are the 10 hardest-working cities in America

No one really cares about Human Resources, and now HR is mad

The most popular TED Talks ever kinda prove you're living life wrong

The six traits that an attractive city supposedly needs

Misconceptions: Millennials probably will quit jobs over money, aren't "The Trophy Generation"

Justine - 2015-03-06 14:32:08

Steve B. - 2015-03-06 13:30:13

Aim to be a "post-heroic leader."

Wait, there are people who don't understand that social media has an invisible audience?

yes2wes - 2015-03-06 12:16:28

yes2wes - 2015-03-06 12:16:27

So wait, doesn't the existence of consultants imply a lack of business trust in employees?

Spend some actual time on your website's FAQ page

1992-2006, mortality rates for women rose in 42.8% of U.S. counties. For men? 3.4% of counties.

Desmond Davis - 2015-03-05 15:56:41

Leadership = focus on accomplishing the goal, not advocating for your way to the goal

tyelmene - 2015-03-05 12:18:33

Why do meetings necessarily need to be about a specific topic?

CMOs will spend more money on analytics, yes. But will they do it right?

Santa Fe is the best place to own a business as a woman

Here are the 10 most economically-powerful cities in the world; yes, NYC is No. 1

Key ways to get people to pay attention to you

We need to seriously talk about you taking a vacation

"The tyranny of the ribbon" is America's infrastructure problem

Why is it so fucking complicated for people to understand Apple's success?

So, why are people evil?

Dichotomy: Women have tons of decision-making power at the family level, almost none at the business level

Life Key: Move away from fear, greed, and ignorance

The personal question my wife asked me that I can't answer (and what it means)

The one thing your product needs is a simple, elegant interface

Cost of living: Where in America would $100 go the farthest?

Erica Dhawan - 2015-02-28 09:15:54

Start thinking about "connectional intelligence"

Maybe funny is the new sexy

Move from "storytelling" to "story-making" in your branding and marketing

If you're an idiot, you probably think you're a genius

"Loyalty company" and "company with loyalty program" = different

We should let adults embrace the idea of "play."

How "the latitude of acceptance" explains change at work

We should stop viewing leadership as a destination

Fuck it, yo. How about an unconditional basic income?

Senior business leaders mostly fear incompetence. Cue the trickle-down.

Here comes the slow death of the suburbs

"Broad City" is now better than "Girls." Here's why.

What's the most economically-segregated city in America?

Stop fucking checking your phone all the time

Oscars: All-time, five people have been thanked more than God in acceptance speeches. Who are they?

Confidence is how you turn thoughts into action. Here's how to get it.

Your job isn't supposed to be fun. But it can have purpose.

Oscars 2015: The first role for Eddie Redmayne, Benedict Cumberbatch, Michael Keaton, Bradley Cooper, and Steve Carrell

Want to live longer? Here are nine tips

To-do lists may actually be holding people back

What could have happened to Apryl Foster?

Companies don't operate according to moral norms like reciprocity. Here's why.

Frankfurt, London, and Copenhagen are the world's most sustainable cities

coolfactor - 2015-02-20 16:54:29

How Facebook usage actually explains the future of work

Don't confuse accountability with scaring someone

Use transactional analysis and adult/parent/child to figure out yourself, your spouse, your family, your in-laws, etc. (Honestly.)

Want better memory? Walk through less doors, watch more sitcoms

How wages for young people in the U.S. changed, 1980-2013

Four ideas we get totally wrong about retirement

Some photos and thoughts on going to Paris/London

What if Big Data actually makes decision-making slower?

Demographic shifts: The population pyramid is over. What does that mean?

Taking some time and going to Paris for a week or so

Almost regardless of situation, failure is tied to excuses

The core of the Baby Boomer vs. Millennial divide will occur in health care

There are about 124 million Google searches per month for "porn"

More productive e-mailing: Move it from "push" to "pull"

The future of work: Is your manager orthopraxic or orthodox?

Increase productivity, contentment: Seek the 'Four-Way Win'

Here are the 10 cities with the largest share of young adults

No CMO + listen better = $1 billion company in 2 years. Believe in this.

... that time I accidentally went to a Low-Testosterone doctor, though...

You can ignore an ad. You can't ignore a relationship.

Likability: 13 Traits To Work On

Student loans will mentally devastate you

Stephen J. Dubner pushes back on Big Data

Jessica Starr Indiana murder case? Look at Tavaras Browning.

