Sitemap - 2024 - What Is Even Happening?

Men, Unfortunately, Lie About What They Value

"They Can Feel Empathy; They Just Don't Want To."

I Just Wanna Feel Fucking Normal

Teenagers Beheading The Homeless?

The Cigar Smoke Of Male Loneliness

Don't Let People Get Too Far Gone

How Broken Are Our Young Women?

"The Boomers Deserve A Horrific End."

During COVID, The Rich Ate Us

"For These 22 Skills, I Can't Go Above $57,000."

Meeting Your End In A Home Depot

🎶 Kill Your Brother, Torch His House 🎶

A Trial About How We Treat New Moms

"The Poor? Tell Them To Work Harder."

Wielding A Machete In The Hair Care Aisle

What We Owe To Youth On Mental Health

Is This Finally When I Stop Being A Drunk?

"If You Ain't Gonna Raise Your Kids, Guess I Will."

Why Is The Bar For Men So Utterly Low?

If Someone Is Pretty, We Assume They're A "Good Mom"

When A "Fix-It Baby" Gets You Burned Alive In Your Own Car

Was April Lyda's Daughter Doomed From The Start?

The Tradwife Preparation Academy

Self-Worship Replaced Actual Faith

You Had Kids To Keep Up With Your Friends

Why Would Someone Kill Their Own Parent?

A multi-year tale of drunkenness, failure, resilience, woe, and life

The Craziest True Crime Case

The Relatively Messy Business Of Hating Yourself

"Who's Selfish Now, Bitch?"

Having Kids To Avoid Social Committments

So, Uh, Was The Unabomber Correct?

The Peril Of Banging The Nanny

J.D. Vance Just Needs To Shut The Fuck Up

A New Gender Moral Panic Emerges

A Cautionary Tale For Men

Mostly, Bosses Want Their Ass Kissed

Public Education Is (Mostly) Unabashedly Day Care

The Demise Of "The Replacement Rate"

Who Dictates What’s Best For Kids?

“Child Care Is, Well, It's Child Care…”

The Double Blind Grievance Problem

Mental Health And The Confusion Of Modern Policing

How Do Young Men Become So Violent?

The Timothy Bliefnick Case: Why Not Just Get Divorced?

The Troubling American Suicide Rate

The Scaling of American Stress (And How We Fix It)

“A Vast Sociopolitical Psychosis.”

Why Are Americans So Pissed Off About Dumb Shit So Often?

“But I Just Wanna Be Pregnaaaaaaaant…”

Emotional And Professional Absenteeism

What Topics Should Be Discussed At Work?

What Does It Feel Like To Not Be Able To Impregnate Your Wife?

“The People Most Drawn To Power Are Usually The Least Fit To Wield It.”

We Got A Mom Of The Year Candidate Down In Arkansas

"Thou Shalt Not Diminish The Penis!"

Why Do We Assume Work Must Have "Purpose?"

"sO bUsY wItH tHe KiDs"

The Ballad Of Complacency Sex

The Tybee Island Vibrator Case

Why Would Someone Drink 10 Beers On A Random Weekday?

Are We Approaching A Worker Revolt?

J.D. Vance Thinks He "Saved" Usha

Boys Apparently Lost The Ability To Talk To Girls (Recently)

Did We Totally F*ck Our Younger Generations?

“Because I Was An Uninvolved Parent, I Had To Buy A Company.”

Your Ex Abuses Your Kids. You Go To Jail.

Want A Fat Bonus? Cut Costs.

Can We "Blame" Feminism For Modern Issues?

Is America Fucked?

How Is Trump Seen As A Religious Savior?

“Most Employees Have Probably Never Been Asked How They Prefer To Work.”

Killing Your Kids With A Speargun

"One Of The Only Times My Husband Shows Me Respect."

How Can We Prevent Another Rowan Morey Case?

The War FOR Talent Became The War ON Talent

"We Need To Place A Higher Value On Human Existence."

On Men Feeling Useless + Worthless

American Adults Feel Stuck

Why Do Americans Love The NFL So Much?

Did A PhD Candidate Kill An Infant?

The Decline Of Parental Joy

The Importance Of Being Supported

Music Festival, Brain Injury, Elementary Principal, Naked Man In The Neighborhood

Sobriety vs. Producing Three Kids

We Don't Allow Ourselves To Be Bored Anymore

The Candy Family Massacre

Do We Value Children As Much As We Claim We Do?

Denise Prudhomme Was Dead At Her Wells Fargo Desk For 96 Hours?

Why Would You Ever Expect A Politician To Help You At All?

"Wifey Makes The Plans."

Do We Let Parents Off The Hook For Too Much?

Bad Managers Destroy Home Lives, Too

Our Two-Faced Approach To Mental Health

Infertility And The Long Quest For "Normalcy"

The Single-Biggest Challenge Of Adult Friendship

Canaries in the Coal Mine

Can We Use Data To Solve Mass Shootings?

Could Society End In 991 Years?

What Will You Value As Your Career Ends?

The Legal System Comes For White Parents

Modern Women Are Struggling To Parent Young Boys

What Happened To "Moderates?"

Since 2000, What Events Have Most Divided America?

The "Bootstraps" Narrative: America's Deep-Seated, Often Flawed, Look At Work Ethic

On Domestic "Labor:" "My Husband Turns 37 Tonight. I Gotta Go Home And F*ck."

"nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE..."

Don't Dream Of Labor: Why Must We Optimize For Everything?

The Moralization Of Work

Labor Day: We Value "Work Ethic," But Not "Workers."

The U.S. Economy Is Designed For The Affluent

"You Will Never Know A Love Greater Than This."

Put The Childless Into "Nuanced" Buckets

Normative Male Alexithymia

The Other Type Of Inclusion

Addiction, Recovery, And Insularity

"If I Don't Like You, I'll Silence You."

Why Does Anyone Care About Ballerina Farm?

Women, Babying Men

How Addiction Fucks Up Your Goals

Unpacking Our Collective Jason Kelce Love

RIP Livable Wages

Taylor Swift's Fertility, Caitlin Clark's Agility...

"She Seemed To Care. She Wanted To Play With My Cock."

Getting Executed In A Taco Bell Drive-Thru

What's A World With More Older Dads Look Like?

"I Don't Like You, But I HATE Them."

My Fat, Childless Ass Went To A Bunch Of Kid Birthday Parties (So You Don't Have To)

White-Collar Work Is Dying


Powerful Men Love To Scapegoat Their Wives

"It's Pronounced Cum-La."

What Do Women Want?

The Creeping Toxicity Of The Boy Mom

The Gradual Realization You'll Never Be A Dad

The Ellie Masukevich Incident And Gen Z's Demise

Adult Friendship: The "Tiers" Issue

Partisan Schadenfreude

The Flaw In Marriage's Core Assumption

Why Would You Have Three Kids With A Man Who's Gonna Kill You?

Men Want Servants, Not Partners

On Broken Men, Acting Strong

Pregnancy Kink.

The Incel Problem

The Affluent Need For Comfort And Convenience Is Destroying Us

The Pathetic, Petulant Professional Manager

What Is "A Family Man" Anyway?

"I'm The Problem, It's Me?" (Not Always): My Struggle With Consistent Employment

Can Anyone Actually "Judge" Another?

What's The Value Of Being Selfish?

"Dude, A Fucking Three Year-Old Doesn't Know The Guest List"

Why Trump Dreams Of Biden

Losing A Friend vs. Losing A Job

Nickels in the Couch Cushions

How Marriages Become Sexless

We Destroyed The Socially-Necessary Jobs

The Rise Of Performative Motherhood

How Do Friendships End?

In The Interest Of Sobriety, I Present My 12 Worst Drunks

We Allow Managers To Hide From Real Responsibilities

Millennial Moms and The Still Face Effect

Sex As The Only Form Of Marital Appreciation

Thou Shalt Not Diminish The Penis

An Under-Discussed Dividing Line Of Adulthood

Less Motherhood = More Social Justice

Kraft Store Karen

"Spit On That Thang."

Gina Bryant And The "Gap Time" Of Domestic Violence

Why Is Everything Now About Race?

"Domestic Labor" Also Means Sex

Why Do Companies Actually Hire?

Does Anyone "Deserve" To Be A Parent?

How Middle Management Kills The Economy

"Emotionally Invested In Work" = Have Nothing Else

Donald Trump and Hunter Biden Are The Same Guy, In Reality

On The Loneliness Of Men

How An Adult Friendship Implodes

Epstein Smoke, Epstein Fire.

If We Don't Pay Teachers Well, Can We Fire Them For Doing OnlyFans?

"If Our Kids Weren't Friends, Would We Actually Be?"

The Lies We Tell Ourselves As Adults

What Is "The Essence of Valuable Adulthood?"

The General Decline of Fatherhood

One Of My Worst Drunks

Gen Z Isn't Substantial And Chases "Vibes"

We Don't Value "Children." We Value Babies.

No, He Didn't "GIVE" You Those Kids

What Are We Missing About Understanding Humanity Thus Far?

Why Is Burnout "A Woman's Issue?"

According to the Bible, What Makes A Man?

"The Bible Is Not An Instruction Manual For American Greatness."

The Dance Of Grief, Longing, And Joy

The Orgasm Gap

Are We Thinking About Addiction Properly?

The 93% Overlap Problem

Why Don't Rich People Stop Working?

Raising Kids While Caring For Parents

What are the expectations of friendship?

Got Laid Off, If You Want To Help Me Out

It Is OK, Yes, For Guys To Be Depressed

The Evolution Of Performative Work

I'm A Fuck Up

How Infertility Destroys You

What Topics Should Be Discussed At Work?

Did We Totally F*ck Our Younger Generations?

Why Is The American Suicide Rate Rising?

Welcome Back, Kiddos! It's Culture War Time.

What Is "The Aim Of Public Life?"

The General Collapse Of Meaning

The Team Leader Of The Future

Welcome to Letterboard SZN

Do We Need Dads To Be Macho?

Why Are Men Terrified Of Saying "I Love You" To Other Guys?

What's The Data On "I Regretted Being A Parent?"

To A Boss, You Are Just Ugly Carpeting

Strivers vs. Worshippers

How Exactly Is "Middle Class" Now Defined?

Why Bama RushTok Is "A Thing"

Understanding The Baby Boomer Wealth Transfer

"Adults Prioritize West Elm Furniture, Not Friendship."

How Women Prop Up Toxic Males

Why America Is Uniquely Polarized

Improving Front-Line Leaders

The Overpopulation Of Elites

The Middle Manager Problem

What Happens As Boomers Retire + Die?

Why Are Americans So Obsessed With Being Busy?

The Morgan Geyser Case: What We Owe To Youth And Mental Health

Moral Panic.

If Automation Takes Jobs, How Will People Buy All The Crap We Produce?

Employee Morale Confusion

Chad Doerman and Men "Just Snapping"

The Selfishness Index: New Moms vs. Childless Women

The Hawthorne Effect

Salary Transparency.

The Perils Of Drinking By Yourself

If You Won't Raise Wages — How Can You Complain About The "Skills Gap?"

What Determines Your Earning Potential?

Are We Having The Wrong Discussion Re: Social Media?

Why Does A Childless Woman Piss Off Conservative Guys So Much?

The Decline Of Meaningful Human Interaction

In The Whole J.D. Vance Context: Does Every Woman WANT To Be A Mom?

J.D. Vance Really Needs To Shut The Fuck Up ASAP

The Nuance of the Work Friendship

"Productivity Hacks" vs. Self-Awareness

PWR: Priorities | Who | Relationships

The Semantic Creep of "Racism"

“Because I Was An Uninvolved Parent, I Had To Buy A Company.”

What Percentage Of CEOs Are Sociopaths?

Thou Shalt Not Diminish The Penis

Why Do We Assume Work Must Have "Purpose?"

What's The Value Of Being Selfish?

Compensated Slavery

We Look Past Each Other

Yea, Man -- Of Course Senior Leadership Is Out Of Touch.

The Busy Paradox

Should We At Least Acknowledge "Toxic Masculinity?"

What Is The Actual Purpose Of Politics?

Is It Obligatory To Bang Your Husband On His Birthday?

Oftentimes, Men Don't "Show Up"

The Glass Ceiling Never Made Sense

What Are The Expectations Of Friendship?

We Made Parenting Too Hard, No?

“But I Just Wanna Be Pregnaaaaaaaant…”

What's The Actual Point Of A Job Interview?

Babies As Blessings?

The Decline Of Society's Young Men

When You Chase Two Moments, But Can't Get There

The Trump Shooter And "The Third Wave"

So We Dropped The "E" In "DEI." What's That Mean?

Your Job Does Not Love You Back, No

The "Rituals" Problem Of Male Friendship

"Cancel Culture" Needs Tiers

The Problem Of Giving A Shit

Infertility Just Fucking Murders You — And Most People Could Care Less

Woke-Washing + Whac-A-Mole

Why Are Men So Bad Conversationally?

Marriage As A Form Of Negligence

The Increasing Subjectivity Of White-Collar Work

The Mess That Is "Luxury Beliefs"

The Overblown Implications Effect

America's Dance With Age

Biden Did The Right Thing — And Hopefully Other Boomers Realize That

The Pros and Cons of Collaboration

Motive Determines Performance

The Victimhood Olympics

"Let People Molt."

Frame Differences As A Source Of Value

Does Anyone Give A Flying Fuck?

The Outsourcing Of Male Friendships

The Rift vs. The Drift

Autism, Mental Health, And The Confusion Of Modern Policing

Ethan Layne, Despair, And Mental Health

Why People Have Kids: The Full List

The Raising Of Narcissists

How We Discuss "Leadership" Is Bullshit

Accepting Differences Of Opinion And Lifestyle

How The Upper Middle Class Inevitably Became A Prison

The Fear Of Not Being Good Enough

Bogeyman Alert: "Critical Race Theory"

We're Terrible At Understanding Addiction

The Demographic Crisis

"My Husband Turns 37 Tonight. I Gotta Go Home And Fuck."

The Creation Of Pointless Work Fires

The False Emancipation Of Motherhood

You Getting Laid Tonight?

Many Men Want Servants, Not Partners

How Americans Lost Faith In Everything

The Rise Of Choking In Teenage Sex

"Well-Being Is A Right, Not A Perk."

How An Adult Friendship Can Blow Up

"Hate These Little Bastards; Love Being Pregnant."

OK, So What Constitutes Happiness Now?

Have We Gotten Any Better Since Columbine?

"He GAVE Me Three Kids."

How Trump Understands Loyalty

J.D. Vance and the Double Blind Grievance Problem

What Do We Know About Thomas Matthew Crooks?

The Irony Is That Trad-Wives Are Often The Worst Moms

{bawls} "What If I Never Get My Girl?"

The Loneliness Of Men

Dads Should Take The Role More Seriously

Why Managers Don't Get The Best From People

Big Irony: "Authenticity" Discussions About Work Are Often Fake As Hell

The Personification Of Gen Z Entitlement

Anxiety, Risks, Blame, and Regret

Why Exactly Are Bosses Paid More?

"Dude, A Fucking Three Year-Old Doesn't Know The Guest List"

If No One Can Afford To Have Three Kids, Society Will Erode

We Stopped Caring About Each Other

Friends With Kids vs. Those Without

Interracial: On Black Athletes And White Women

The Logic Of The Sexless Marriage

The Ultimate Ghosting

The Troubling American Suicide Rate

The Power Of Soft Misogyny

It Feels Incredibly Shameful To Not Impregnate Your Wife, Honestly

The Candy Family Massacre

Improving at Time Management

Achievement vs. Fulfillment

Less Motherhood = More Social Justice

Throwing Your Baby In The Trash

We Don't Value "Children;" We Value Babies.

Millennial Moms and The Still Face Effect

The Sprinkle vs. The Shower vs. Who Gives A Fuck About This Stuff?

Managers Are Constantly Justifying Their Job

Christina Revels-Glick: Tybee Island Vibrator Case Might Be A Murder

Is America Truly An "Achievement Culture?"

"Is This About My Wife?"

The Penalization Of Initiative

"The Phone Works Both Ways"

Should We Care When Teachers Do OnlyFans?