Car culture is (slowly) dying, but the future is hard to predict

You want happier employees? Channel the construction industry.

Why do we confuse "productivity" with "face-time" or "seat-time" at office jobs?

Is the Hillary Clinton waiting game actually good for democracy?

Here's a story about a time I spent a few hours in a holding cell

Maybe ideation software isn't helping

When the Seahawks show real emotion, people call them "fake." Why?

Super Bowl ads work (EDIT: if you're Budweiser)

The new face of inequality: extracurricular activities

Everyone lies, but HOW is based on social class

What if Baby Boomers start leaving experiences (instead of money) to millennials?

Valuable content is the job of the entire marketing team

Netflix's success isn't really about algorithms

Old media curmudgeons need to shut their yaps about Marshawn Lynch

Here's why artificial intelligence should probably terrify you

Make this hot and sour soup soon, you prick

The importance of remembering Auschwitz and D-Day

Drones will keep you a wino

The Koch Brothers are 2016

Be more productive: find, then eliminate, "time sinks"

IBM is about to cut 26 percent of its workforce? Jesus Christ.

Companies mostly get it wrong about defining purpose

Ernie Banks dies = Cubs win the World Series?

Leadership should actually be about making as FEW decisions as possible

Here are the 30 fastest-growing cities of 2014

Networking better: (a) Stop caring about first impression; (b) stop networking

What if what's really being "disrupted" is The American Dream?

Here's President Obama's 2015 State of the Union word cloud

Shasta Himelrick case: Name to know might be Michael Owes

Want to change someone's attitude? Get certainty with consensus, repetition, ease, and defense

Assigned mentorship is dead. So what next?

Can we solve the problem with job descriptions?

Aaron Rodgers is not actually good in big games

MLK was a flawed man. Maybe that's the point.

A practical, vocational college major is a terrible fucking idea

The 1% will soon own more than the bottom 50%, eh? We're all totally doomed.

Was Blaine Bennett the Purdue coach who rejected Aaron Rodgers?

TV needs to stop canceling Emily Kapnek shows

What are the best cities, economically, for African-Americans?

Here are, apparently, four qualities to make you a better leader

Here's something that could kill the tech industry

Here's an incredible stat about lack of leadership training

49ers head coach Jim Tomsula once lived out of his car

For good work teams, consider C-Factor

Facebook at Work seems like a bad idea

Holacracy has some issues with vocabulary and compensation

NFC/AFC Conference Championships: Let's talk about the QB girlfriends, shall we?

Every project at work should start with defining roles

Maybe people honestly don't want to collaborate at work

How to be better at presentations and communications: A.I.M.

Urban Meyer's three national titles all came vs. Heisman winners

Employee feedback: Confidentiality screws up accountability

Three ways to maximize your willpower (which is a finite resource)

What's the ultimate lesson of an Oregon-Ohio State CFB Championship?

Maybe David Swift DIDN'T kill Karen Johnson Swift

Stop complaining; it's hurting your health

If New Orleans were a country, it would be second-worst for gun violence in the world

Realistically, introverts should be better at networking

Peyton Manning SHOULD exit the NFL with a loss to Andrew Luck, Colts

Job growth is nice, but earnings are stagnant -- and that's bad

Here's a great explanation for why people gossip at work

WalletHub thinks you should move to Arizona in 2015

5 of the top 10 'Best Performing Cities' in America are in Texas

Recruiters often seem confused by LinkedIn. That's bad.

My life is all "Sliding Doors" right now with ESPN in Sundance Square

Saying "hop on a call" offends the hell out of me

'Stretch assignments' are mostly bullshit, but real human growth isn't

Self-compassion is more valuable than self-criticism

Your boss probably lacks EQ

Here's a pretty simple lesson about showing respect at work

Honestly, maybe Joe Flacco IS the best QB in the NFL

Your birth year and your political alignment are correlated

What if we trained people at work to do multiple things at once?

Olivia Munn is somewhat of a Cowboys fan? Oh, here we go.

Take a vacation with your friends/family, you overworked dipshit

Feels like the Jessica Chambers case should focus on names like Roscoe, Eric, Derrick, etc.

Why are USA maternal health numbers so poor for an industrialized country?

Get organized in 2015 with "speed elimination"

Happiness isn't a linear thing; it's more like a U-Curve

The true lesson of Stuart Scott is found in ESPN as a family

Batch tasks, create a state of flow