If Everyone Is Broke, Does That Make Marriage MORE Of A Necessity?

Can A Yard Sign Make You A Better Person?

The Jacksonville Weekend, Or When I Knew A Relationship Was Crumbling

Politics, Turf Wars, and Misalignment

The Inherent Creepiness Of "Work Wife"

When A 10-Year-Old Commits Suicide

The Challenge Of Money + Status

Donald Trump and Hunter Biden Are The Same Guy, In Reality

When Affluent White Women Get Bored

The Problem Of Supposedly-Elite Women

Observations From The Jungle Of Kids' Birthday Parties

What If The Problem Isn't "The Phones," But Rather It's Bad Parenting?

America, Unfortunately, Has A Rather Large-Scale Fatherhood Problem

Did COVID Kill Our Collective Mental Health?

Barry Morphew, Ostensibly Guilty As Sin

"Cheating Whore:" The Iowa Corn Rake Murder

The Lies Men Tell (And, Ah, Often)

Chris Watts' Mistress: Think She Did It?

Over A Week Later, That Debate Is Still A Fucking Absolute Disaster

John Wayne vs. Jesus

America's Potential Demographic Crisis

Why Does One Half Of America Now Utterly Disdain The Other Half?

"Pull Yourself Up By Those Bootstraps, Son"

As America Turns 249, We Ask: Um, So What Is "Middle Class" Nowadays?

Happy Fourth. So, Is America Fucked?

"If Our Kids Weren't Friends, Would We Actually Be?"

The Gradual Realization You'll Never Be A Dad

The Very Affluent Live In 1954

Work MORE? F*ck Off, Let's Work LESS.

The Logical Fallacy Of The Gender Reveal Party

Why We're Obsessed With Hawk Tuah

Work's Emotional Reckoning

Are Young Women Doing OK?

Why Don't Rich People Just Stop Working?

The Executive Worldview Is Comically Narrow

Self-Worship Replaced Actual Faith

I Think I'm Probably A Fuck-Up

Understanding Transactional Analysis: Parent | Adult | Child

Sex As The Only Form Of Marital Appreciation

Work As "Sludge"

The Psychology Of Guys Who Run Corporate

An Under-Discussed Dividing Line Of Adulthood

Burnout vs. Bore-Out

What If Millennials Just Aren't Good Parents?

How Porn Breaks Masculinity

No Wonder We Ain't Hitting The Replacement Rate

"Under Psychological Pressure To Prove Their Personal Merit."

"He Could Have Just Complied."

When You Can't Give Her What She Wants

The Problem Of Keeping Up With The Joneses

A Ridiculous Hiring "Patience" Test

Most Men Prioritize (And Make Decisions With) Their Dick, Yes

Boredom Isn't An Option Anymore

At Work + Home, Can Masculinity Evolve?

Did #MeToo Kinda F*ck Over Masculinity?

Biden Is Old As Shit, But We Have A Complicated Relationship With Aging

The Higher Education Disconnect

The Ellie Masukevich Incident And Gen Z's Demise

Women, Overly-Babying Men

The Decline Of Modern Masculinity

Do We Focus On The Wrong Things?

The Messy Business Of Disliking Yourself

The 2.3 Years Problem

The Friendship Recession

{bawls} "What If I Never Get My Girl?"

Addiction Defers Your Dreams, And You Lose Control Over What Matters

Accepting Differences Of Opinion And Lifestyle

What If Automation Replaces "All The Tasks?"

"Domestic Labor" Really Often Just Means Sex

Richie Jerimovich Of "The Bear" Represents America Now

The Infertility Index: Who You Let Down

White-Collar Work Is Increasingly Meaningless

Modern Women Are Struggling To Parent Young Boys

"OK Boomer" vs. Avocado Toast

Did We Totally F*ck Our Younger Generations?

Why Are So Many Dudes So Lonely?

Our Two-Faced Approach To Mental Health

Mobility | Migration | Fertility | Automation | Inflation

Jobs Don't Love You Back, Baby

Why Don't We Ask Employees How They Prefer To Work?

Is America Fucked?

Gut Feel vs. Data-Driven

"Got Time To F*ck Me?"

What Makes A Job "Prestigious?"

"Mom Rage" And The Justin Problem

The 1959 Problem

A New Gender Moral Panic

Alright, I Got One: Who Or What Is "A Man?"

December 26, 2016. A Stoplight In Miami.

The Origin Story Of White Male Rage

Religion Fucks Over Young Women

This Should Be Sobering For Us All

The Ultimate In Male Leverage

If You Don't Train People, You Also Cannot ________

The Importance Of Being Supported

Can You Scale A Company Without Being An Asshole?

So Like, What's Up With The Childless Woman Stigma, Eh?

Of Course Job Security Is Dead, And Logically So

Why Are We Now Always Discussing "Body Count" Of Men And Women?

Leaders Can't Define "The Why" Of In-Office Work

“Not Much Beyond Humility Is Needed To Accept Differences Of Opinion And Lifestyle.”

The Invisible Religion Of Work

How Are We Feeling About The Nuclear Family Nowadays, Eh?

What Is "Middle Class" Anymore?

I'm Supposed To Understand The Mission Of My Company? And Connect To It?

America Doesn't Have A "Safety Net." It Has Women.

Denver Is Modern America

What About The Men Who Don't Take Fatherhood Seriously?

America's Fatherhood Problem

Americans Increasingly Feel Utterly Stuck

The Soft Tyranny Of Adulthood

The Confusion On Dads

Weddings: A Beautiful Classist Exercise

Of Course Resilience Matters. Managers Could Care Less, Tho.

The Gradual Realization You'll Never Be A Dad

We Take Work Too Seriously

"Professionalism" Is A False Concept

The Understaffed Myth

The Big Issues Series

The Depressing Normalization Of The Useless Husband

Taylor Swift's Fertility, Caitlin Clark's Agility...

Swift And Kelce ** SHOULD ** Be A Conservative Fever Dream

The Fleeting Bullshit That Is Conventional Success

Why People Break Up

Marriage As A Form Of Negligence

23 Ways To Think About Leadership

How Men "From Good, Respectable Families" Kill Theirs

Must You Have Sex With Your Husband On His Birthday?

We Sold Young Women A Bag Of Shit

Henry Cardana And The Demise Of Masculinity

How Entitled Moms Fuck Up America

Trump Is Stronger Guilty, Because Liberals Don't Know How To Fight Him

Chasing The Pipe Tonight?

The Confusing Semantics Of Pregnancy

How To Make Hybrid Work Actually Work

We Don't Allow Ourselves To Be Bored Anymore

What If Chris Watts' Mistress Actually Killed His Wife And Kids?

"Domestic Labor" Also Means Sex

The iPhone Is The New Parent

A New, More Logical Therapy Model

Work As A Series Of Meaningless Tasks

The Rise Of "Mom Rage"

The Tradwives And Alex Jones

The "Cheating Whore" Iowa Case

How Does Marriage Shift When Everyone Feels Broke AF?

Throwing Your Baby In The Trash

The Timothy Bliefnick Case: Why Not Just Get Divorced?

Memorial Day: More Soldiers Die From Suicide Than In Battle Now. So, What Next?

Empathy Is Not An Absolution

Powerful Men, Throwing Their Wives Under A Train

The U.S. Economy Is Designed For The Affluent

"You Will Never Know A Love Greater Than This."

The Childcare Cost Cliff

Are Young Women Doing OK?

A Brief Reformulation Of The American Dream

The Affluent Need For Comfort And Convenience Is Destroying Us

The Very Affluent Live In 1954

Why Don't Rich People Just Stop Working?

"She Seemed To Care. She Wanted To Play With My C*ck."

Men Typically Lie About What They Value

Society Values Babies. Not Children.

The Problem Of Constant Masculine Competition

Men And Their Lies

The Perils Of Rich Men

Have We Gotten Any Better Since Columbine?

The Adult Empathy Problem

Observations From The Jungle Of Kids' Birthday Parties

The "Achievement Culture" Myth

The Problem Of Keeping Up With The Joneses

Why Is There An Uptick In Female Teachers Sleeping With Their Students?

The Single-Best Predictor Of Adult Friendships

Why Men Are So Limited Conversationally

Anxiety | Risks | Blame | Regret | Value Trade-Offs

So Wait, Like, Why Exactly Are Bosses Paid More?

Can Anyone Define "Middle Class" Anymore?

"The Phone Works Both Ways"

The Thing Behind The Thing: Sexless Marriages

"sO bUsY wItH tHe KiDs"

Maybe Like, I Dunno, Raise The Fucking Bar On Fatherhood

The Nuances Of Work Friendships

The Problem Of Modern Men

Endings We Must Process

Why People Break Up

If We Don't Pay Teachers Well, Can We Fire Them For Doing OnlyFans?


Sex As The Only Form Of Marital Appreciation

How To Get Emotionally Punched In The Face

"Bro, We All Worship SOMEthing."

I'm A Fuck Up

Harrison Butker And The Unclenching Of The American Asshole

"You're A F'n Self-Loathing Alcoholic."

When A 10-Year-Old Commits Suicide

Can The Oilers End The Canada Stanley Cup Drought?

"I Make $350,000/Year. That's A Good Salary Minus These 12 Blocks!"

Exhaustion Is Now Currency

Burnout vs. The Middle Managers

The Decline Of Caring For Others

The Vulnerability Problem

The War FOR Talent Became The War ON Talent

The Great Incompetence Trickle Down

Women, Babying Men

The $842,000 Problem Of Work And Masculinity

Are Men Scared Of New Definitions Of Masculinity?

Men, Trying To Get Laid

The Peril Of Snowplow Parenting

"Men Deserve To Be Lonely."

Ethan Layne, Despair, And Mental Health

For Women To "Rise," Must Men "Decline?"

"44% Of Women Actively Reconsider Motherhood."

{bawls} "What If I Never Get My Girl?"

So Like, What's The Role Of A Dude During IVF?

Why Women Fake Orgasms

“Most Employees Have Probably Never Been Asked How They Prefer To Work.”

When Affluent White Women Get Bored

Why Are So Many Middle-Aged White Guys So Fucking Enraged Constantly?

When You Can't Give Her What She Wants

"Adults Prioritize West Elm Furniture, Not Friendship."

Why Are So Many Dudes So Lonely?

Friends w/Kids vs. Friends w/o Kids

Holy Shit, Now We Say Childbirth Is Racist?

The Demand For Grandchildren

Ah, The Ballad Of Shitty Managers

Good Friends vs. Trash Friends

The Ellie Masukevich Incident And Gen Z's Demise

App Sprawl

The End Of Babies (?)

The Origins Of Racism

Some Women Do Like To Fuck

Strivers vs. Worshippers

{giggles} "It Happened Sooner Than We Thought!"

Why Modern Adults Feel Stuck

We Spend Too Much Time Hating "The Other"

Accepting Differences Of Opinion And Lifestyle

What Is "A Family Man" Anyway?

The Flaw In Marriage's Core Assumption

"I'll Choke Ya, But I Ain't No Killer, Baby."

Think Being A Wife Isn't A "Job?" Read This Mess.

What Is "The New Religion?"

The "Urgency" Lie

Self-Compassion vs. Self-Esteem

Ronnie Wiggs And America's Inflation Collapse

No Wonder We Ain't Hitting The Replacement Rate

Why Is The American Suicide Rate Rising?

The Pseudo-Sexuality Of "Work Wife"

The Decreasing Value Of Human Existence

How Porn Breaks Masculinity

The Importance Of Seeing Others

Most Men Prioritize (And Make Decisions With) Their Dick, Yes

Interracial: On Black Athletes And White Women

The Ballad Of Bobby LaRocca

Gina Bryant And The "Gap Time" Of Domestic Violence

"The Only Reward For Good Work Is More Work"

Why Did Derek Rosa Kill His Mom?

Biden, Trump, And America's Deeply-Complicated Dance With Age

Understanding Transactional Analysis: Parent | Adult | Child

Stephanie Melgoza And Gen Z Entitlement

Did We Totally F*ck Our Younger Generations?

Beige Moms?

Are "Boy Moms" More Toxic?

The Rise Of Performative Motherhood

Does Every Woman WANT To Be A Mom?

Your Mom Is Not Perfect

The False Emancipation Of Motherhood

The Friendship Recession

Getting Laid Tonight?

Karen Homolka And How Much People Can Actually Change

The Legal System Has Come For White Parents

The Ballad Of Greg Richane: COVID And Smashed Friendships

Less Jobs = Better Interest Rate, Ya?

Why Would You Record Your Own Layoff?

The Economy Is F*cking Piped

"He Could Have Just Complied."

"If Our Kids Weren't Friends, Would We Actually Be?"

Y'All Chasing Empathy On Mother's Day, Or Chasing Your Own Shit?

America Has A Fatherhood Problem

Emotional, And Professional, Absenteeism

How Your Dick Breaks Your Brain

"Travel Soccer Is Just Killing Us This Year."

Are Liberals Too Whiny?

Why Do We Neglect What's Really Important In Life?

The Lies Men Tell About Their Depths

New Mexico Moms, Throwing Babies In The Trash

Why Don't Rich People Just Stop Working?

Addiction Defers Your Dreams, And You Lose Control Over What Matters

"Obviously, I Could Never Relate..."

Does Alcoholics Anonymous Actually Work?

The Single-Biggest Challenge Of Adult Friendship

All The Really Important Jobs Are Now Part Of The Ideology Wars

"When Their Masculinity Is Threatened..."

Christina Revels-Glick: Tybee Island Vibrator Case Might Be A Murder

The Adult Empathy Problem

The False Flag Of Liberal Teenage Female Depression

The Football Star, Liquid Cocaine, And The Terminated Pregnancy

What Would Make A Husband "Good" At That Role?

Why Are All These Teenage Girls Getting Choked In Bed Nowadays?

It's Maternal Mental Health Week. Let's Get Real On It.

Are People Unhappier Right Now Than, Say, 10 Years Ago?

April Lyda's Daughter Was Doomed From The Start

Are Men Truly Even The "Stronger" Gender?

The Validation Of Your Own Brilliance

Boredom Isn't An Option Anymore

The Complicated Fulfillment Question

What COVID Maybe (Actually?) Changed About Society

If We Know What "Bad Management" Looks Like, Why Doesn't It Evolve Out?

When The Husband Disappears From The Instagram

The Uberization Of Work

The "Mission" Of A Company Is To Make Money. The Rest Is Bullshit.

The Macho Dad Point Of Confusion

COVID Didn't Really Change Work. But Declining Fertility Will...

Taylor Swift's Fertility, Caitlin Clark's Agility...

The Rise Of Performative Motherhood

The Creation Of A Teenage Monster

Feminism's Fatal Flaw

What's The Data On "I Regretted Being A Parent?"

Over-Optimizing Our Lives Is Killing Us

How Americans Lost Faith In Everything

"Mom Rage" And Its Origins

When Affluent White Women Get Bored

What % Of Men Do We Think Actually Understand Ovulation?

Breaking Up With The Best Man

What Is "Micro-Feminism?"

The Problem Of "Police Data"

"Parents Have Fallen Into A Victim Mentality."

The Alyssa Zinger Case: What Is Happening To Our Young Women?

"No One Gives A Sh*t:" The 20-40-60 Rule

Why Kobe Bryant Makes Me Cry

Eh, No One Gives That Much Of A Shit

Marriage, In Times Of Inflation

Why Are SF And NYC Now Hellholes?

Ruminations On The Death Of A Friend

The Timothy Bliefnick Case: Why Not Just Get Divorced?

"He Was A Mama's Boy."

The Flawed Logic Of How We Understand Other Humans

Most Of America Now Seems To ... Not Like America?

Public Education Is (Mostly) Unabashedly Day Care

What Is The Actual Purpose Of Politics?

An Evolving Attempt To Reduce My Triggers

So, Uh, Is School Now Optional?

What Does The Bible Say About Being A Man?

The Gold Handcuffs Of "Similar Life Stage"

If Your Wife Wants Kids, And You Cannot Provide Said Kids, You Are Now A Joke


If You Were Blessed (Yes) To Be A Dad, Fucking Actually Try To Be OK At It

Who You Let Down When Your Dick Don't Work

Postmodernism | Pandemic | Purpose | Performance

Sleep Training Vs. Capitalism

We Were Taught To Ignore Bullies

Please Don't Let People Get Too Far Gone

"There's Something Deeply Broken About Young Men In Society."

The Nuances Of Work Friendships

The Rise Of The Solitaries

Giving Up On Addicts Is Shitty

The Reasons Behind Sexless Marriages

Marriage As A Form Of Negligence

You Had Kids To Keep Up With Your Friends

Pedicures And Penetration

One Major Reason Marriage Is In Decline

The "Cheating Whore" Iowa Case

Did Barry Morphew Kill His Wife?

The Main Ways That Adult Friendships End

The Workplace Evolved To Be "Shockingly Inhumane"

Why Companies Seem So Bad At Training

What Factors Make A Job "Meaningful?"

Who Gives A Sh*t About Ballerina Farm?

"Why Would I Help Out Those Less Fortunate Than Me?"

What's The Point Of Higher Education?

The Nashville Shooting And What It Means To Be A Man

“Most Employees Have Probably Never Been Asked How They Prefer To Work.”

Where I Tell My Haters To Suck On It

The Sick Bullshit That Is Job Scams

What Is a "Trad-Wife" And How Has This Created A Moral Panic?

Meeting Your End In A Home Depot

We Claim To Value "Children," But The Reality Is That We Value Babies.

The Intersection Of Automation And Greed

Why Are So Many Middle-Aged White Guys So Fucking Enraged Constantly?

What If Chris Watts' Side Piece Killed His Wife And Kids?

When A "Fix-It Baby" Gets You Burned Alive In Your Own Car

Your Identity vs. The Truth

"A God-Sized Hole In America:" Some Guy In PA Beheaded His Dad Over Joe Biden?

"We Were Smoking The B*tch" | "Was Riding Him Like A Donkey"

True Crime's Craziest Case: Ellie Friar

Chase Woke, Go Broke.

The Boys Are Going MAGA

Trump Didn't Create The Mess, But He Sure As Hell Amplified It

The 67 Hour Rule

Is America Fucked?

Getting Yours Tonight?

How The Upper Middle Class Became Its Own Prison

"Most Connected Time In Human History, Yet Also The Loneliest."

The Power Of Endings, Professionally And Otherwise

The "Let Me Off The Hook" Problem

Honestly, I'm A Fucking Loser Who Probably Was Never Ready For Adulthood

25 Years After Columbine, Where Are We?

Autism, Mental Health, And The Confusion Of Modern Policing

"$300,000 Is The New $100,000"

DEI Has Become A Joke. But, We Can Fix It.

DINKs Are Now A Moral Panic (LOLz)

The Problem Of Constant Masculine Competition

How Many Times/Week ** Should ** Couples Have Sex?

🎶 Kill Your Brother, Torch His House 🎶

Why Would Someone Drink 10 Beers On A Random Thursday?

{bawls} "What If I Never Get My Girl?"

Why Are Men So Bad In Therapy?

How We Think About Addiction

Both Parents On Their Phones, Both Kids On Their Phones

The Tiers Of Work And Life

Is Debate Dead?

When You Can't Give Her What She Wants

The Obligation Of Sex In A Marriage

Parenting Is Now An Olympic Sport

"She Seemed To Care. She Wanted To Play With My C*ck."

The Sixth Mass Extinction Event

Why Are Bosses Paid More?

Why Are Men So Conversationally Boring?

The Boomer Divorce Rate Is Now Wholly Interesting

Why Don't We Elect Bosses At Work?

What If Women Make Better Bosses Than Men?

Ban Phones From Schools. Period, Full Stop.

Why Women Fake Orgasms

The Very Affluent Live In 1954

"I Got Sick Of The Constant Rage."

The Paper Tiger Of "Woke Capitalism"

The Rise Of Choking In Teenage Sex

BEIGE MOMS?!?! Kill Me...

Where Is The Line Between "Work" And "Woke?"

Barbie Was Apparently About Abortion

"The Economy Is F*cking Rigged, Man"

Imagine Seeing A Video Of Your Mom Being Disappointed About Your Gender Right Away

Overwork Kills People -- And Companies

Is There A "Why" On Familial Violence?

Is Pittsburgh Giving Up On Cops?

The Pathetic, Petulant Professional Manager

What Does It Feel Like To Not Be Able To Impregnate Your Wife?

The Hawthorne Effect And The Knowledge Economy

Trad-Wives And Those Cray Cray Eyes

"He Should Have Complied."

What About Those Who Won't Forgive?

The Semantic Creep Of The Word "Racism"

Americans Don't Really Prioritize Friendship (At Least Not Over Work)

One Man Did This

Why Am I So Sad And Angry So Often?

What Makes "A Good Man?"

Emotional And Professional Absenteeism

The Legal System Comes For White Parents

23 Ways To Think About Leadership

The Inherent Bullshit Of Infertility

Who The Fuck Cares If Lizzo Is Fat?

Miswanting: The Silver Bullet Problem Of Adulthood

Men: Do They Need "Purpose" Or "Respect" More?

The Bad Attitude Work Myth

We Sold Young Women A Bag Of Shit

The Hamitic Myth

The Decline Of Job Market Optimism

Some Women Do Like To Fuck

John Wayne Vs. Jesus

Improving Leadership Development

How Can Dudes Support Other Dudes?

There Was Only One Societal End Game For Instagram, Really

The End Of Babies (?)

The Anthropological Reason Why You Hate Your Boss

Jesse Watters Needs A Cattle Prod To The Taint Region

Mental Health Chatbots: Kill It With Fire

Adriana Kuch: Must Everything Now Be About Race, Somehow?

The Pathology Of Killing Your Parents

Who Or What Is A "Norby Williamson?"

The Ignominy Of Dying In The Hair Care Aisle

Consultants, Though, Are Often Morons

Maybe The Only End Game Was Sleeping With Robotic Women, Right?

The Alyssa Zinger Case: What Is Happening To Our Young Women?

The Affluent Need For Comfort And Convenience Is Destroying Us

The Effects Of Porn On Men

Why Are Americans Always So Fucking Pissed Off At Each Other?

The Math On Greed Vs. Homelessness

The DINK Wars

The Biggest Lie Of White-Collar Work

"The Bible Is Not An Instruction Manual For American Greatness."

The Not-Quite-Unsurprising Happiness Of The Divorced Woman

Swift And Kelce ** SHOULD ** Be A Conservative Fever Dream

Why Do Guys Never Seem To Know What Grade Their Kids Are In?

The Complicated Fulfillment Question

Is Management An Actual Job?

Does Alcoholics Anonymous Work?

What Does The Bible Say About Being A Man?

Infertility And The Long Quest For "Normalcy"

Please Don't Let People Get Too Far Gone

The Fear Of Not Being Good Enough

The Tyranny Of "Therapy Speak"

OK, So How Do You ** KNOW ** Someone Is A "Good Mom?"

Taylor Swift's Fertility, Caitlin Clark's Agility...

Kyle Rittenhouse Was The Canary In The Coal Mine

BEIGE MOMS?!?! Kill Me...

The "Bootstraps" Narrative: America's Deep-Seated, Often Flawed, Look At Work Ethic

The Fundamental Problem Of Adult Friendship

White Male Rage: A Primer

The Troubling American Suicide Rate -- And What To Make Of It

75% Of Employees Hate Their Direct Boss

O.J. Is Behind So Much Of Our Modern Bullshit

"Parents Have Fallen Into A Victim Mentality."

The Demise Of The Neighborhood

The Depressing Normalization Of The Useless Husband

Y'All, We Don't Value "Children." We Value BABIES.

Karen Homolka And How Much People Can Actually Change

The Boys Are Going MAGA

I Spent $32,600 On IVF. Got Shit From It. So Like, What's Next Legally There?

The Morgan Geyser Case: What We Owe To Youth And Mental Health

What Factors Make A Job "Meaningful?"

Are Liberals Too Whiny?

"Work Wife" Is The Creepiest Of Concepts

You Had Kids, In Large Part, To Keep Up With Your Friends

How Entitled Moms F*ck Up America

Kraft Store Karen

Why Must We Optimize For Everything?

Travis The Chimp And Understanding Humanity

The Crumbleys Got 15 Years Today. What Now?

True Crime's Craziest Case: Ellie Friar

Known And Unknown Triggers

A Letter To Those Who Hate My Writing

What Is The Role Of A Husband?

30 Years Of "One Shining Moment"

Seven Years After Getting Divorced, Have I, Uh, Learned Anything?

For Men, Being An Asshole Is Profitable

We Destroyed The Socially-Necessary Jobs

The Dad's Place Case In Ohio: Is The Actual Purpose Of "Religion" On Trial?

The AI Societal Brink

The Problem Of "Police Data"

How Americans Lost Faith In Everything

"Body Count:" WTF Is This A Culture Topic Now?

The Satanic Temple Of Jeffrey Epstein

What If We Let Moms Do The Best They Can?

The Timothy Bliefnick Case: Why Not Just Get Divorced?

"Travel Soccer Is Just Killing Us This Year."

Ruminations On The Death Of A Friend

The Era Of Declining Parental Accountability

As We Scream About Immigration, Shouldn't We Fear TikTok More?

The Insane Brian Cohee Jr. Case Out Of Colorado

Why Do We Neglect What's Really Important In Life?

A Core Question On Modern Husbands

Why Are So Many Teachers Sleeping With Their Students?

Why Are SF And NYC Now Hellholes?

Pedicures And Penetration

The John Wonder Case In Kansas City Is The Demise Of Masculinity, Writ Large

We Need Consumers. Thus, Workers. We Gotta Lower Childcare Costs.

A Potentially Grim End For Baby Boomers

How Many Times/Week ** Should ** Couples Have Sex?

Gina Bryant And The "Gap Time" Of Domestic Violence

Why Did Derek Rosa Kill His Mom?

"$300,000 Is The New $100,000"

"There's Something Deeply Broken About Young Men In Society."

What If Chris Watts' Mistress Actually Killed His Wife And Kids?

"The Gilbert Goons:" A Story For Our F*cked-Up Modern Times

The Erosion Of Our Collective Social Skills

"The Only Reward For Good Work Is More Work"

Biden, Trump, And America's Deeply-Complicated Dance With Age

Why Do People Get Married?

A Reckoning Is Slowly Coming For Shitty, Uninvolved Parenting

What Is The Point Of Instagram?

Managers Often Have ZERO F*cking Clue What "Productivity" Means

The U-Curve Of Happiness: Your Prime Working Years Are Breaking Ya

What Does It Mean To "Care" For Someone?

Kids Versus No Kids

The Obligation Of Sex In A Marriage

The Friendship Recession

The Justin Problem (And Mom Rage)

What Does It Feel Like To Not Be Able To Impregnate Your Wife?

What Is a "Trad-Wife" And How Has This Created A Moral Panic?

(Ironically) Our Quest For Perfection Destroys Us

The Logical Fallacy Of The Gender Reveal Party

Infertility Sucks And Ultimately Breaks You

Getting Laid Tonight?

DEI Has Become A Joke. But, We Can Fix It.

23 Ways To Think About Leadership

"You Will Never Know A Love Greater Than This."

Management Is A Shitty Job, And More People Have Woken Up To That


When The "Fix-It Baby" Leads To You Getting Murdered

Meeting Your End In A Home Depot

How Is Trump Seen As A Religious Savior?

The Morgan Geyser Case: What We Owe To Youth And Mental Health

A multi-year tale of drunkenness, failure, resilience, woe, and life

"We Were Smoking The B*tch" | "Was Riding Him Like A Donkey"

Weren't Recessions Supposed To Be "Once In A Lifetime?"

The Tech Emperors Have No Clothes

You Had Kids, In Large Part, To Keep Up With Your Friends

Please Don't Let People Get Too Far Gone

Society's Canary In The Coal Mine

Could You Teach Empathy To An Adult?

The Paper Tiger Of "Woke Capitalism"

How To Explain The World At A Cocktail Party

Hybrid vs. Remote vs. RTO: Who Really Cares?

Tomorrow Morning, Will Instagram Moms Suddenly Be More Nuanced?

We Claim To Value Workers; That's A Lie. We Value, Vaguely, "Work Ethic."

Is America Fucked?

Easter 2024: Churches Are Often Two-Faced (And It Loses Them People)

Is Identity The New Religion?

"He Is Risen:" What Does The Bible Say About Being A Man?


The Intersection Of "Holy Week" And "Entitled Moms"

The Silver Bullet Problem Of Adulthood

Easter And Hypocrisy

"Blessed Be Thy Children:" Does Infertility Make You Lose Faith In God?

The Future Of Christianity: John Wayne Vs. Jesus

"A God-Sized Hole In America:" Some Guy In PA Beheaded His Dad Over Joe Biden?

"The Bible Is Not An Instruction Manual For American Greatness."

On Easter 2050, Will Organized Religion Still Exist?

Addiction And The Pros/Cons Of Harm Reduction

Infertility And The Long Quest For "Normalcy"

The Phone-Less School Seems Like A (Potentially) Good Idea

Richie Jerimovich Of "The Bear" IS America Now

The Semantic Mess Of "Defund The Police"

The Rise Of "Mom Rage"

The (Yes, We Were Waiting For This) Demise Of Commercial Real Estate

The Culture Wars Came For The DINKs

Teenagers Beheading The Homeless?

The Adult Toddler Husband Reigns

The Patrick Lyoya Case Was A Police Execution

But, WHY Does Your Infant's Face Need To Be On Instagram?

A Dangerous Police Experiment In Pittsburgh

The Fucking Female Stigma We Cannot Break

Overwork Kills People -- And Companies

Kid, It's All Tribalism

Why We Generally Suck At Work-Life Balance

Easter Is The Instagram Mom Super Bowl

Has Parenting Legit Gotten Worse?

"Politics? I Got Sick Of The Constant Rage."

Potentially My Biggest Drinking Regret

What Does It Feel Like To Not Be Able To Impregnate Your Wife?

How Can Dudes Support Other Dudes?

Work Isn't Racist, No. It Is Often Very Myopic.

"Trauma" Is Now Social Capital (Sadly)

The Nashville Shooting And What It Means To Be A Man

Who The Fuck Cares If Lizzo Is Fat?

Why We Ignore The Big Issues

Does Anyone "Deserve" To Be A Parent?

Why Are Americans Always So Fucking Pissed Off At Each Other?

Yo -- The Far Left And Far Right BOTH Suck, Dogg

Adriana Kuch: Must Everything Now Be About Race, Somehow?

What Happened To Madison Brooks, And Why Should We Care?

Who The Hell Would Want To Be A Teacher, Or A Cop, These Days?

Roger Federer Hits An Ace On Work-Life Balance

How To Make Management Suck Less (For All Involved)

Wielding A Machete In The Hair Care Aisle

The Effects Of Porn On Men

The Decreasing Value Of Human Existence

Your Manager Could Care Less About Your Burnout

"Building Wealth Is The Closest Thing They Have To Fun."

The "Self-Care" Lie

The Rise Of The Mostly-Useless Husband

Ban Phones From Schools. Period, Full Stop.

The Team Leader Of The Future

“What Young Boy Isn’t Going To Gang Bang A Woman Giving Him Alcohol And Dip?”

"Every Divorced Woman I Know Is Happier."

Is It True That Working-Aged Men Just, Um, Stopped Working?

The Gold Handcuffs Of "Similar Life Stage"

A Dog Walk, A Baby, And Freshman Year Of College

Why Must We Optimize For Everything?

Swift And Kelce ** SHOULD ** Be A Conservative Fever Dream

The Pathetic, Petulant Professional Manager

Why Do We Call It "March Madness?"

Parenting Is Now An Olympic Sport

How Entitled Moms F*ck Up America

For Men, Being An Asshole Is Profitable

The STUNNING Boomer Divorce Rate

What Successful Organizational Development Looks Like

In The Aggregate, Millennials Appear To Be Not-So-Good At Parenting

How Americans Lost Faith In Everything

Work Is About CONTROL, Not "Productivity"

Higher Education's New Purpose: Boost The Fertility Rate

The Childcare Costs Are TOO DAMN HIGH

Let's 20x That $10 Of Yours

Most People Cannot Read A Chart Or Graph To Save Their Mother's Life, No

Where Is The Line Between "Work" And "Woke?"

The Fear Of Not Being Good Enough

Robbing Your Kids Of Color To Meet Your Aesthetic Goals Is Modern Motherhood?

Imagine, If You Will, The Post-Nut Clarity Of An AI Girlfriend

Who Is "Deserving" Of Redemption?

"Body Count:" WTF Is This A Culture Topic Now?

How To Turn $10 Into A Decent Costco Run

Why Are White Men So Pissed Off All The Time?

Infertility: Most Don't Care, Many Ignore, But It's Fucking Reshaping America Nowadays

Riley Strain Case: Please, Please Take Care Of Your Drunk Friends

Is Pittsburgh Giving Up On Cops?

Join This March Madness Pool

The Semantic Creep Of The Word "Racism"

The American Friendship Recession

What About Those Who Won't Forgive?

What The F*ck Does "Woke" Mean?

The Math On Greed Vs. Homelessness

Trump As "Savior?" A Bit Laughable.

Why Modern Moms Are So Enraged

The Power Of Good Questions, And How Managers Confuse That With "Backtalk"

The "Bootstraps" Narrative: America's Deep-Seated, Often Flawed, Look At Work Ethic

"Why Would I Ever Help Out Those Less Fortunate Than Me?"

Elon, Why We Have Kids, And The "Quiet Part Out Loud"

Are You Reading This At A Kid's Event?

Seven Years After Getting Divorced, Have I, Uh, Learned Anything?

The Necessary Unclenching Of The American Corporate Asshole

What's The Latest With Epstein's Island?

Who Gives A Sh*t About Ballerina Farm?

Getting Piped Tonight?

The Baby Boomers' Ending Looks Grim

Jeff Bezos Is The Personification Of Mid-Life Crisis

When Your Friends Struggle, Do You Actually Fucking Show Up?

Is Management An Actual Job?

Perhaps The Greatest Irony Of Modern Work

"Not Having A Kid Is The Ultimate In Being Selfish."

The Hawthorne Effect

Katie Britt Got Those Cray-Cray Eyes, But...

A Core Question On Modern Husbands

Now We Have "Beige Moms?" F*cking Just Shoot Me Already.

Let Me Give You $500 To $1,000

The Erosion Of Social Skills

Infertility And The Long Quest For "Normalcy"

How Can Men Make More Friends?

The Creeping Toxicity Of The Boy Mom

"She Seemed To Care. She Wanted To Play With My C*ck."

More People In Therapy: Good/Bad/Indifferent?

Pedicures And Penetration

Parenting Has Gotten Worse.

The Fear Of Not Being Good Enough

The Upper Middle Class Is A Prison

Why Are SF And NYC Now Hellholes?

Most "Jobs Data" Is Pretty Much Useless

Kyle Rittenhouse Was The Canary In The Coal Mine

Why Are So Many Female Teachers Sleeping With Their Students?

"sO bUsY wItH tHe KiDs"

The Depressing Normalization Of The Useless Husband

Chronically Online: The Unpickable Pick-Mes

"There's Something Deeply Broken About Young Men In Society."

Biden, Trump, And America's Deeply-Complicated Dance With Age

Why Do People Get Married?

Weren't Recessions Supposed To Be "Once In A Lifetime?"

Let Me Give You $500 To $1,000

Does Alcoholics Anonymous Work?

Motherhood Doesn't Save You

The Obligation Of Sex In A Marriage

Why Do We Neglect What's Really Important In Life?

Why Women Fake Orgasms

Addiction And The Pros/Cons Of Harm Reduction

HR Is Useless, And The "Pick-Me" Of Corporate Life

As We Scream About Immigration, Shouldn't We Fear TikTok More?

The Era Of Declining Parental Accountability

Why Do Guys Never Seem To Know What Grade Their Kids Are In?

I'm Struggling And Could Use Your Help

The Complicated Fulfillment Question

Mom Rage | Marriage Rage | The Justin Problem

How Adulthood Breaks People Apart

We "Girl Boss'ed" Too Close To The Sun

The Childcare Cost Cliff And Its Downstream Implications

The Hardest Part Of Divorce That We Never Openly Discuss

How And Why We Came To Love Jason Kelce

Public Education Is (Mostly) Unabashedly Day Care

"Men Deserve To Be Lonely."

Infertility And The Long Quest For "Normalcy"

The Demographic Bomb

You Had Kids, In Large Part, To Keep Up With Your Friends

The End Of Organized Religion

"The Only Reward For Good Work Is More Work"

"She Seemed To Care. She Wanted To Play With My C*ck."

Let Me Give You $500

Why Would You Have Three Kids With A Man Who's Gonna Kill You?

Addiction And The Deferring Of Time

Why Do Women Put Up With Useless Husbands?

How Do Friendships End?

The Deepest Problem Of Adult Friendship

The Not-Quite-Unsurprising Happiness Of The Divorced Woman

How In The F*ck Did I Get Laid Off ... From A Church?

At Work, We Only Pretend "Resilience" Matters

The Origin Story Of White Male Rage

No One Cares About Your Burnout, No.

Nothing Like The Smell Of An Entitled White Woman In The Morning

Most White-Collar Work Is Now Utterly Meaningless

"The Economy Is Rigged, And That Impacts Your Well-Being."

Work Samples + Resume

The Giant Lie Behind "Self-Care"

Modernity's Impact On Contemplation

What If -- Hear Me Out -- Society Is IMPROVING?

Hypocrisy Is A Major Feature Of Modern America

Managers Often Have ZERO F*cking Clue What "Productivity" Means

The Tech Emperors Have No Clothes

"You Will Never Know A Love Greater Than This."

A Dog Walk, A Baby, And Freshman Year Of College

Are We "Pro-Life" Or Moreso Just "Pro-Birth?"

Work Is Absolutely, Positively NOT Your "Family"

The Erosion Of Our Collective Social Skills

The $842,000 Problem Of Work And Masculinity

What's Up With All These People Over 60 Getting Divorced Nowadays?

Got Laid Off Thursday; Could Use A Bit Of Help.

Getting Laid Tonight?

As An Adult, Do You Prioritize Your Friends?

I Did IVF Twice. (Failed Twice.) What's Up With This Alabama Court Case, Then?

America's Demographic Crisis

America's Current Failure To Launch

VIDEO: The Quiet Part, Out Loud

The Depressing Normalization Of The Useless Husband

The Intersection Of Automation And Greed

AUDIO: The Exhaustion Of Getting Laid Off

We're Not Providing Enough Support To Those Who Manage Others

The Authenticity Paradox

Emotional And Professional Absenteeism

Men Are Apparently Not Working Anymore. Is That Actually True?

Weren't Recessions Supposed To Be "Once In A Lifetime?"

"The Bible Is Not An Instruction Manual For American Greatness."

OK, So How Do You ** KNOW ** Someone Is A "Good Mom?"

What If You're The Villain Of Your Own Story?

John Wayne Vs. Jesus

The False Idols Of Adulthood

That Time TCU Sent A Cop To My House, And/Or The Overstaffing Of Higher Education

Why Are Women So Often Shitty To Each Other Along The Fertility Journey?

Anxiety, Risks, Blame, Regret, And Entitlement

{GASP} "Nobody Wants To Work Anymore!"

The Decreasing Value Of Human Existence

Why Women Fake Orgasms

Unpacking Our Collective Jason Kelce Love

"Travel Soccer Is Just Killing Us This Year."

"Who Would Ever Put Friendship Over Career?"

How The Upper Middle Class Became A Prison

"Every Divorced Woman I Know Is Happier."

Thing Behind The Thing: The Uptick In Therapy

Elon, Why We Have Kids, And The "Quiet Part Out Loud"

The Grim Reality Of Homeless Baby Boomers

Imagine, If You Will, The Post-Nut Clarity Of An AI Girlfriend

"Not Having A Kid Is The Ultimate In Being Selfish."

Infertility And The Long Quest For "Normalcy"

WTF Is A "Trad-Wife" And Why Is This Now A Political And Ideological Thing?

"Thoughts and Prayers."

Kansas City. Osteen's Church. So Like, Um, What Now?

Can We Ever Use Data To Solve Mass Shootings?

Why Do People Get Married?

Why Are Men Terrified Of Saying "I Love You" To Other Guys?

Sex, Morality Clauses, OnlyFans, And Teachers: The Brianna Coppage Story

Biden, Trump, And America's Deeply-Complicated Dance With Age

The Semantic Creep Of The Word "Racism"

The Bottom Of The Masculinity Pit

Swift And Kelce ** SHOULD ** Be A Conservative Fever Dream

How Can Adult Males Make More Friends?

Kyle Rittenhouse As The Canary In The Coal Mine

The Era Of Declining Parental Accountability

The Super Bowl (Taylor's Version)

The Effects Of Porn On Men

"The Only Reward For Good Work Is More Work"

Travis The Chimp, The Maine Shooting, And Understanding Humans

What Does It Mean To "Care" For Someone?

Bad Bosses Ruin Companies (Oh, And People)

Modern Men Are Derp Losers Rooted Entirely In Sperm Speed And Video Gaming

"44% Of Women Actively Reconsider Motherhood."

The Troubling American Suicide Rate -- And What To Make Of It

We "Girl Boss'ed" Too Close To The Sun

Friends With Kids Versus Friends Without Kids

The Tyranny Of "Therapy Speak"

Most Men Prioritize (And Make Decisions With) Their Dick, Yes

Unfortunately, But Also Logically, We Fire Remote Workers At A Higher Clip

The Affluent Need For Comfort And Convenience Is Destroying Us

“What Young Boy Isn’t Going To Gang Bang A Woman Giving Him Alcohol And Dip?”

Y'All, We Don't Value "Children." We Value BABIES.

How Does Parenting Shift If Bad Parenting Has Significant Legal Consequences?

"You're A Self-Loathing Alcoholic."

Understanding The Baby Boomer Wealth Transfer

The Gold Handcuffs Of "Similar Life Stage"

How Is Trump Seen As A Religious Savior?

"There's Something Deeply Broken About Young Men In Society."

Some Guy In PA Beheaded His Dad Over Joe Biden? Jesus...

The Origin Of Business Buzzwords

The Inherent Bullshit Of Infertility

The Fear Of Not Being Good Enough

Men: Do They Need "Purpose" Or "Respect" More?

Jeff Bezos Is The Personification Of Mid-Life Crisis

Postmodernism | Pandemic | Purpose | Performance

"It's My Husband's Birthday. Guess I Gotta F*ck."

"Taylor Swift Ruined Football" Is The Ultimate Siren Call Of The Male MAGA Loser

"F*ck It All And Your Joy:" The Inherent Bullshit Of Infertility

Why Do People Post Their Kids' Photos All Over Online?

How Adulthood Diverges

Here's The Letter I Wrote To My Ex's Siblings When We Broke Up

"Once She Has Her Third Kid, You're A Relic, Dude."

Are Men Scared Of New Definitions Of Masculinity?

Mr. Patel Versus Mr. Smith

The Problem Is Bad Parenting

What Does It Mean To "Care" For Someone?

Why Am I So Sad And Angry So Often?

What Does It Feel Like To Not Be Able To Impregnate Your Wife?

Why Must We Optimize For Everything?

Why Do Guys Never Seem To Know What Grade Their Kids Are In?

Addiction And The Deferring Of Time

Why Do We Neglect What's Really Important In Life?

Is Management An Actual Job?

Unpacking Our Collective Jason Kelce Love

How Can Men Make More Friends?

"Building Wealth Is The Closest Thing They Have To Fun."


Observations From The Jungle Of Kids' Birthday Parties

Does Infertility Make You Lose Faith In God?

What's The Point Of Modern Feminism?

As 70M People Watch Chiefs-Ravens, Worth Asking: Why Do We Love The NFL So Much?

The Decline Of The "Sex For Stability" Model

The $842,000 Problem Of Work And Masculinity

What Are The Best NFL Conference Championship Games Of All-Time?

The DINK Wars

Public Education Is (Mostly) Unabashedly Day Care

"Taylor Swift Ruined Football" Is The Ultimate Siren Call Of The Male MAGA Loser

"Men Deserve To Be Lonely."

Why Are So Many Female Teachers Sleeping With Their Students?

2024: Epstein Smoke Becomes Epstein Fire

About The Girl Who Recorded Her Cloudfare Layoff, Brittany Pietsch

Richie Jerimovich Of "The Bear" IS America Now

How Do Friendships End?

The Upper Middle Class Is Its Own Prison

Are Modern Men Essentially Just Sperm Donors?

The Erosion Of Social Skills

Right, But Who Gives A Sh*t About Ballerina Farm?

Friends With Kids Versus Friends Without Kids

"Every Divorced Woman I Know Is Happier."

You Also Divorce The Friends

We Allow Managers To Hide From Real Responsibilities

What Is The Role Of A Husband?

Biases, Fallacies, And Tribalism -- OH MY!

"sO bUsY wItH tHe KiDs"

Per Day, What Does Bad Leadership Cost?

Who Is "Deserving" Of Redemption?

What If Millennials Just Aren't Good Parents?

AUDIO: We're Not "Pro-Life" So Much As "Pro-Birth" Or "Pro-Baby"

What Are The Best NFL Divisional Games Ever?

Why Are Men Universally Terrified Of, And Bad At, Therapy?

Conventional Success Is Fleeting Bullshit

The Grim Reality Of Homeless Baby Boomers

AUDIO: The Quiet Part, Out Loud

"A Ring, A Baby, And A Threesome."

A Simple, If challenging, Societal Solution: Get Laid More.

The Friendship Recession

In The Interest Of Sobriety, I Present My 12 Worst Drunks

Addiction And The Deferring Of Time

So What Happens When AI Replaces "All The Tasks?"

The Very Affluent Live In 1954

White Middle-Aged Guys And The DEI Problem

The Urban Doom Loop

"All Trump Voters Are Racist" = Lacks Nuance, Doesn't Help Defeat Trump

The Troubling American Suicide Rate -- And What To Make Of It

Does Infertility Make You Lose Faith In God?

The Culture Wars Came For The DINKs

Most Men Seem Very Confused By Ovulation

MLK Was A Deeply-Flawed Man. Isn't That The Point?

What Does It Mean To "Care" For Someone?

How Americans Can Feel Connected To Others Again

What's The Latest With Epstein's Island?

Breaking Up With The Best Man

How Many Times/Week ** Should ** Couples Have Sex?

What's The Best-Ever NFL Wild Card Game?

Trump Did Not Create This Mess

The Affluent Need For Comfort And Convenience Is Destroying Us

Why Would Someone Drink 10 Beers On A Random Thursday?

Most People (Self Included) Drink To Feel Seen

The General Collapse Of Meaning

Scientifically, How Can Adult Males Make More Friends?

Why Are So Many Female Teachers Sleeping With Their Students?

HR Should Stand For "Hardly Relevant"

Why Must We Optimize For Everything?

How Do Friendships End?

Elon, Why We Have Kids, And The "Quiet Part Out Loud"

2024: The "Lesser Of Two Evils" Year

Postmodernism | Pandemic | Purpose | Performance

Hybrid, Remote, And The Creepy Nature Of "The Work Wife"

Why Have Three Kids With A Man Who's Gonna Kill You?

Anthropologically, Why Do You Hate Your Boss?

"The Razor's Edge Of Someone Else's Joy."

The Single Article That Made Me $13,396 In 2023 -- Which I Wrote In Six Minutes

Wait -- Barbie Was About Abortion?

Modern Masculinity Is Kinda In The Toilet, No?

Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud About Having Kids Versus Not

White-Collar Work Is Utterly Pointless

Does The "Rise Of Women" Mean "The End Of Men?"

The Culture Wars Came For The DINKs

2024: Epstein Smoke Becomes Epstein Fire

The 12 Worst Types Of Managers

The Psychology Of Terrible Workplaces

Isn't It Shitty To Give Up On Addicts?

Identity vs. Work For The Title Of "New Religion"